Wish List 2022


Hello! So it’s that time again where I vomit all these random ideas for potential videogames I’ve been holding in all year and hope to see them, or something like them, in the near future. As it has become slightly traditional, I will go over my past wishes briefly as a reminder of things I’d still like to see and hopefully not repeat myself in this post. A monster based Monster Hunter fighting game, a Monster Hunter Mosou/Warriors game, Nintendo X Sega Smash Bros., and a good waifu third person shooter game. My last list(s) have had a new Mario Kart on them and all though that hasn’t come, Nintendo has released, and are still releasing, a bunch of new tracks for 8 Deluxe. It’s bitter sweet for me, I’m almost more interested in new characters and karts then I am new tracks but I’ll take it for now. No word on a Marathon reboot but 40k did announce Boltgun which has an old school, Doom/Marathon look to it. It seems mighty interesting and probably more appealing to me then Necromunda. I’ve been writing this since August and since then there have been new things that have come up so some of what I talk about might already be around and I might not have caught it or updated it as I proof read this.

Before we get into my new game ideas I wanted to put down quick (mm, it’s beginning to look like this could be a whole other post on its own, TL;DR next paragraph) little things that I’d love to see the next Monster Hunter do. I’d like to have a Division like hub area. In The Division 2 you have “base of operations” where you can see other players. I’m not sure how many are in a given space but there can be a lot sometimes but then when you go out of the base you are essentially alone unless you’re in a group with friends or request help. I’d like to see Monster Hunter incorporate this because I haven’t really played online since 3U and I’d just like to see other hunters and their armor. Actually, now that I think about it Splatoon does this as well. I don’t know, it’s just fun for me to see what other people make their characters look like without actually having to play with them. That being said I’d like an option for having your helmet off in the hub/village but on during hunts. (Dauntless does this by the way. 4 options. On, off, in the hub off hunting, off in hub on while hunting.) They have a toggle for the helmet (any piece of armor really) to be displayed or not and in World had a separate option for having it off in cutscenes. It just makes sense to me, you’re in a safe place, maybe want to eat something, you’d take your helmet off and when you go into combat you’d slide it on. Another thing I’d like to see is more character options. I know certain individuals want more beards, I’d like more hair options and face paint. From a certain point of view it’s almost like the whole character creator needs to be thrown out and rebuilt from scratch. A lot of the options are almost staples of the series going back many generations of games. I think my character in GenU looked exactly like my character in 4U and talking with the Caravaneer he’s like “Ah, you remind me of a hunter I once knew” and I’m like “I-it’s me dad.” I don’t know why it bothers me so much in this series in particular, I just feel like most of the hair options are not something I see a “hunter” actually wearing. Since watching Prey I kind of want my character to look a little messy. My girl right now looks kind of like a “gyaru,” which was the intent, but now I’m kind of hoping for some more unkempt hairstyles. Capcom just showed off it’s character customizer for Street Fighter and I think Monster Hunter should adopt it. I’d like to have a buff girl or a big bellied man. I don’t like the newer menu system. There’s so many sub menus, I get lost. I liked the old way just fine and I would like the equipment box to go back the way it was before World. I find the 5x10 view too limiting. I like to group my weapons up in rows of elements and what kind of weapon it is so when I use more than five weapons grouped by different elements and aliments it doesn’t quite work out right and it bothers me a tad. I like to see all my weapons when deciding what to hunt with. The other menu system that sucks is in the Smithy. I check to see what weapons with a specific element and it doesn’t really show everything and I don’t understand why. Legit Lunagaron’s Insect Glaive is ice, it’s there, I CAN SEE IT yet it doesn’t show up when I search by “ice.” Why? I’ve been using Kiranico since the start of my Monster Hunter career, just adopt it. Last thing is the “join request” or “SOS” system. I never used it in World so I don’t know but I’ve used it for the first time in Sunbreak and I’m not sure I understand. I look up the “join request” quests and it shows me all the quests like I’m talking to the quest giver. Is there really someone looking for help on each quest? Could be, but I doubt it. I’d just like to be able to see people that actually need help, you know? I’d like to see some bigger fights, like World of WarCraft raid size fights. I hated the Zorah Magdaros fight in World, you were basically fighting a mountain, it was dumb, but if the fight had more people doing all sorts of different things then it could’ve been cool. Several people on canons or ballista’s, several people on it hitting it’s weak spots and others trying to repair or reinforce gates/walls or just setting up defenses in the next area. I don’t know, but it’s supposed to be a big fight with the whole village or town involved, let’s get some more hunters in there. And let me change my character whenever I want, what the fuck? I can’t even change the voice unless it’s DLC, why? Stop being weird about it. And about the voices, (I keep coming back and adding things I’M SORRY T_T) I think it’d be funny to have some vtubers do some voices. I just think Korone and Salome would be hilarious. Subaru would be good as well I imagine.

