Ghost Recon, AssCreed, Switch 2, Oh My
Hello. All sorts of things and rumors I can talk about today. Eh, I’ll just get into it, I’m sure the title will be enough to tell you what’s going to be in this.
Some new info on a new Ghost Recon game has come out. Possibly just rumors and there’s probably more out there I just heard about two things I think. One being the plot is set during a fictional war, that’s all I really know. If I remember right Breakpoint takes place further in the future then our present and obviously before Future Soldier so maybe this new game will be after FS? Could be cool. The other thing I’ve heard is they want to go back to a FPS view which I’m on the fence about. I like the third person view myself and the only time I ever played Ghost Recon when it was an FPS was way back when on my family’s first iMac that had a demo of Ghost Recon. In the game you controlled three squads that you could switch between and you played a unit from that squad. It was a little weird and a little slow, I usually would pick the sniper, who was alone in his squad, and go around picking off people that were on their own and when I needed a squad I’d switch over to another group. I can’t imagine that’s how Ubisoft plans on doing it, the more I hear about the gameplay the more it just sounds like Rainbow Six Vegas which would be totally fine by me! I loved the Vegas games and if they’re not going to give us a new R6 campaign/co-op game then this would be the next best thing. I’d be cool with an FPS that when you get to walls the camera shifts into a third person view and you can control your squad in a similar fashion to Vegas. The only thing you could really do in Wildlands was tell your group to open fire, go here and sync shot which was probably the most useful. I guess you could tell them to hold, regroup too but it was a little cumbersome. People online, myself included, have complained about the change but again, if it’s like Vegas then go for it. The only thing I hope for is they just do what they planned on doing without seeing what people have said online and don’t try to make a change midway through and make it awful. Kind of like adding your squad to Breakpoint after the fact, like, they made the game to be a solo/co-op experience, not to have AI teammates so trying to get it in later was just not great. In my opinion I just want them to do their vision, make it the best it can be and then judge that without people coming in throughout production being “oh I saw this online and I think we should implement it” or “this game is doing this so I think we should do it too.” Everyone involved in making a new game should just stay off social media; go dark until they’re done. Don’t be swayed by outside opinions and if there are playtesters then please for the love of god give honest feedback and Ubisoft, listen. Like I cannot imagine there was really a room full of people who tested Breakpoint and was like “you know what? I really enjoyed tumbling down a small incline every five seconds. So real. I struggle with that in my everyday life too.”
Creed Shadows had a trailer recently, it was fine I guess. People are
complaining a shit ton like they always do. I mean, I clearly enjoy complaining
about stuff but they’re complaining about a fictional story with characters
that are loosely based around real historical events and the people that were
there. It’s not supposed to be an accurate depiction of the time or whatever,
chill out. But for the most part it looks fine. I’m hoping for some stealthy goodness.
The last games of the franchise I’ve played were Origin and Odyssey and they
aren’t really that stealthy. You can do some stealthy things but it’s meh. So
I’m hoping the ninja side of things can be stealthy and the samurai side of
things is more like the “newer” AssCreed style. Something I noticed though was a shot of a port, with boats, and towards the end there were people with muskets.
