Hopes for Wilds and Other Random Things


            Hello! I’m back! I’ve been playing World here and there and there are some things that I do not miss being gone in Rise/Sunbreak, so I’m gonna talk a little about them along with my hopes and dreams and other stuff.

            I’ll just throw out some quick things that I’ve already harped on many many times so I won’t go back over them; better/fun hair options (anime hair), mandatory cutscenes before playing with friends, wind added as an element, helmet options for hub and hunting, more of a hub like Splatoon 3 (random player hunters about), weapon design closer to Rise and less like World, the wishlist was better in World than Rise. One thing that has always been annoying is other monsters constantly fighting your target. It’s cool to see a turf war once in a while but sometimes it’s like the entire fight the other two monsters are just there to make your life hell. It wasn’t so bad in Rise/Sunbreak. Each monster would come in and have a fight and they take off for the rest of the time. They might come back to fight maybe once before they leave the locale but any other time they travel to an area with the target they’d leave. Another thing is the constant screaming from monsters. My cat will do something to “plug up those ears” and I’ll have full colors on my Insect Glaive but they are still stunning me. I know in Rise when you have all the colors you have like super ear plugs so I don’t know if that happens in World. But the amount of screaming and roars monsters do in World can be obnoxious and the amount of times all three monsters are in your zone doesn’t help. You can be just stun locked by all these wailing beasts for a good two minutes sometimes. Mantles is another thing I could do without. For the most part it doesn’t matter to me, I don’t typically use them so if they’re there or not it really doesn’t matter. I just wish once they run out of juice or whatever they were removed automatically.

            Another thing that bothered me was in World all of the weapons from a specific monster required the exact same materials to make. I usually run with two or three weapons that I switch out depending on the monster or how I feel and to need the EXACT same mats for EACH was just so annoying. It’s nice to farm a monster and be able to move towards more than one goal at a time.

            I hope the equipment box is more like Rise/normal than it was in World. Each page of the box in World had about twenty five slots, that’s five armor sets, too small. I make a lot of armor and weapons and I like to see as much of my crap as I can in one page. One page of Generations’ box was like ONE HUNDRED slots, fucking beautiful. I think the item wheel and item bar work a lot better in Rise then they do in World. In World, for some reason, as I fight I must be pushing a combination of buttons to make my item bar cycle to the right once or twice. I’ll just be fighting, look down before I use my item and be like “why am I on that one?” The other thing about items is I have so fucking many! I have maybe two free slots in my bag and I still feel like I don’t have anything useful. I don’t have bombs, I have flash bombs and bugs to make more bombs, but then everything else is healing or buffs. I’m pretty over having armor/attack charms and talons, make a separate slot for those or something. Also the item bar doesn’t match your bag, it was like this in Rise also, there was an option or something you have to press to make it line up “your way” but sometimes in World it just doesn’t work or does whatever it feels like. And I wish I could remove things from my item bar. I don’t know if I can or not, I don’t think so but things like fishing or the camera or even the bbq spit do not have to be there. Fishing could just pop up over your head by water and if you have raw meat and “use” it then you just start cooking versus putting it on the ground.

            What else? This doesn’t really go with the theme but I saw some post on Twitter about an interview with a game director, THE game director, of Monster Hunter and he pretty much said Minayle is Little Miss Forge. “Much like how the Ace Cadet (MH4) and Excitable A-Lister (MHW) are the same person, Little Miss Forge (MH4) and Minayle (MHRS) are the same person.” Some people said that’s not quite what he meant or it’s not translated right but Ace Cadet and Excitable A-Lister LOOK identical so as far as I’m concerned LMF and Minayle are the same, from what he said. Like it doesn’t super matter to me if they are the same or if they’re relatives but to have people say things like “they just HAPPEN to wear similar clothing, it’s just a coincidence” really annoys me. These game developers don’t typically do things like that on accident. Yup Minayle’s hair is orange and LMF’s is blonde, it could’ve changed as she got older, it happens, OR, maybe she dyed it for some reason. Besides that everything else matches up. My mind was made up that Minayle was LMF’s big sister or even mother but this man says they’re the same then that works for me. I wonder what Catalina the Meowstress looks like now? Have to keep our eyes open.

            Fought an Ebony Odogaron for the first time last week, terrifying, but it made me think that in the future they’ll be a mission called Ebony and Ivory where you have to fight one of those and an Ivory Lagiacrus because Capcom does that with their quest titles. We’ll see if that happens in Wilds. When watching the trailer for Wilds I was like “are there no palicos in this one?” Which would be weird but even World’s trailer didn’t show any palicos. Watching a video from RageGamingVideos, they were talking about the flagships and such and they zoomed in on the Wilds logo and it was the first time I noticed the middle monster facing upwards had little legs. The other, presumably, snake monsters on the sides all have tails coming off their icon but these were little legs. It makes me think that that particular monster is more Chinese dragon like and flies and the darker, snake like one facing downwards is going to be a land snake or even underground. I can almost see a Tears of the Kingdom thing happening here. I think it would be a fun concept to fight the flying one on top of a mountain and maybe the other monster lurks in the caves under the mountain, like Nakarkos. I also see it as like a Jormungandr thing, a snake that has all the lands but envies the other monster(s) that fly. Oh, hold on, the dark one has little legs also. I had expected some criticism for the white one because some snakes do have little legs (maybe?) so it could still be a land creature to which I would say “pshaw” but now that the black one has little legs too I’m not so sure. I still think the white one flies and the black one tunnels.

            Okay, I think that’s it, let me know if I missed something I usually complain about. What do you think? What are things from World/Iceborne/Rise/Sunbreak that you want to see return or not return? What do you hope to see added to the game? Do you have any theories or predictions about Wilds? Let me know below and I hope you’ve had a good holiday(s). Bye-bye!



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