Alright, that was longer than I intended, so a TL;DR. Division/Splatoon like hub. Option for having helmet off in village but on for quests. Revamped character customizer like SF6. Less but better menus. Clearer SOS system unless I’ve got it wrong. Raid battles. Character changes for free and for everything. Vtuber voices.

I just want to touch on this real quick also and show you some trailers you may not know about (really this time, it’ll be quick I promise!), but anime girl gun game please! Girls Frontline 2: Exilium is supposed to be a XCOM style strat game but look at this trailer. It’s soooo goooood, like, you’re there man, you’re there, just make the game this. PLEASE. I like the gameplay that I’ve seen for it, a lot more than the first game, I’m defiantly more interested in playing Exilium, if/when it comes to PC that is. The next Arknights game looks promising too. All I’ve seen of it is that it’s third person but haven’t seen combat yet. I guess this next game isn’t quite out yet, maybe that’s why I can’t find anything on the characters but there’s a game that’s close to what I want called Calabiyau. I think it’s multiplayer only, which isn’t what I’m looking for, and there’s this mechanic to turn yourself into paper and attach yourself to walls like A Link Between Worlds, I’m not quite feeling it. We’re almost there! I like the character models though from what I’ve seen, they look older in a way. Maybe it’s just because they’re limbs are so long. I’m going to have to be content with Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Panzer Knights I guess. My posts on Girls With Guns and Waifu Division keep getting views so someone else is interested. Maybe a developer stumbled across them and we’ll see one soon. *Fingers crossed*

Okay, the real stuff. Since I brought up Panzer Knights and VC4 I’ll start with the vehicular games I’ve been thinking about. I’ve been playing Panzer Knights on my Steam Deck on my breaks at work and it’s fine. It’s fun for what it is but I’d like something a little more goofy as well. I’d like something that let’s you pull off some anime crap like going as fast as your thank can, drift, stop on the opposite side of the enemy tank and blast them like in Girls und Panzer. I also really like the tank customization in Valkyria Chronicles 2. I don’t know if VC4 has any, it’s been a while, but I remember 2 having a lot and it was great so I’d like a tank game with tank customizations. The other game I’ve had on my mind forever but keep forgetting about it is some kind of motorcycle action game. I was reminded of this from a level in Final Fantasy 7 Remake but what originally started this thought was from Ga-Rei Zero. A girl is fighting demons with her motorcycle that has like holy runes on her tire treads and flips around with her bike, it’s cool! Some kind of third person, motorcycle, action, hack and slash game. I’ve been in a third person, hack and slash mood lately.

The first things I had on my ideas page is Kid Icarus Uprising, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Lollipop Chainsaw and a FEAR ports or remakes. Lollipop Chainsaw has been confirmed to be getting a remake for next year so that’s cool. Metroid Prime is supposed to be getting a port from what leaks have said and just the first one at that. I don’t think Nintendo themselves have said either way whether that was true or not. Before I wasn’t interested in just the first game getting a port and not the others but at this point I’ll take anything. A Kid Icarus port is unlikely after seeing Jon’s video on Good Vibes Gaming on different Nintendo teams. As for FEAR I’d like it to be the same game just updated graphics. FEAR is gold as it is, it just needs to be brought back to its glory. There’s a game coming out that kind of uses the same bullet time mechanic as FEAR called Sprawl that caught my eye.

