Wait, People Like Co-op??

Hello party people ! It’s yer boi! There’s been a lot on my plate recently aside from Splatoon, Helldivers with the boys, some Star Wars blunders and Ghost Recon rumors. My first thoughts with Helldivers, “this is just Deep Rock” and it is, and I’m like why’re we playing this when we already have Deep Rock but like most things, if it’s the only thing we can get @PoeTomic to do then that’s what we do. It has grown on me though, it can be ridiculous and it’s popular which makes me hope that investors and developers will see that and realize again (re-realize?) there’s a whole ass market for coop games. You could almost just pick any sci-fi franchise and do this exact formula. I mean Helldivers are basically Halo ODSTs and Warhammer 40k would fit right in as well. If they did a Halo one though I would really enjoy it if they went with the Elites instead, there’s an opportunity there. Same with 40k really, we always play t...