Early Impressions On Arceus


            Hello hello. I don’t know how long this’ll be so I’m gonna type it out and if I think it’s okay I’ll post it. I was just going to give my early thoughts on Pokemon Legends Arceus and some other stuff so let’s just get right to it.

            I’m really liking Arceus. I love this direction, this freedom. The start of the story isn’t my favorite and I just pretty much ignore it as much as possible. It would’ve been better if they didn’t do what they did but oh well. I love being able to cycle through my Pokemon on the fly instead of stopping, going to a menu, changing them around then start a fight. I can go from fighting a Graveler to a Staravia in no time now. It really reminds me of the original games in the sense that you really should have items with you to take care of your Pokemon while you’re out in the wild. If I noticed correctly though, if your Pokemon is burned or poisoned during a battle, once the battle is over they overcome that aliment. Like, I specifically got a bunch of berries that heal poison because I have vivid memories of my Pokemon dying in Viridian Forest as a child but it appears I don’t need them. I don’t know, if that is the case though I’d like it if there was an option so your Pokemon kept their status change. I know I’d be making it harder for myself but that’s why it would be an “option.”

            I was trying to not level my Pokemon too much because I didn’t want to be too over powered but I was getting destroyed at the beginning of the game. I thought I’d be in a good place, level wise, and do something in the story and just got trounced. I had one trainer in particular give me trouble where one of his Pokemon was doing a move, very similar to earthquake, and taking out all my Pokemon. I was thinking “god, this seems familiar.” Then I thought about it for a second, looked at his Pokemon, looked at his features and came to the realization that he’s Cynthia’s ancestor! Fuck! Your whole family just wants to give me trouble! I Googled it to make sure but sure enough they’re related and I really love seeing these ancestor characters. People who were “good” in D/P/Pt are now “bad” and vice versa, it’s funny and I get really excited when I actually notice. I was going to look up a video of all the ancestors but I saw the title said “36 ancestors” and thought “well, maybe I shouldn’t spoil it for myself.” But the few that I did see when I was looking things up I wouldn’t have guessed right away.

            But overall I like the gameplay and everything there is to do. I could do with less side quests, every time I go back to town there’s like three more requests. People, just leave me alone, god. Where’s the other kid? Bother him. You have the overall quest of figuring out what’s sending certain Pokemon into a frenzy, you have Unown’s to find and are given clues as to where each one is (remember when I said I'd never had to catch Unowns again...), you’re given a rock that looks very much like Spiritomb’s rock and are asked to collect X amount of purple wisps in the over world and a few more things. Probably too many things, oh and you’re also told to see or collect all the Pokemon of the game from a certain “someone,” but yeah. I like looking at the map and figuring out where things are in relation to D/P/Pt. I also found a big ass rock that looks like the Spiritomb’s rock that I have but not sure what it does right now. Maybe there’s a connection, maybe I’ll find out one day. Overall though this is a great direction but I’m curious how/if it’ll continue. With a name like Pokemon Legends: Arceus it seems like there’ll be others and if so will they take place in an early time period like this one or will we see a modern version?

            Other than that I’ve been playing Monster Hunter Rise a lot. I’m pretty much done the game, I actually did all the village and hub quests for the first time ever, and all the armor sets I’m making are going to be obsolete once Sunbreak comes out but, eh, I’m having fun. I’ve been in the mood to play a fighting game again. King of Fighters is coming out with a new one soon(? Maybe? I don’t know I’ve just been hearing about it) but I’ve only played a tiny bit of 14 and it’s not quite my style. I also really want to play an RPG like Twilight Princess or Metroid Prime. I had said that if they port Twilight Princess to the Switch I wouldn’t get it or if only the first Prime game got a remake/remaster I wouldn’t buy it unless it was the whole trilogy but at this point I’ll take what I can get. I’m not typically fond of ports, some people are, but I don’t know. I need something. I’d really like a Twilight Princess 2 at some point, just something in that vein over BotW 2. Don’t get me wrong, I’m super pumped for BotW 2 and will play the shit out of it but still. Other than that I’ve been in the mood for Division 2 but I’ve done it and they supposedly have new content coming soon so I guess I just have to wait for that. I’d take anything GOOD from Tom Clancy at this point. I heard that Ubi is still working on Ghost Recon Frontline and even had an alpha or beta test even though I thought they pretty much halted everything on that but I guess not. I also heard that the new standalone game for Division called Heartland might also be a battle royale? Which if true, why? If Heartland is a battle royale and they’re still pushing out Frontline what makes them think that’s a good idea? It’s like EA putting out Battlefield and Titanfall out a week apart or Capcom oversaturating the fighting scene. I was looking at Rainbow Six(6?) Extraction a bit, still seems real dumb from my autistic point of view but, and looking at some of the operators and noticed Ying wasn’t in the game. So I Googled asking if anyone thought Ying would be in the game later because when they did this game type in Siege I really liked using Ying. She’s got a big ass LMG, she’s got a big ass shotgun, seems perfect and what I found was rather irritating. Someone, on reddit maybe?, suggested that Ying and Lesion probably wouldn’t be in the game because they’re based out of Hong Kong and a couple other characters probably wouldn’t be in because they’re gay and China really doesn’t like those types of things. First off, fuck China. Fuck your sales, stand up for something for once you fucking greedy asshats. I’m so tired of Hollywood and the games industry and the FUCKING GOVERNMENT catering to the Chinese government because they have a huge market. They are our ENEMY. No matter how you look at it they are out to take us down. I hate that in this day and age we still use words like foe and enemy but it’s just a fact. I’m certain that the average citizen of China, the US, Russia, Afghanistan, anywhere in the FUCKING world all want the same thing. To be free, to do as we please and to not have the threat of being fucking shot for no god damn reason. The governments of the world are the ones fucking us all for profits for themselves and nothing else. There’s a lot of Korn lyrics that just hit me in my soul, one of them being “everybody’s trying to get rich, god damn, all I want to do is live.”


All I want to do is live.

            Well that took a turn didn’t it? All that being said, it feels like Ubi would be the next target for the Xbox acquisition machine if they don’t get their heads out of their asses. So, have you been playing Arceus? What do you think? Have you not played Pokemon in a million years? Are there any games you’re in the mood to play? Let me know below and I’ll catch you later. Also, if you were ever wondering why Gyarados is a flying type, click here.


I have this imagine of myself in like a loin cloth, a paper bag over my head, no shirt, pretending to play a guitar while pulling a little red wagon with a speaker playing this song, just walking around DC. I don’t know why but if you see that on TV, it’s me.



 Done by @keakeapoppo


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