The next thing on my list was “Pokemon Z and Stars/Eclipse aaaaaand I’m not sure why, I’m not sure what I was trying to remind myself of. I got the Splatoon Switch when it came out so I gave my other Switch to my wife with Animal Crossing and while she is playing it, it reminds me of Gold/Silver. There’s a day/night cycle, my wife was doing some kind of bug catching contest and I was like “I kind of miss that stuff.” Arceus had a day/night cycle, I think Sword/Shield had that too maybe? I’d like if in Scarlet/Violet or even the next ones they have the day/night cycle and either bug catching contest or fishing contest that you compete against your friends. Maybe even like a safari zone thing where you and your friends see who can catch the most in an amount of time, who catches the biggest Pokemon, the rarest one, stuff like that. Like I kind of just want to chill, I think I’ve mentioned this in other posts but at this point in my Pokemon career I don’t really care about the story of the game. If I could just hang out, explore and find cool areas or places that legendary Pokemon reside I’d be happy. One other thing I really like is in Sun/Moon is getting a crown on any given route or area for catching all the known Pokemon there, that could comeback.

The next thing to talk about isn't really something I want or is actually on my wishlist per se but  Aliens: Fireteam Alpha has a good concept and you really could make this for anything. We played Fireteam Alpha a bit and it’s not bad, it’s fun but I just kind of wish my character was a Predator. Basically the gameplay is doing objectives and fighting xenomorphs or even the AI replicate things, from what we’ve seen, dunno if there’s other things but you could easily make a Jurassic Park/World game with this formula. I was also thinking of the final stand of the dwarfs in Moria from Lord of the Rings might be cool, stuff like that. Again, almost anything could work.

Another thing @NEETproxy and I have bounced back and forth is like a reverse metroidvania type game. You start with all your powers, OP as fuck and as the game progresses you loose things but are still expected to come out on top. I don’t know quite how this would work but I think of John Wick and other “gun-fu” type movies. The protagonist starts off in relative good health and as the movies go they get beat up, shot, hurt beyond any normal persons tolerance but they keep going and end up winning, usually. I know as gamers we expect to progress, get more abilities, get better gear, defeat your opponents quicker but it’d be interesting to have to improvise in your weaken state as the game goes on instead of being a fucking monster that the enemies fear. That all make sense?

The last thing on my list is a small thing. I’ve mentioned in other posts how much Ghost in the Shell SAC_2045 is something Ghost Recon Future Solider 2 should inspire to and in the second season they give a perfect representation of the new Ghosts, the SEALs towards the end of the anime. They have some similar tech to the GRFS ghosts (having an awful time finding links for this, there's like nothing on YouTube of them I can find.) in the early trailers but then they do other things that I’m like “that’s so cool!!” The transmetal Megatron roller skates they get and even laying down on their forearms and knees/legs and drive around at a very low profile. It’s so cool. They’re beefy, they’re covert but if shit goes sideways, like it more often then not does in Ghost Recon, they have the armor and weapons to withstand an army of ill equipped militia.

So that’s that! Now I have to find all sorts of videos and such for the links I like to use all so much. So a quick run down of what I’m looking for in the future: Big ass list for Monster Hunter, an anime girl based TPS, an anime tank game, a game based around fighting with a motorcycle, Kid Icarus Uprising unlikely remake and a Metroid Prime anything, a Pokemon game that could borrow some chill vibes from Animal Crossing, something similar to Aliens: Fireteam Alpha, a reverse metroidvania and finally Ghost Recon Future Soldier 2 with more future. Anything interest you? Anything you want to add? What would you like to see in the near future? Let me know below and I'll catch you when I catch you. Bye-bye!



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