WoW Times 3


            Hello hello! So I’m still wedged between wanting to play Monster Hunter and playing World of WarCraft because I’ve paid for it so now I must play it. This was going to be a split post about MH and WoW but the WoW part just kind of snowballed so I’m going to split it up. The MH one will probably be much shorter but eh, what can you do? So I’m gonna talk about what I hope to see in the next expansions and some things I’ve been seeing videos and forum posts about.

            Before I talk about what I’m hoping to see I want to talk a little about my current adventures. @Proxy and I had made some Alliance characters, he made a red Draenei hunter and I made a Void Elf frost mage. We leveled up quite high, got to the same level as my Lightforged paladin so I switched characters. I do not like mages. I’ve tried them a few times in the past and they’re just not for me. @Proxy had made a Zandalari druid and got to my Pandaren priest’s level, and happened to be heading where I was questing so we were questing together, he does not like druids lol. After that we started playing around with him on a Kul Tiran shaman and I’m doing a destruction warlock VE. I like the Void Elves, sue me. So far I like destruction. I haven’t had my demon out at all, don’t really need it, we kill everything quick enough. I don’t know how necessary it is for destruction also, I imagine if you were playing solo it would be helpful but like even if I was in a raid would anyone even notice if I didn’t have one out?

            Aside from that I’ve been trying to hammer down my main priest race and getting some transmog stuff. I think if I picked honestly my favorite race would be the Void Elves at this point. They have stupidly good racial abilities, I have okay mounts for them and I love their accent. (I’ve mentioned before how silly my reasons for picking a race is, something like an accent is a factor.) But I don’t really want to have one as my main because it would just be leaving an elf or an elf, what’s the point?? Arg! Anyway, I was questing on a Lightforged priest in Warlords and found a new chest piece so I put it on and oh my god. It has an open back and the LF have these tattoo type things and also this metal stuff on their bodies and with this dress you could see it all and I was like “damn, that’s cool.” After that I was looking for more armor with an open back and there isn’t a whole lot. I looked for some transmog ideas for my paladin also but nothing really jumped out. There’s a lot of skimpy armor that show off most of the back but I don’t really want to do that and I don’t really want to play a paladin much, it’s not my favorite. I did find some transmog ideas for my priest so “maybe,” I thought, but then I was on my Shaman working on getting the back piece for the transmog and I saw this emo/goth ass Pandaren priest and I was like “damn that looks good!” I didn’t get to see what armor she had but I found something on the r/Transmogrification subreddit that I kind of like for my Pandaren. Even when I know the armor the other person was wearing, when I look at it and have it on my character it doesn’t look as good. When @Proxy and I were questing we saw a rogue wearing some pretty cool armor, she had a backpack, glasses, she looked like an NPC. I got a look at the backpack but the rest I didn’t but after looking online the best I could come up with was “VanCleef’s Battlegear” which does look cool. Not 100% that’s what she was wearing but pretty sure. I don’t know why armor seems to pop more on other peoples characters to me then my own, anyways. Before I had said I was leaning more towards a Pandaren and I do have “lore accurate” mounts for her and there’s even a glyph that turns your shadowfiend into a sha so why not? I still would like to have a LF to show off their back but what’s the point of having so many priests?

            So some things I’m hoping for in the next expansion or so; I hope they do revamp the glyph system/loadouts and Season of Discovery changes in retail. I don’t know why I feel like the glyph thing is going to happen or like, it’s just a “matter of fact” but I do. I’m sure it’s apparent by now but I really like having my characters “lore accurate” or something, just things that make sense, or even just things that make sense to myself and my story. Like I think it’d be really fantastic if Pandaren shaman’s elementals looked like the spirits in Pandaria. I think it’d be great if shaman could pick how they’re elementals looked. I think wanting your spells to not look shadow-y when you play discipline but be voidish if you switch to shadow is understandable. I would just like some kind of a loadout button you can load with what transmogs you want on, what glyphs you want your spells to look like and maybe/obviously(maybe) what talents you want. You can save talent loadouts so we’re almost there, but as far as glyph like, I still really like the concept art from my last post. They’re just cool. If you had different ones of those scattered around to find I’d be okay with that, until the one I want is in like some bullshit 50 man, mythic raid. I mean, it’s like character skins in Overwatch or Apex right? Game devs shit out those things every few months, just do some for our classes.

            I think it’s a given that the stuff they’re doing in Season of Discovery is going to make its way into retail eventually. It’s like they’re testing it. Things like tank shaman/warlocks and healing mages is kind of silly, but so wasn’t Tauren paladins and mage Orcs yet here we are. Before SoD was even a thing I saw a video of a guy saying how tank shaman just make sense and their role element could be earth and again, it makes sense. I don’t quite know how tank warlocks work but it seems apparent that the demon is the tank, like a demonology build. Also classes (like warlocks) that have three DPS builds, why not change one (like demonology) into a tank build? There’s some wiggle room with some of these classes they could totally play with.

