Wish List 2020

            Hello. I haven’t been writing too much. Been kind of busy with things, been working on some

 projects kinda, if that’s what you want to call it. I thought I’d do another wish list type thing. Most of

 this list is just stuff I forgot to mention last year but here goes.

            First I’d just like to hit on some things from the last wish list. The new big thing with “tires” for Nintendo this holiday seems to be the Mario Kart Live game/RC car. I mean it’s cool and all and if this came out when I was a kid I would totally want it but I’m not so it’s a tad disappointing for me. No new Mario Kart this year. But Monster Hunter Rise is a thing and I’m pumped for that. That’s part of the “projects” I’ve been working on, maybe doing some videos for MHR when it comes out. @H4mmerBros playing Monster Hunter again. But we’ll have to see how things go. The other games I listed off aren’t things. MonHun Fighter, new type Pokemon game; although I’m pretty content with Sword and Shield, and obviously no Nintendo vs Sega Smash game. I was looking at Steam and just typed in “Sega” and it’s crazy how many games Sega actually has a hand in. If they did do Nintendo vs Sega Smash they’d have plenty of games to pull from.

            First game on my list is a Marathon reboot from Bungie similar to the Doom 2016 reboot. I bought Doom 2016 on a whim. I was in the mood for a new FPS and Killzone on the Vita was stupid expensive for some reason so I got Doom. I was immediately blown away. I loved how the Doom Marine emoted during the first conversation with Samuel Hayden. You could tell what he thought of the situation. Other protagonists are kind of just like “Well, it is what it is; this is my job after all.” I’m less interested in Doom Eternal though. I don’t like the direction it went. It’s more arcade-y, more comical and all these skins are just an eyesore. I should get around to finishing it sometime though. So I only played Marathon on the 360 a little bit but just this image alone makes me think “Yup, this could be brutal.” I don’t know if Bungie would ever do it because of Halo but if they did the Doom formula of no reloading and what not I think they could differentiate it enough from Halo. Halo was “Combat Evolved” after all so just make Marathon un-evolved. That’s all.

            Next game is something I think about often and think it’s already a real thing just from art I see and stuff but then I look for it and it’s not. I want a third person, Tom Clancy type shooter with anime girls. There’s so much crossover art with things like Girls Frontline and The Division or Rainbow Six Siege that it tricks me into thinking it’s already a real thing. They’ve made “anime souls” so just do that but like The Division. But not too much like The Division. I play it but I have no idea what’s happening. There’s so much with skills and attributes and talents and random diamond pick ups and on and on. I have no idea what all this stuff is for! There are so many different armor types with different skills, I just want to be able to select what I’m looking for in armor and that’s what drops or the best type of armor for that specific attribute is just automatically applied or put on. It just needs to be a tad simpler. I mean, I barely know what I’m looking for but @NEETproxy and I are still able to do some missions on the hardest difficulty so what do I know? And there are so many anime that deal with girls and guns. Girls und Panzer, Upotte, Strike Witches, C3-BU so I know the interest is there. But yes, I want to play as and with other anime girls/women in a third person shooter that isn’t awful. There are a lot of awful TPS’ and I just would like something on the same level as a Tom Clancy game. As I’ve undoubtedly said before; the Tom Clancy games are GOOD just never great. Some more so than others but.

            I don’t have much of a concept for this game other than Black Lagoon meets Cyberpunk 2077. Basically Cyberpunk 2077 but set in the current times in some lawless land where assassins and mercenaries congregate. As of writing Cyberpunk is not out yet and I have no real idea what it is or if I’ll even be interested in the game at all but I want to be. I want it to be interesting and I want to WANT to play it, if that makes sense. But I just want a game based around the concept of Black Lagoon and/or Jormungand. Honestly I’d just like more things like Black Lagoon and Jormungand, anime or video games.

            Can you tell I’m not as into these last few? Next wish game is a Monster Hunter game but more sci-fi, maybe set in the Horizon Zero Dawn universe. Don’t get me wrong, I’m perfectly happy with Monster Hunter Rise being announced but I’d also like to see some competition. I thought Xenoblade Chronicles X was going to be it but I couldn’t get into the combat. I was pretty disappointed. HZD Monster Hunter makes a little more sense to me. You fight big robots, take there plates and make armors out of them. It could be cool.

            Last game is just a plan old new game of a series. A new Armored Core. I know FromSoftware has been busy and riding high on their Souls’ games so I don’t know if they’ll come back to Armored Core. Or maybe try to make Armored Core into a Souls like game somehow. Let me bore you a little with how I came to know AC. Back in the awesome days of demo disc, there was a demo of Armored Core. My friend and I played it over and over and the mechs were slow and clunky but in my mind that’s what a giant fucking robot would be like. They wouldn’t be flipping around like a Gundam or Knightmares from Code Geass. So years pass and I’m in the game store at the mall and as I’m about to leave I notice at eye level Armored Core 2. Next time I went to the store I bought it and I really enjoyed it. I got the next games right up to 5. They changed throughout the sequels but I really couldn’t get into 5 at all. I didn’t like how they changed the weapon system and I didn’t really play much after that so I’d be really interested in seeing what they do for a new Armored Core. There are not really many mech type games like AC at all. There’s the spiritual successor Daemon X Machina but I haven’t got around to playing that either.

            That’s my list for the year. Ugh, I’m tired… Do you have any games you’re wishing for? Like any of my ideas? I hope you like at least one of my ideas… Okay, bye-bye!

                                   @AztecSauce                                    @H4mmerBros


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