WoW Times 4!


           Hello! I’m sure you’re sick of hearing me talk about how my dumb monkey brain can’t decide on a character/class combo that make me happy but I’m here again! It helps organize my thoughts when I write them down. So you can skip this, I’m just continuing the trend I’ve started. Also I’ll talk a little bit about different things I’ve encountered recently including some things about WoW Classic!

            So before I had said that I was going to use my Highmountain shaman as my new main shaman but I think I’ve decided to just keep my OG shaman as my main. I thought about making him into a Highmountain but that seems like more work than it’s worth. I like the Highmountain but I think I’ll just stick with my original Tauren. I’ve been playing with a Void Elf warlock and I’ve come to quite like warlocks. So I’ve got my Pandaren priest, Tauren shaman and a Void Elf warlock but wait, I would like a Draenei to be a warlock. I think the idea of a Lightforge being a warlock is really funny so that’s what I want to do, plus Draenei are hot. So what do I do about a Void Elf? I’ve decided that they are my favorite thing to play so what do I do? Have two Alliance warlocks? That seems dumb. I’ve pretty much of tried every class and the only ones I really like are shaman, priest and warlocks. I do like my Pandaren priest a lot but if I’m going to use a Void Elf it should be something I like to play so I guess I’ll just have two priests. I was bumming a little bit because I can’t be on my Void Elf and queue with my friends in a dungeon or raid if they’re playing their Horde characters but it seems like we might be able to make a premade group or something? I feel like at this point in retail we should be able to play whatever we want in dungeons and playing with friends. Basically I just see it as my Blood Elf priest has become a Void Elf. Speaking of which I was questing in Legion, killing some Forsaken sailors and they’re yelling at my in Orcish and I can’t understand them and it’s like “why?” VEs were BEs, they even say it in a “joke” line; “First it was High then Blood now Void, get the order right.” The main reason I like the Void Elves so much is their accent, I quite enjoy it. I’ve mentioned before how arbitrary my reasons for choosing a race to play, like a reason I did not want a Draenei warlock is because they’re kind of boring when they cast. They just raise their arms and their hands glow. Boring.

Part of my problem though is I get caught up in transmogs. I saw an emo Pandaren and I was like “I want that,” I got a random robe that showed the back of my Lightforge and was like “I NEED something for this!” I kind of gave up on finding a good open back robe so I was also giving up on a Draenei warlock but then I saw this transmog and was like “oh my god that would look so good for a Lightforge.” It looks good with the red skin too but I decided to go with the LF. But, like a lot of the cool transmog pieces I see it’s either locked behind some holiday event quest, horrible rep grind or from a PvP set. This particular robe is from a rep grind. So I’ve been doing dailies for the group only to find out that you can also get a similar robe from getting your renown up to a certain point and spend 10,000 anima. My renown was already up that high but I had been selling a lot of the stuff that gave me anima because why would I need it? I just need to grind this rep. So annoying. I hate how I search for something in this game and I can’t find what I’m looking for or I find something only to learn later there was an easier way to get the thing or something similar.

Another annoying thing is all these secret little cosmetic type things that I just keep learning about. Again, I search for like a list of this crap and I get nothing. So there’s red Draenei, which is relatively new, pale skin, red eyed Elves (and dead eyed Night Elves or something?) since Shadowlands and now I’ve just found out about green fel magic for warlocks. What else is there?? Also found out about a fel type succubus you can unlock for warlocks. All this fel stuff would look really good on a Man’ari Draenei. No no NO you’ve picked the Lightforged, it’s almost 70, stop it!

I’m getting real sick of hearing about “10,000 years ago!” and the fact that no one seems to die, for realsies. We fight people but we didn’t actually destroy them, just hurt them so they came to their senses or join our cause, or people that kind of die just show back up in Shadowlands. I was kind of excited to see Kael’thas but I didn’t like the way Blizzard portrayed him. They showed him being this selfish, arrogant prick but that wasn’t how he was at all in WarCraft 3. In WC3 he was trying to find a place for his people that had been displaced by Arthas attacking Quel’thalas and destroying the Sunwell and the Humans were being extremely racist. For whatever reason they rounded up the Elves and put them in a prison/dungeon and with the help of the Naga, by orders of Illidan, they were able to escape. During the mission you could unlock a secret tower defense game where you had to hold of the Humans while the Elves escaped through a portal to Outland. Why the Humans were doing this, I don’t remember, haven’t played that bit in a long time but Kael was not in any way the person they showed him to be in Shadowlands.

