Wait, People Like Co-op??
party people! It’s yer boi! There’s been a lot on my plate recently aside from
Splatoon, Helldivers with the boys, some Star Wars blunders and Ghost Recon
rumors. My first thoughts with Helldivers, “this is just Deep Rock” and it is,
and I’m like why’re we playing this when
we already have Deep Rock but like most things, if it’s the only thing we
can get @PoeTomic to do then that’s what we do. It has grown on me though, it can be
ridiculous and it’s popular which makes me hope that investors and developers
will see that and realize again (re-realize?) there’s a whole ass market for
coop games. You could almost just pick any sci-fi franchise and do this exact
formula. I mean Helldivers are basically Halo ODSTs and Warhammer 40k would fit
right in as well. If they did a Halo one though I would really enjoy it if they
went with the Elites instead, there’s an opportunity there. Same with 40k
really, we always play the “Space Marine” in everything, give me something
else, let me be a Tau or a Necron. One thing I like in particular is that you
have to keep track of your magazines rather than bullets. I remember talking
about that about something else, probably Ghost Recon, so it’s really nice to
see, I feel like it was brave of them to do that. I know that sounds stupid but
it’s the best I can come up with! Fuck off! When you call down for a resupply
you better make sure you get your health up and change mags in each gun no
matter how low otherwise you’re not getting all your ammo back. I saw something
about people asking to turn off friendly fire and it’s like, why? I don’t mind the friendly fire,
yeah it sucks when it happens but pay attention to what you’re doing and where
other people are. I had seen something when the game first came out, I think,
about people saying there should only be buffs and no nerfs and I kind of get
that. I feel like older games did that all the time, you just got better stuff
so you felt stronger. Games now-a-days give you things with trade offs. I
recently got a shotgun that also sets things on fire, but as a trade off it
doesn’t do as much damage. I don’t think it does anyway, I haven’t unlocked its
base gun yet but the other shotguns I have blast through things in a few shots
so it’s not really better in my opinion. The shotgun is just so satisfying in
Helldivers. I feel like John Wick tearing through a line of terminators,
shooting bugs one more time then is necessary, just to make sure it’s dead. I
got this armor that says something about taking 95% less damage from arc
weapons so I thought maybe that applies
to the
than that Star Wars Battlefront Collection had a rough start and everyone was
super upset about it. I got it primarily to just play single player stuff if
I’m ever super bored but it just makes me think; why don’t you just let the people that do the Lego Star Wars stuff do
it? The Skywalker Saga is done really well, it’s super fun, there’s so much
detail to it and there’s just SO much to do in each level. It’s something else.
So, just do Lego Battlefront and any other remake you’re thinking of doing.
Knights of the
A new Ghost Recon rumor started making the rounds lately. The rumor being the game is going to be an FPS rather than a third person shooter which most people don’t want. Ghost Recon has been third person for most of it’s franchise so why go to FPS? I don’t have much faith in Ubisoft anymore after Breakpoint, XDefiant, R6 Extraction, Skull and Bones. I’m just not excited. Don’t worry Ubisoft, Helldivers will just fill the third person shooter void you’ve made.
That’s about it from me, what are your thoughts? What do you like to run with in Helldivers? What do you think about the Star Wars Battlefront Collection? Do you think they should remake some Star Wars games in Lego form? What are your thoughts about the Ghost Recon rumor? Are there other rumors you’ve heard? Let me know in the comments and I’ll be around again sometime, bye-bye!
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