MH6 and Rushing


         Hello hello, with Monster Hunter 6 rumors abound I’ve been in the mood to play a Monster Hunter game whether it’s World or Rise or even Wild Hearts. I like Wild Hearts, I like the weapons, they’re unique but it just doesn’t keep me interested like Monster Hunter does. I’d like to “finish” one of these games before the next one comes out, just once. I never end up fighting all of the monsters the game has to offer because I just kind of get burnt out. It doesn’t help that I flipped to PC Rise after all the time I put into it on Switch so that’s all sorts of crap I had to redo.

            So Capcom is supposed to be showing off stuff at the end of the month and the rumor is a new Monster Hunter will be shown off then in about six months, the same month the series started 20 years ago, the game will be released. Obviously I still like my idea of what a new Monster Hunter game could be but we’ll see. It’ll be interesting to see what comes after World and Rise. Capcom has got some voodoo going on with this RE Engine, everything runs so smooth with it. I think they’ve got a lot of data of what people liked and disliked about the last two versions of the game so hopefully the armors and weapons are more like Rise and not World. I’ve talked about all this stuff before, I’ll just have some links. Monsters I’d like to see back and Additional thoughts.

            One thing I’ve been trying to confront recently is “rushing.” Just in life in general, just rushing around and for me, part of the reason is because games cause me to rush around.  Games, especially live service games, but even games like Splatoon, Monster Hunter and Armroed Core make me feel like I need to be playing them all the time. If I have free time I should be pouring it into the game. I’m sure I’ve talked about this before but my brain is just mush right now so. So like, I work three or four 12 hour days a week, unless there’s force overtime. I don’t do anything those days, I don’t have it in me. I get up, go to work, come home, eat, shower, sleep then repeat. Those days are completely dead to me. Then on my days off, I try to do whatever chores or housework is needed on the first day, most of which is crap I have to do to get ready for work the next week, then I might have a day or two to myself. But even those days I might have some family bullshit to attend to, I still have to entertain the dog to an extent, cook, so I don’t have a whole lot of time.

            Streamers will get games early and be showing it off and get people all hyped and when they get the game themselves they already know what to do at the beginning so they start blowing past stuff. New games, especially from Nintendo I’ve noticed, will put out more content like a week or two after release. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet had some like Charizard raid event like a week after the game came out and it’s like “guys chill, I’ve got like three badges, not all of us get to sit around and play this game all day.” But the developers also want you to play their stuff as much and as long as possible so if they’re not constantly shoving things into our faces they think our little ADD brains are gonna see the next shiny thing and take off.

            I don’t know. Seeing others progress just makes me feel like I’m behind and since I’m behind then why bother? I don’t know, it’s a stupid thing but it’s what my brain does and then I sit here bored trying to think of something to do or play. Well that’s that I think. Quick little thing that I’ve probably already have talked about before. What are your thoughts about the pace of modern games? What are your thoughts on a new Monster Hunter? Do you think it’ll be shown off this month? Check out my other posts about MH and let me know what you think! Bye-bye.



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