I started playing Season of Discovery a little bit yesterday and I really like it. I miss the way WoW used to be. I really enjoy the whole bottom of the screen being filled up, that’s nice. There’s some things they could’ve taken from the modern game though. Quest givers on the map would be nice. I made a Tauren shaman just like I originally did and my god, I had to kill so many Quilboars. The drop rates are just awful sometimes! I was looking for a new totem thing and it just was not dropping. Then I had to go back and get some salve and it took forever for that to drop. I just like how each spell has it’s use and you have to be careful with what you use and when. You don’t have an infinite pool of mana like you do in retail, you will run out and then you have to smack things. Rock bitter on my weapon only lasts for five minutes! Man that’s rough. Shit doesn’t stack in your bags as much as they do now. There’s some things you just HAVE to carry in your bag. As a shaman I have to carry my totems in order to use certain spells and I like that. Yeah it takes up a slot but I like stuff like this. I think why I like Classic so much is because it still feels a little like WarCraft 3. Retail is just a bunch of spamming and hitting everything on cooldown and getting your rotation right to do max damage, I don’t exactly care for it. I like the slower, more careful way of playing. I shouldn’t just spam earth shock whenever, it interrupts spell casting so I should use it for that unless I know what I’m fighting can’t cast. I really like the idea of a shaman tank and I’d like to get the runes to play around with that but I don’t know if I will. Like most things I started this late and in a couple weeks they’re going to go into phase 2 and up the max level to 40. I feel like that’s very fast, I feel like this mode was introduced only a few months ago, I hate these things that it’s like if you weren’t playing immediately at launch then you’re behind. I was thinking about the talents and stuff too and it’s not like it is today where you get to ten and decide what you want to do like getting in a group to do your first dungeon and it’s like everyone only has a few spells. “Healer” classes have one heal, maybe two so like the early dungeons it’s almost like everyone should/could help out with things. Sure you can have one person in back saving their mana to heal while everyone else is a collective tank, but I find those early dungeons interesting in that regard. I saw a forum post of someone saying “please don’t add more runes” and this and that and someone responded “you’re just going to look on YouTube and pick what they tell you to pick” and I understand where they’re coming from but at the same time if you don’t pick “the meta” runes or talents then people won’t even let you in the group. Like looking at the list of runes and before I was thinking that enhancement shaman would probably be the tank spec but looking at the runes I was kind of like, “oh looks like elemental might be the spec for this” which was exciting for me cause I’ve always been elemental but it doesn’t seem like that. It still seems enhancement is the way to go but maybe, like I said with the talents and everyone being rather low level, it doesn’t matter if you’re elemental or enhancement? I don’t know, I would really like to try it “my way” even if it’s not the right way but like I said, I’m probably not going to be able to experience it unless I just stopped doing anything with retail and only played SoD. It would just be nice to find a group of people that didn’t care THAT much, they didn’t care about meta, just were chill and if you wanted to do something unorthodox then they let you and just roll with it. But going back a little, the difference between spells in SoD and retail; I understand things had to change, it’s just like with my alchemy, you go from making healing and strength potions to just making stronger versions in the next expansion. How do you improve without it feeling rehashed? I understand through the course of the story we’re more “powerful” then before but I still like the old way of having to be careful with your spells and mana. And in retail I just have way too many spells to keep track of. My warlock isn’t too bad but my shaman it’s like “okay I open with icefury then frost shock which will empower lava burst so I should use primordial wave (is that what it’s called?) then lava burst, then frost shock lava burst” ect. I think I’m suppose to cast a lighting bolt or elemental blast in there. But I like earth shock, I don’t want elemental blast, but that’s probably not meta! You’ll be yelled at!

I suppose that’s all, there’s probably more I wanted to talk about but I can’t think of anything else right now. What do you think? What’ve you been up to? What have you been focusing your energy on? Let me know your thoughts below and I’ll catch you around next time, hopefully not to talk about WoW though. Bye-bye!

@AztecSauce                                                                                         From Reddit

I really like the glowing etchings in the antlers. If this was what happened in game I might change to Highmountain. I also like how it's very basic, looks like WC3.


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