Monster Hunter Wilds Trailer Thoughts


Hello! So, a trailer dropped for the next Monster Hunter at the Game Awards so it’s time to do some speculating! It wasn’t a very long trailer but it did say “2025” so I got that right! Yay! But the Monster Hunter 20th logo did not get a weapon filled in like I thought it might. So let’s get into it.

            The game is called Monster Hunter Wilds so another “MHW.” I hope people in the game don’t call the land you’re in “the wilds” all the time like they would call the area in World “the new world,” it’s just dumb. “The wilds” I can see more than “the new world” but the damage has been done so please don’t. People are speculating that it’s an open world game and although I like my concept I had written about before that was back during, and with it in mind, MH Gen graphics. I suppose they could still do it in a similar way but after World/Iceborne and each zone being strikingly different I don’t know if they will or can make a seamless open world like that.

            Something that concerns me is the riding of the monster we see in the trailer, it just makes me think the map(s) are going to be like Rise and there just be a lot of open space to traverse to get from fight to fight. I don’t exactly love that. The maps of Rise/Sunbreak are nice to explore but when you do it once or twice it’s like “okay, that was nice but not why I’m here.” It’s not the game for it. I’m here to fight a thing and get its bits so I can fight new things.

            I found the sword on the hunters back to be interesting. Most are assuming it’s a great sword but is it? It doesn’t look big enough to me. It doesn’t look chunky enough to be a great sword. It seems crazy but what if the dev team is reimagining the weapons? Maybe this game takes place away from the Hunting Guild. Maybe we’re rather removed from civilization. Maybe we’re not using traditional hunting weapons, we’re just improvising, adapting. I know it sounds like reinventing the wheel; They’ve been doing this for 20 years, why change now? Because they’ve been doing this for 20 years, maybe they’re trying something different. The sword looks faster than a great sword to me but not sleek enough to be a long sword. I don’t know, it’s just what I see. In a video by RageGamingVideos, they pointed out that there seems to be a bow gun on the hunters mount in a sling type thing. Maybe suggesting we can bring two weapons on a hunt instead of being able to change to any weapon we want at any time like in Rise/Sunbreak. How many times did anyone change weapons mid hunt though? But to go back to my original point; Maybe this isn’t a light or heavy bow gun, maybe it’s just a “bow gun.” Maybe they’re getting rid of both versions and just making one. I don’t know how different the weapons are from each other, I don’t use them, I’m guessing light bow guns are more mobile and heavy are sluggish but do bigger bursts of damage. But basically you could use one “gun” and do whatever you want with it with upgrades.

            It would be very interesting if that’s the route they take but at the same time; How do you reinvent the sword and shield? I’ve thought before about something like in Tears of the Kingdom how you can fuse a sword and shield together, maybe they do something like that, it’s not a charge blade but it allows you to use your sword as a shield kind of like a great sword, but maybe not as strong. I don’t know. I don’t exactly have a creative mind. If nothing else I hope for a parasol type weapon.

            That’s all I really wanted to point out because I haven’t seen anyone else think the weapon is anything but a great sword. There is the logo that looks like a couple of large snakes, maybe one is a Dalamadur, and a four smaller ones. I know Dalamadur was in 4U but I never got to that fight. I just know it’s massive and that supposedly the whole Rotten Vale of World is suppose to be the corpse of a Dalamadur, or something similar. Other than that there's nothing more for me to pick out from the logo although the big white dragon does seem to make a "6." So what do you think? Is it a great sword? Will we get new weapons? Will we finally see wind as an element we can harness and defend against? Let me know what your thoughts are and I’ll catch you when I’m bored of WoW! Bye-bye!



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