
Showing posts from July, 2023

Let Sam Fisher Out!

            Ubisoft! What the fuck?! Stop doing this! Give the poor man a game! I just got done talking about how Ubisoft leaves all these hints and references in the Assassin’s Creed franchise but they’ve been going even further. (I was playing a little of Black Flag yesterday and right at the beginning there was a reference to something that would be seen in Rogue.) By not playing these games right away I find these connections way later and I know I’m not the only one noticing them obviously but it’s just getting too ridiculous for Sam Fisher/Splinter Cell in particular. Having Sam show up in so many Tom Clancy games kind of makes sense but now (now for me, about 4ish years since Odyssey came out) it’s bleeding into the Assassin’s Creed games and maybe there’s been even more over the years I just haven’t noticed.             The first kind of crossover/tie-in/easter egg that wasn’t Tom Clancy relat...

The "Colonial" Assassin's Creeds

           Hello hello! Since my last post I have finished Assassin’s Creed 3, Tyranny of King Washington, Liberation and am now working on Rogue. I saw online while looking some stuff up that some people don’t really like these “colonial” games but I’ve become quite fond of them. As far as the United States is concerned we’re a very young country and very diverse. We don’t have long, ancient histories and ancestries that tie us to the land like Asia, Africa and Europe . There are the Natives and there are some very cool sites around the country, like Serpent Mound, but we don’t have anything like that of South America or Mexico . So I feel like the time period of these games is some of the only interesting things the United States has to offer, history wise, that doesn't involve us fighting with ourselves. Aside from the Natives we are all immigrants in some way, shape or form so it was a very interesting time in history and at the same time it has never...