Things I'd Like To See In Arceus


            Hello! It’s time to talk about Arceus now that I’ve done the main story bit. I haven’t done “everything” yet but I’ve done enough. Now that I’m writing this I’m looking at my small bit of notes and I only have like two things I want to talk about. Was there more??? Uhhh… I guess so? My thoughts in my last post haven’t changed really so let’s just go!

            If you’ve read certain other posts of mine you’ll know I’m not a huge fan of stealth action games with crafting because they never do it right. Game devs typically shoehorn all these aspects in without much thought other than “everyone else is doing it.” I think Arceus does it pretty well but I honestly would like to see it expanded more if you can believe it. In recent years I’ve heard people wanted the main Pokemon games to either get rid of random encounters or be able to turn them down/off so you can make it back to town if most of your Pokemon are KO’d but like, that’s the point to me. You’re supposed to have potions and antidotes and things to get through to the next town. When I started the game I stocked up on Pecha Berries because they cure poison. I have vivid memories of being in Viridian Forest as a child and constantly running back to town cause my Pokemon were poisoned and constantly fainting but in Arceus, it doesn’t matter. After a fight your Pokemon are cured of all ailments. I find that a little bs. Like, yeah it keeps the pace of the game going but in a game where a fight is typically decided in a move or two I’m not gonna waste that move on curing a status ailment if the next move will decide if I win or lose anyway. Maybe there could be an option for after a fight if you have the berry in your pouch your Pokemon is cured but if you don’t then it stays poisoned/paralyzed/frozen/whatever. I kind of wish fights lasted just a tad longer to justify using items or maybe if you couldn’t heal at the base camps. Or at least make it an option maybe? I know I’m being very contradictory to other posts but I don’t know. I guess, technically, I don’t HAVE to go to the base camp and heal but when it’s free I’m most likely going to utilize it. An auto-craft feature like in Monster Hunter Rise would be nice too. If you have the materials for an item it just gets made and added to your inventory.

            There’s a fair amount of the legendaries in this game and ONE brand new one that I didn’t know about until like last week I happen to see a video on YouTube and was like “wtf is this??” I’m still unimpressed by the fights themselves though. They’re just typical Pokemon battles that can still be decided in a few hits and are over rather quickly. Some Pokemon you have to chase, dodge their attacks and stun them but once you get to the fight it’s just the same as any other. I still would really like it if legendary fights were more like the raid battles of Sword/Shield. It’d be fun to have three or four Pokemon out at a time, one being a tank, one being a healer of sorts and two dps types. I’d like the fights to just be more interesting, last longer and after you defeat the Pokemon you are guaranteed to catch it. If you are guaranteed to catch it then I think that would make a harder battle more fun and rewarding. Like in the old games and even in Sword/Shield I had the hardest time with Articuno. It just did NOT want to be caught like, I’m not THAT bad to be around am I?.. Am I? Hm. That explains some things… Anyway, I’d fight it, get it to legit 1hp, it’s paralyzed and yet it still won’t get an ultraball. We fight and fight and fight then it struggles itself to death. It would rather knock itself out then be with me. T_T And then that’s it, you’re done, you can’t even attempt the fight again, you have to turn your game off and back on to try again. I’m fairly certain I used my masterball in Red and I know I used it in Sword to get Articuno. I was just done. But I would love to have a tougher fight, even if it took multiple attempts, if it meant I was defiantly going to catch that Pokemon. On the flip side, when NPCs are like “hey let’s battle” and there’s an “option” for “no” but it’s not actually an option kind of annoys me. Like don’t even ask then you know? Sorry I don’t want to battle our Pokemon for no reason, I have my Pokemon for protection from wild Pokemon, I just want to explore, I’m not about whatever you have going on.

            I guess I’ll talk about Pokemon Scarlet/Violet real quick. First of all the trailer came out a few weeks ago and people are like “omg this looks so good!!!” and I’m like “wtf are you talking about? They didn’t even show anything.” People were bitching about Arceus’ trailer(s) right up until release and were like “not sure if this is going to be good.” Since day one I was on board with Arceus. It looked different than anything Pokemon had done before and I couldn’t be more excited and people are having raging boners for this seven second video of the over world that if you hadn’t told me it was a new game I would’ve just thought it was going to be part of Arceus. The only bits that really matter at this point are the starter Pokemon and the main protagonists. The starter Pokemon look dumb to me. Everyone loves them, I don’t, what’s new? I don’t like the cat, I don’t like the duck and the fire type just looks like an idiot and if I do get this game, I probably will, I’m probably going to go with the fire Pokemon because his look isn’t bad, he just looks kind of dense. He reminds me of Bubble Bobble. As for the protagonists, they look really young. Like I don’t know if I’m finally “too old” or whatever but all the other kids of the other games looked like they could handle themselves to some degree but these kids look like they just got out of school and are gonna go watch the anime and play the TCG.

            That about does it I suppose. What are your thoughts? Think there’s room for changes or you like things the way they are? Where do YOU think the next Pokemon Legends game is going to take place, assuming there IS a next one? That’s another post I want to make so let me know below and I’ll catch you around!

            Side note; My friend and I have started a YouTube channel thing. We’ve tried before but weren’t happy with the way it turned out but we’re trying again. Don’t know how long it’ll last but some of my content will be basically just these posts but you’d get to listen to my horrible voice! You know, if you’re into that sort of thing. But it’s a learning process. Every time I figure something out there’s like three new problems, so that’s fun, so anyways, bye bye!

                 @AztecSauce                                                               @TheGetGudScrubs




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