Mostly Splatoon, Some Other Stuff


            Hello! It’s been a while. Not much to report really, just wanted to talk about some things on Nintendo’s front. So let’s just dive right into it.

            Let’s start with Pokemon. There was a trailer recently for a new Pokemon Legends game, Z-A, ZA, Z through A, however they decide to pronounce it. I think it’s pretty cool, from a title prospective; we’re actually getting a “Pokemon Z.” Not a whole lot is known but either in the trailer or the devs themselves said that the whole game is going to take place in the city of Lumiose, which I don’t quite know what that means. Actual cities are ginormous and have all sorts of shops and restaurants that would probably take you months to visit all of them but how does that apply to Pokemon? How are we going to go about catching, leveling and battling in this game? Maybe the game is going to be completely different. Maybe it’s going to be about us clearing areas so they can build Lumiose City, who knows? I liked X/Y for the most part, I really liked the character options more than anything and the games since haven’t reached the same level of customizations. X/Y had roller skates that I really liked using. I’d use them more than the bike and doing just a tiny amount of Googling, “roller skates were invented in 1743 and in 1819 a French inventor patented a three-wheeled skate model in Paris,” Paris being Lumiose. So maybe we’ll have skates again! Saw a rumor of the potential starters for ZA and one was Piplup so I’m all for that. Overall though, I don’t know how I feel about it. I’m intrigued but I am getting tired of the typical Pokemon formula. I’ve said before the only thing I really enjoy doing is exploring and hunting for legendaries and everything else is just a means to get there. I was watching BeatEmUps podcast with Austin John Plays and Austin asked if the other guy played or even bought the DLC for Scarlet/Violet and I was like “oh yeah, that was a thing.” I have not bought it and I have no desire to. I’m missing out on legendaries again but I just can’t bring myself to get the DLC. I just didn’t enjoy Scarlet/Violet enough to want more. But I did enjoy Arceus for the most part so we’ll see. I’m just really craving a good ol’ fashion Pokemon game.

            I’ve been playing a ton of Splatoon 3 recently. Every time I see Shiver say “Listen up! It’s going down” I think of this. Side Order came out recently and since then I’ve been doing that, doing a lot of Turf War and some Salmon Runs. As far as Side Order goes, I like it a lot more now that I’ve unlocked “hacks” but at first I was getting pretty upset. I don’t do many “rogue-likes” because I don’t enjoy this whole encouraging you to fail to get points to upgrade and try again nor the randomness of it. I find randomizing things like that just tells me you didn’t have enough ideas for a full game so you’ll make the most with what you have, my opinion. As a DLC mode, sure, works great but I was hoping I’d get to keep the chips I got during the run and then pick what I want to try again, I would like that a lot, but that’s not how it works. Now like I said, now that I take less damage and I know what chips do and what most of the maps are, it’s a lot easier. But Side Order is a lot easier than Octo Expansion was. Still trying to beat Agent 3, fucking infuriating. People have also said something about wanting an endless mode to Side Order which could be cool. If you get the right chips you’re practically unstoppable anyway so it’d be interesting to see some OP builds against some truly horrid floors.

            Salmon Run. Salmon salmon salmon run. God Salmon Run is infuriating. Last year I learned about a life jacket you can get from Salmon Run but you need a lot of scales to get it. Well I think you need 5 gold scales, some silver scales and maybe 100 bronze scales. The way it works is you HAVE to buy things with scales to unlock more things so I’m hoping after buying something with the bronze scales I can SEE the life jacket. In order to get scales you have to fight a King Salmonid. The last time I was doing this I was able to fight King Salmonids quite frequently. I still have fewer than 100 bronze scales, under 15 silver scales and only 1 gold scale. This week, when trying to play Salmon Run, I was getting paired with some real morons. Frustrated I demoted myself a few times and we still couldn’t complete a wave. Everyone has this idea of going off and it’s like please stay by the bucket unless absolutely necessary. But I think I was getting so many dum-dums because I was playing in the early morning. Early afternoon and on seemed to be better and I actually was part of a group to defeat a King Salmonid. First time for me. I don’t know if they’ve made them weaker or if it’s cause I was on a lower difficulty, or both, but we took down a Horrorboros. The thing that frustrates me is when you see people in the helicopter and they have different outfits that they clearly had to spend scales on to get. You expect them to suck less than you but they’re the one’s dying first. I don’t get it. One thing that annoys the hell out of me is how half of the bosses don’t show their weak spot until they’re about to attack or as they attack so I sit there waiting for them to do their thing and try to hit them but then I’m getting swarmed by all the other little shits. Voice chat would be extremely helpful in this mode.