Now I don’t know history all that well but I do know humans so if there’s
muskets there’s a good chance there’s bigger muskets on them boats too. I’m
just wondering if we’ll be able to do some navel combat again. In the modern
games they have SOME navel stuff but it’s a lot of ramming and bow and arrows,
meh, that stuff’s for the birds, I want some AC4 boat stuff. I actually could
see it being more like AC3 where you have specific missions you go out to do
and come back and not be an open world thing because I think Shadows is
supposed to take place in one large city? From what I heard? Wait and see I
guess. In one of the Reddit posts I saw of people complaining they were
complaining about people who preorder stuff and that “you aren’t PART of the
problem, you ARE the problem” and saying something about a steelbook and I was
like “Steelbook? I like steelbooks” and proceeded to look around for someplace
where I could preorder and get a steelbook. I’m a sucker for steelbooks and I’m
also incredibly impatient. I want games now not later, mostly because I don’t
want shit spoiled for me and I typically only preorder stuff I’m really looking
forward to. I also will buy games, play them for a bit and decide “maybe
later.” Something I’m actually kind of missing from the AssCreed formula is the
whole Desmond lineage thing. I think what always intrigued me about that part
of the original stories is that I don’t know much at all about my family tree
so it’s fun to fantasies that my ancestors did something kind of important way
back when. But, as far as the game goes, it did make it limited as to what time
periods and what cultures you could explore with just Desmond. Something about
AssCreed though is the DLC seems to be where things get crazy and are things
I’d probably be more interested to play. Although I’ll buy games at launch
and/or preorder I don’t always get DLC which is kind of a bummer because the
stuff I’ve heard about Origin and Odyssey’s DLCs sound pretty awesome. Last
year I played AC3’s Tyranny
There’s been talk about the Switch 2 a lot lately and a lot of people are thinking Mario Kart 9 is going to be a/THE release game and I find that hard to believe and also if that’s the case it worries me a little. In my mind Metroid Prime 4 would be the bridge game between the Switch and its successor like Breath of the Wild was for the WiiU/Switch. MP4 would be the “last” game on Switch and the first one for the Switch 2. If it’s MK9 then I feel like the Switch 2 isn’t going to be much different than the Switch. The last few consoles Nintendo has defiantly done things no one expected and I can’t imagine where you go from the Switch but it’s true that Mario Kart 8 is from the WiiU times and I’ve been wanting a new one so badly and 9 would be a huge seller but if it’s the first new game for the Switch 2 then is it just going to be a more powerful Switch? Like everything else in this post, wait and see but it is a fear I have.
I mentioned in the AssCreed part that I have a bunch of games that I just haven’t finished and right now there’s a ton of old games I just have the urge to play. I haven’t finished Armored Core 6, barely touched Horizon 2 and AC Mirage, haven’t touched FF7 Rebirth, just got Ghost of Tsushima on PC and Hellblade 2 has come out so I’d like to give them my $50 before Microsoft scuttles them too. So I have a huge backlog of games and old games I want to play so I could wait for some of these games to go on sale before purchasing them but I don’t want to. I guess what it comes down to is I can afford it. If you can wait a year most things drop dramatically in price especially on PC and I get that but I feel like if I might be missing out on something if I’m not playing a game right when it comes out or I might see some spoilers somewhere.
So XDefiant has released, again, we’ll see how that goes. I haven’t played since a beta in like 2021 but I did notice they replaced the Ghost Recon representatives from the Wolves of Breakpoint to Future Soldiers of Phantoms. I find that interesting. Like Breakpoint is such a smudge that they’ve pulled characters from a lesser known game to replace the most recent entry. I thought Phantoms was a mobile game but I guess it was an online multiplayer for PC. Anyways, I’ve said in other posts about this but hopefully this will be kind of where Ubi pools their multiplayer money so they can just really focus on good gameplay and well written stories for Ghost Recon and maybe even Splinter Cell. We don’t need a lot of bells and whistles. Vegas, Future Soldier, Chaos Theory (online opinion, I really enjoyed Pandora Tomorrow) were all solid.
So that’s that. Ubisoft I think has a bad rap online, as do most publishers, but they are one of the only third parties I follow. They just make settings I really like even if the gameplay and writing falls flat sometimes, if they can just figure that part out they’d be golden. So I’m hopeful for the next Ghost Recon and Assassin’s Creed and I hope the Switch 2 is another banger. What are your thoughts on the rumors of Ghost Recon and the trailer for Shadows? What do you think the Switch 2 will launch with? Are there other rumors you’ve heard about? How’s XDefiant? Is it a CoD killer? Let me know below and I’ll be back when something interesting happens. Bye-bye!
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