Girls' Fron... Ghost RECON Frontline


            Well well well, look what Ubisoft did. Gave me a reason to write about Ghost Recon some more. Ghost Recon Frontline (Girls’ Frontline, Ghost Recon Frontline, couldn’t have thought of something else? I swear companies do this on purpose or like, they try to use similar words to confuse people or maybe to get them to want to buy their game because the wording is similar? Doom ETERNAL, Halo INFINTE. What was the old one everyone was using? Revelations? Anyways.) is an upcoming free-to-play battle royale type game set in the Ghost Recon setting. Supposedly it’s supposed to have other modes but we’ll see, maybe, because everybody is fucking HATING this. I understand where they’re coming from but I’m actually optimistic about Frontline.

            So why am I optimistic? A few reasons, one being that it seems similar to Future Soldier’s multiplayer. There are points on the map where you gather intel and such and the goal is to call for extraction and get off the island. The map doesn’t shrink like most battle royales so that’s intriguing, you don’t have to be the last person standing you just have to get out. The second reason I’m optimistic is because other franchises that went with a multiplayer only game have been quite good. I didn’t play Rainbow Six Siege for like four years because I loved Vegas 2 so much and was bitter we didn’t get Patriots but when I played it I absolutely adored it. It’s not typical Rainbow but it’s still super fun. I’d probably play it more if the community didn’t have such a hard on about “being pro.” It’s a very nerve wracking game for me, puts me on edge, I feel trapped and get all sweaty. It’s kind of scary when you’re the last person alive and have a few people hunting you. Apex Legends is another example. I only started playing it because it’s “set in” the Titanfall universe. I find it fun. Do I hope for a new single player/co-op Rainbow and Titanfall, of course but these aren’t bad at all. They’re bad if you’re not into multiplayer games though. Also I’m still not totally sure how I feel about Rainbow Six Extraction… My third reason I’m hopeful is because if this is Ubisoft's main Ghost Recon multiplayer focused experience then they can forget about adding multiplayer into the new entries and really focus on a normal, traditional Ghost Recon game. There was a trend where games would throw in a multiplayer mode when they really didn’t need one and I couldn’t help but think that time and money they spent on it could’ve been put towards the actual core game and made it much better. Assassin’s Creed 4 comes to mind when I think about this so if they separate the experiences with separate, dedicated teams I think we might be better for it.

            Now again, I understand everyone’s frustration with Ubisoft doing this with the Tom Clancy franchises. Tom Clancy used to mean tactical, story driven games and it seems like now they’re just going for the cash grabs like all the other companies but being super late to the party. They still haven’t showed off The Division Homeland so that can’t be a battle royale, if it is then this is just plain silly. They’d be like Capcom putting out multiple fighters at the same time, hurting their own player base. XDefiant is more of an arena type shooter like CS:GO but that’s another game that’s being dragged for it’s multiplayer focus with the Tom Clancy name.

            That’s all I guess, just wanted to put out my initial opinion out real quick. What are your thoughts on Ghost Recon Frontline? GRF… Grif? I’m calling it Grif from now on. We’ll have to keep our eyes on it, until then, bye bye!




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