WoW Times 7/Vomit
Hello, more WoW vomit. This is kind of a hodgepodge of a couple different things I was writing and decided to mush em together and post it. I have another post I’m working on that I was gonna tack on the end of this but I think it’d be too long and not consistent so there should be another post shortly! Be excited! BE EXCITED!!!!
I’ve been playing a couple different Pandaren monks, one Alliance and one Horde but I’ve got a lot of pandas so I thought I might try something else but right now I’m really torn between a Night Elf, Draenei or Lightforged Draenei monk.
After finding and re-reading the previous entries at the beginning of the year some things have changed. I ended up going with my Highmountain Tauren as my “main” and I’m really liking her right now. I find it funny how I bounce back and forth. In the other post I was like “I have a Highmountain but I think I’ll go with my original” and now I’ve gone back to the Highmountain lol. I made a Pandaren shaman for transmog reasons but I might be okay using her for an elemental shaman and/or a tank shaman if they decide to implement that into retail down the road. I have a Horde Pandaren priest and I ended up deciding to go with a Void Elf priest.
So with having a
Pandaren priest, and potentially a shaman, I thought I should find something
else to be a monk even though Pandaren monks make the most sense and they
should be the only monks in my opinion. Actually I’d be just fine if the whole
game were just Pandaren, but I was thinking of a making a different monk on the
Much like I’ve mentioned in the past, I have really dumb reasons for picking characters. I remember saying somewhere I was playing a Nightborne because the way they spoke sold me on the race. The reason I wanted a Lightforged Draenei, preferably a cloth wearer, was because I was playing with a priest in Warlords of Dreanor and got some robe with an open back and it showed off their back metal thing and some of their tattoos and I was just like “Whoa…” I went with a warlock because there was a transmog I saw online that showed off those things and looked pretty bad ass. I love the Void Elf, again, for the way they speak. It’s a nice formal type of British, makes me think of Kate Beckinsale or Alice Eve if that makes sense. When you type /silly or whatever the joke emote is she’ll say “I’m not gloomy I just dress this way, and look this way, and act this way.” So their like emo/goth elves and I love it.
So, my reasons for
a Night Elf. Favorite race of WarCraft 3. Haven’t had one really. Their
animations are cool, they sometimes front flip while jumping (very monk-ish), I
have “lore accurate” mounts for them but they are very popular amongst the
Draenei vs Lightforged. Both have hooves, painful roundhouse and rising sun kicks. I like the Lightforged looks a lot more. The tattoos, metal back thing, hair styles. The Draenei get a small boost to primary stats, nothing significant, and they have a heal racial that again, not significant as a monk since you have your own healing spells. Lightforged have an orbital laser that’s kind of cool. Again, not significant damage, they explode when they die though! That could kind of be helpful and the Lightforged are the least popular monks out of the three. Regular Draenei heritage armor has good monk transmog potential, both have a cool, race specific hearthing toy.
So with all that said, I really want to WANT to play a Night Elf monk, and just looking at the rest of the classes there’s nothing I really feel like playing to make a different NE. Draenei have some good heritage armor and a basic Draenei seems more fitting. Lightforged have tattoos, have good hair styles and explode on death. Oh, another “not exactly a good reason” reason for both Draenei races, their breasts are great. I was hoping writing all that would help me choose but it hasn’t really yet. I want to play a Night Elf, kicking things with hooves seems better, Lightforged look more appealing to me but basic bitch Draenei still seems the way to go. What, the hell. But Night Elves also have tattoos! Fuuuuck.
-Later Date-
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before or not but it is fun for me to talk about. For my pandas, my priest and monk are black and white and my shaman is a red panda. But! My priest has a long tail, something @NEETproxy noticed at one point and mentioned it and was like “I thought black pandas didn’t have tails?” to which I responded, “Well you see, she’s a goth red panda, she’s died her fur black.” My red panda has a tail, my monk has a nub, so technically, in my head, both my main pandas are red. See, fun, for me. Like, it’s probably a little more “lore” people give their characters but defiantly a lot less than some people.
As for my monk
dilemma, I think I’m going with the Night Elf. I still really like the Draenei
angle but they’re kind of annoying to listen to. As for my story behind my
monk, it kind of works for either race. As a Night Elf my monk was working
towards being a warden but decided to take a different path for whatever reason.
Kind of like that woman in Black Panther, she was some kind of warrior of
Wakanda but was working at a school in
I’ve noticed something while leveling my Pandaren shaman. When The War Within came out and I was using the farseer ancestors on my Highmountain I’m pretty sure the ancestors were pretty basic but at some point they were given armor. Different shaman armor from past sets, thought it was pretty cool, I think I’ve noticed four different sets on them. Doing it on my Pandaren and the ancestors have only been coming out with the T2 armor. Thought I was seeing things but I was paying attention and they’re all the same so maybe they’ll get more armor variations in a later patch.
So yeah, my Night Elf monk is now in the mid 70s, I’m still not convinced she’s the one I want to use. I might just do like everything else and level several monks and try to decide which one I actually want to go with. If you have any opinions of which race I should main for my monk please give them to me, I’d love some more feedback. What about you? Have you ever had identity crisis in WoW or any game? Do you have any “lore” for your characters you’re willing to share? Let me know below and I’ll hopefully have the next post out shortly, bye-bye! Bau-bau!
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