            Aside from that I’m just trying to get the catalog up by doing Turf Wars. I’ll start with one weapon, get a win and be like “alright, gonna be a good day” then immediately lose three games in a row. I’ll change to something else and the same thing will happen, first win and then straight loses. Or the games I’m playing I’ll be super aggressive but then the rest of my team will be also and it’s like that for a few games in a row. Okay, I’ll change to the aerospray and just paint the base but then everyone that game is super passive and just painting the base. I can’t win. One game I was more on the enemy’s side of the map the whole game with one, maybe two people. I had gotten like 8 kills, I was having a good game, then the results come in and we lost. The other team had like 6 kills between them but apparently there was one dude inking up our base and the one or two of our team couldn’t do anything about it?? Ugh. I’ll go through several different weapons but I tend to default back to the starter blue bucket. I like it, it splashes things fast, kills in two hits, that’s all I really need but I do find it a little lame when all these other weapons are released during the seasons but I’m still here with my normal ass bucket. At the end of the day it’s just Turf War, it’s just about painting more than your opponent so you should use things that puke our the most ink. I want to get the catalog up kind of for the same reason I said I wanted to play War Within and stick with it when it comes out, I want to be apart of something as it happens for once. I haven’t played many Splatfests, I think the finale happens Sunday nights and I work Sunday’s so I’m never able to be a part of it. But I want to keep up with it at least this season, it seems we’re getting to the end of Splatoon 3’s support cycle, I could be wrong, but I want to be apart of it while I can. Who knows if we’ll even get 4. I dislike all the straight up guns though. There’s buckets, paintbrushes, fucking windshield wipers, paint rollers and then straight up guns that shoot straight and true! Get out of here with that! Go play Call of Duty (is that still an “insult” or am I just old now?) kid! I do like how the weapons are themed though. Pressure washers, nail guns, a sniper that looks like a siphon pump, just like other Nintendo games they really focus on the details.

            I’ve seen Jon on Good Vibes Gaming uploading several videos on the 3DS and the DS lately, what do you know Jon?? Got some info on the Switch 2 having a second screen that you’re not telling the rest of us about, JON!? I liked the DS’s and I enjoyed the Wii U for what it was. I like having a second screen. I never played Splatoon 1 but I understand that on the Wii U’s gamepad screen had the map displayed on it. That could be handy. I liked using it during the Monster Hunter games. It was nice to have an item on the item bar, like a mega potion, and then having dust of life or max potions on the touch screen for emergencies. Is it possible that Nintendo would revisit the two screen idea? I doubt it but it was a unique concept and I think it still has potential, if done right.

            Everyone is talking about all the lay offs in the gaming industry. The guys and I talk about it and for us we just want games to go back to the way they were. Companies put so much money into games and they’re not getting their returns and, for us, it’s like stop trying to make everything hyper realistic and just make good, fun games again. Nintendo has always done their own thing and have limited themselves to their hardware for a reason. They don’t chase all these high end graphics, they pick a style and roll with it. Nintendo’s games can be considered art from all angles; I don’t think you can say the same about Sony. They might have good graphics but it’s not exactly “art” at that point. Maybe they have compelling stories. Is that supposed to be enough? I find a majority of games that focus on realistic characters have very bland and muted maps. Everything is brown, gray, dull blue, it’s… meh. The color and vibrance in Nintendo games is what I long for. I saw a video recently called like Xbox 360 Hidden Gems and the guy brought up FEAR and Remember Me. I have both of these games installed on my PC because they’re both unique, interesting games that we don’t see many of anymore. Overall, I like Nintendo’s and indie games. I’ve never really been too into “AAA” games. What’s even considered AAA? I’ve never really cared for Xbox and PlayStation exclusives. I did buy Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth when it came out but I haven’t touched it. I sometimes forget games are $70 now and when the guy said the price I instantly thought “maybe I should’ve waited for this on PC.” I’ve been eyeing Rise of the Ronin cause it basically just looks like AssCreed but Ghost of Tsushima is coming out for PC in a few months and @NEETproxy can’t stop gushing about it so I might just get that instead. We had a ton of Viking-ish games about three, four years ago and now we’re getting a ton of samurai-ish games. I remember when Assassin’s Creed Red was announced, even then I was like “more ninja/samurai?” I mean, it’s a great setting, one people have been asking for for years but you pick now?

            Why’re you playing Splatoon, faggot!? Splatoon is for children and queers! I really like Splatoon, it’s a special thing. There’s something for everyone. It has a single player, a multiplayer, competitive multiplayer, a co-op PvE mode, now a tabletop and rogue-like mode, not many games can do all these things, or a fraction of them, without one or more of them feeling like an afterthought but Splatoon does everything so well. There’s just nothing else like it and I don’t think there ever will be. I don’t know about the previous games but they’ve been introducing other bands to play songs during matches. I don’t know what it is about Splatoon but I’m very much down with its vibe. The music, the bright colors, I’ve never been super excited about the outfits but I have found some things I like recently. I don’t quite know how or why it got such a (seemingly) huge LGBT following. It doesn’t bother me at all it’s just odd I guess. I did see something that the lack of voice chat might be a big part of it and maybe that’s a reason why I, myself, like it so much right now. I’ve been afraid of voice chat for, well a long time now so maybe that’s why I’m able to have so much fun with Splatoon.

            So that’s that. I need to go back to splash people so I can get my three hats headpiece. What do you think about the new Pokemon Z? Any theories on what it could be? How do you think the Switch 2 will be different then the Switch? Nintendo always does something crazy, it can’t just be a more powerful Switch can it? How do you feel about AAA games? Do companies need to stop chasing live service and make smaller, simpler games? Are you playing any Splatoon? Can you help me in Salmon Run? What’re you picking for the next Splatfest? I think I saw the theme is what would you like to play? Drums, guitar or keyboard. Let me know in the comments and I’ll be back sometime, bye-bye!

        @AztecSauce                                                                                   Picture by Cutesexyrobutts


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