            I get WoW forum suggestions a lot on my phone so I’ll look at them from time to time and I find peoples perspectives on the game interesting. A lot of people want to be at war with the other faction and/or think there’s too much cooperation, “it’s WARcraft” they’ll say but like, the main characters of the game are tired of war. They’ll fight to survive but no one is actively looking to pick a fight. The only person who did that without being manipulated in some way was Garrosh and the response I see a lot of the time is “go play classic then” which is true, you want world PvP, that’s the place to do it. World PvP made sense back in the day, just a little extra something while you were questing to keep you on your toes. We all could do without the ganking and corpse camping but that aside fighting people your level had its enjoyable moments but it’s not like that in retail anymore. It’s all about getting to max level as fast as possible and do the raids as fast as possible and blah! There’s been talk within the next expansions that the Elves will come to unite, whatever that means. I mean, it’s got to be a little annoying for the High Elf types, they were High Elves, on the Alliance, the Sunwell broke, they needed a new source of magic, the Humans were being douchebaggy racist like usual, Illidan promised them magic, it was fel, a group of them decided to not hang out with that crowd anymore, joined the Horde, then some of them started playing with Void, got exiled because they might screw up the new Sunwell and now that group is allowed back into the Alliance? Like what? I had seen one post in the forums, I don’t even remember what they actual topic was but there was a Void Elf being like “listen, I didn’t even want to LEAVE the Horde, I’m just a guard but I had to get exiled like everyone else.” It was funny, I enjoyed them. It also doesn’t even make sense and like the Blood Elves didn’t NEED to join the Horde, it’s not like they were homeless, they still had Silvermoon and all that so I don’t know. But as far as the world at war, I don’t really see that happening unless it’s instigated by an outside force. WoW isn’t like 40k. 40k every group has a legit reason why they want to kill everything else, after working together so many times in WoW I’m pretty sure all the characters are just over it. The races would have to be changed from like the Lightforged to the Lightbound and King Mechagon. People that have a vision they think the rest of the world has to be and will not listen to reason. I think the Mists of Pandaria trailer portrayed the fighting between Horde and Alliance perfectly. “I’m Horde! You’re Alliance! We fight because we’re suppose to!” Panda 3rd parties. “Uh, let’s work together to kill that thing so we can get back to killing each other!” I think the Pandaren and the new dragon people could/should be truly neutral races and be able to go to any town without being attacked. So in the end what’s the point? The reason for war is usually resources and land but everyone is pretty content with what they’ve got. God I'm so sick of Khadgar though!

Overall I still think new alliances could be formed. Maybe the Void Elves can hangout with the Nightborne, maybe the Nightwell (it’s a Nightwell right?) won’t break if they touch it. Maybe the Nightborne and Night Elves can get over their 10,000 YEAR feud. I’m so sick of hearing about “10,000 YEARS AGO.” I still think Orcs, Trolls, Tauren and Goblins would probably work together and same with Humans, Dwarfs and Gnomes. I think the Tauren and Night Elf have very similar outlooks so they could probably vibe together just fine. I think too if the Alliance tolerates the Gilneans they should be able to tolerate the Forsaken at this point. Like, there’s probably still some that see the undead as an affront to nature but some probably just would like to spend a little more time with their loved ones. I don’t know if the Undead are still being raised or what even causes them to be raised, I don’t know if they’re immortal or will rot away at some point but assuming no more are being raised and they will rot away maybe people have gotten over it and just want to be with their families before they are truly gone forever. Once the Forsaken is truly gone for good then Humanity can try to go back to Lordaeron and live there again.

*So I  hope those last two paragraphs come across the way I intended. I rewrote them several times because I didn’t feel like I was getting my thoughts across right.*

For me personally, my reason for picking Horde goes all the way back to WarCraft 2. I liked the Orcs more than the Humans. Basically there was very little difference between both groups back then in terms of units but Orcs were just different and had Trolls that threw axes so that was cool. WC3 I mained Night Elf and as I said in a previous post, my first WoW character was a NE druid. But for the most part at the start of WoW you look at the groups and this one has Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren and this group has Humans, Dwarfs and Gnomes. Gee, I wonder what group is more interesting. But now Alliance does have a few interesting races that I dabble with sometimes, as stated at the beginning of this post.

            I was watching some “lore” videos of quests and scenes from older expansions that I haven’t seen before and there was one where Gnomes and Goblins were looking for Mechagon, or something, finding it, and the king man hologram saying something about the “curse of flesh” and how being a robot was basically better and would bring us, them, closer to the Titans vision and I was like “holy crap.” I had no idea that was a thing when I was talking about my StarWarCraft game. I’ve also been confused about the Lightforged also. I thought Lightforged and Lightbound were the same but they’re not, the Lightbound are the crazy Light radicals but give the LF a few years, they’ll get there.

            While procrastinating to put this post out Blizzard has put out a roadmap for the next year and there are some things I’m interested in seeing. They have reclaiming Gilneas in the winter then spring/summer they’ve got harbinger quests, whatever that is, Troll and Draenei heritage armor stuff that could be fun then there’s the War Within prepatch with warbands, again, whatever THAT is. So I might leave and come back to WoW to check out that stuff when I’m bored.

            So that was a lot and probably all over the place because I pivoted the topic midway through, so what do you think? Have any cool transmogs to show me? Do you think we’ll get new or revamped sub classes? What would you like to see? Where do you see WarCraft going? Do you have strong feelings about being Horde or Alliance? Let me know below and stick around cause I should have a Monster Hunter post soon! Bye-bye!



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