
Showing posts from December, 2023

Hopes for Wilds and Other Random Things

                 Hello! I’m back! I’ve been playing World here and there and there are some things that I do not miss being gone in Rise/Sunbreak, so I’m gonna talk a little about them along with my hopes and dreams and other stuff.             I’ll just throw out some quick things that I’ve already harped on many many times so I won’t go back over them; better/fun hair options (anime hair), mandatory cutscenes before playing with friends, wind added as an element, helmet options for hub and hunting, more of a hub like Splatoon 3 (random player hunters about), weapon design closer to Rise and less like World, the wishlist was better in World than Rise. One thing that has always been annoying is other monsters constantly fighting your target. It’s cool to see a turf war once in a while but sometimes it’s like the entire fight the other two monsters are just there to make your life hell. It wasn’t so bad in Rise/Sunbreak. Each monster would come in and have a fight and they take off fo

WoW Times 3

                 Hello hello! So I’m still wedged between wanting to play Monster Hunter and playing World of WarCraft because I’ve paid for it so now I must play it. This was going to be a split post about MH and WoW but the WoW part just kind of snowballed so I’m going to split it up. The MH one will probably be much shorter but eh, what can you do? So I’m gonna talk about what I hope to see in the next expansions and some things I’ve been seeing videos and forum posts about.             Before I talk about what I’m hoping to see I want to talk a little about my current adventures. @Proxy and I had made some Alliance characters, he made a red Draenei hunter and I made a Void Elf frost mage. We leveled up quite high, got to the same level as my Lightforged paladin so I switched characters. I do not like mages. I’ve tried them a few times in the past and they’re just not for me. @Proxy had made a Zandalari druid and got to my Pandaren priest’s level, and happened to be heading whe

Monster Hunter Wilds Trailer Thoughts

  Hello! So, a trailer dropped for the next Monster Hunter at the Game Awards so it’s time to do some speculating! It wasn’t a very long trailer but it did say “2025” so I got that right! Yay! But the Monster Hunter 20 th logo did not get a weapon filled in like I thought it might. So let’s get into it.             The game is called Monster Hunter Wilds so another “MHW.” I hope people in the game don’t call the land you’re in “the wilds” all the time like they would call the area in World “the new world,” it’s just dumb. “The wilds” I can see more than “the new world” but the damage has been done so please don’t. People are speculating that it’s an open world game and although I like my concept I had written about before that was back during, and with it in mind, MH Gen graphics. I suppose they could still do it in a similar way but after World/Iceborne and each zone being strikingly different I don’t know if they will or can make a seamless open world like that.             Som