Monster Hunter RiseU


            (9.23.2021 add on after Nintendo direct. Boom, got em. Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak in 2022.) Hello hello. It’s been a little busy lately, haven’t had many chances to write or have anything to write about but I’ve been playing Monster Hunter Rise again so it gave me something to think about. @NEETproxy and I just finished the HR50 quest, took us three tries but we did it. I’m trying to do the “content” before the inevitable Rise Ultimate comes out. In World I didn’t finish the Kirin quest on PS4 or PC before Iceborne came out and the quest just went away. I don’t think that’ll happen with Rise but I’ve just been playing, doing stuff, getting my HR up so I was thinking; which monsters will make a comeback and/or variant monsters?

I’m just going to start with monsters from 3U and go from there since that’s what I started with and that’s how lazy I am. So I have a soft spot for the Gigginox, pretty sure I’ve mentioned it before. I find it so much more unique then the Khezu, I’m quite tired of the Khezu. I’ve been dealing with it in every game since 4U minus World and I’m over it. So I’d like the Gigginox and the Baleful Gigginox to show up. I really miss the Qurupeco also. Again it was unique and we haven’t had anything quite like it since. Its beak acted like a horn, it was the hunting horn of monsters. It would play tunes to buff itself, call other monsters and even put you to sleep I think? I’m not sure but yeah, it’s an early monster and the first one the guys and I fought. It ended up calling a Rathian to the area and we did not know what to make of that. There was an event quest with a Qurupeco that would summon a Savage Deviljho. Until then you could only randomly encounter Savage Jho in other quests so it was nice to get a quest to farm the Deviljho because its armor is dope. I really love the Gobul also. I can easily see the Gobul getting along nicely with everything in the Flooded Forest. It’s a big puffer fish mixed with an anglerfish. It lays flat and has an anglerfish’s lure/lantern sticking out of the mud. It’s fun and I love it’s armor. The first monster I defeated was in the 3U demo and it was with the Gobul set. I really liked the deviant monsters from GenU and in 3U we had the Abyssal Lagiacrus and Lucent Nargacuga which are kind of like the deviants. I don’t think we’ll see deviants again since theirs Apex’s but I’d love to see Lucent Nargacuga again. The Lucent Narg, I think people called it Lucy?, would turn itself invisible in a foggy arena type area. You had to keep an eye out for the fog to move or for the glow of Lucy’s eyes to prepare for its attack.

I didn’t stick around with 4U for too long which is too bad really. There are so many variants I didn’t get a chance to see or fight. I just got burned out on 4U so I missed a lot. Tigerstripe Zamtrios for instance, I didn’t get to see him so I’d like to see the Zamtrios duo in RiseU. We have the Tetranadon with an expanding belly so I kind of think the Zamtrios could show up. I really like the Daimyo Hermitaur and the Nerscylla too. We got a spider monster, the Rakna-Kadaki, so we could have another one. I’d like to see the Tetsucabra again, he was in the Netflix Monster Hunter movie, which was set in the World’s um, world, I believe, but he wasn’t in the game World so he can comeback. We got Tigrex so I imagine we’ll get another version. I think I got to fight the Brute Tigrex but not the Molten one. I fought against the Grimclaw Tigrex a bunch in GenU but yeah, I assume we’ll see another Tigrex in RiseU.

            GenU time, yay! I quite enjoyed Gen and GenU, I’m assuming I’ve put the most time into these games. That being said there’s not many new monsters to add to RiseU I think. If there’s not going to be deviants and such there’s not much to pick from that I haven’t mentioned already and we can’t have EVERY monster in the game BUT I love Malfestio. It really tugged at my nostalgia because the first area I fought it was the Deserted Island of 3U. Anyway, Malfestio is a cool owl creature with hypnotic powers. It could put you asleep or invert your controls, it’s neat! It had a deviant called Nightcloak Malfestio that could turn invisible like Lucy. Other than that though there’s not much going on for me. I like the Glavenus a lot but they had him in World, Rise has the Mizutsune so I don’t think they’ll put another monster from the “fated four.” I don’t care about the Gammoth, he’s just not fun. The Astalos is okay but I’m fine without it. The only other monster that could show up if the Hermitaur shows up since it’s in the same family is the Shogun Ceanataur.

            So now what fun could we have with variants in RiseU. Capcom always surprises me with what they come up with. I wouldn’t ever think of them. Like the electric Anjanath from Iceborne, I can see that making a comeback. We don’t have Pink and Azure Rathian and Rathalos do we? I imagine they’ll show up. In MH3U Azure Rathalos had a fire and a dragon great sword and I really really love the dragon version. It was in 4U but it didn’t have dragon element, it had fire element but it was hidden behind the free element armor skill. It’s not the same. But I want that sword back. I’d really like to see a Tetranadon variant. I think he’s a really cool monster and has a cool looking armor set but he’s so low tier that I haven’t seen him in a while. I don’t know what other element he could have though, maybe blast? I don’t recall if they have anything that makes you bleed in Rise like the Seregios. Capcom adds these new things into the games but don’t add a ton of it you know? Which is good in some ways because you don’t want to get to bored or saturated but maybe a Aknosom variant could cause bleeding. I still wish they would add wind element, it’s so bizarre to me that they haven’t, they normally just associate wind with water/ice. I’m sure they’ll do something with the Magnamalo, what though I don’t know, something crazy and awful. I don’t know, I’m not creative, I think I’ve mentioned this before; I can also see variants of Goss Harag and Bishaten.

            Other than that I would go into old elder dragons that I’d like to see but I don’t really deal with elder dragons too much. I’d like to see Dalamadur because I didn’t get to fight that in 4U and a Mohran of some sort. I think the Dah’ren Mohran is cooler looking. I’m pretty tired of the Kirin, if that doesn’t show up again that’d be fine by me. @NEETproxy and I were saying it might be fun to have a elder dragon fight in the sky and have multiple airships from 4U/GenU and have to/could jump from ship to ship to shoot cannons and ballista and the like. Not sure how it could really pan out but it’s still a neat concept.

            So I think I’m done. What do you think? What would you like to see make a return? Do you have any thoughts on different types of variants? Comment below your thoughts and I’ll be back sometime.






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