My Return to Azeroth and Beyond


          Hello! So I’m a big fat liar. Last post I said I made some alts to level when Dragonflight came out, they’ve been leveled. I said I wasn’t going to buy Shadowlands, it’s been bought (though now it’s free until the 5th, typical). I said I was going to basically replace/retire my shaman and priest for the new allied races but that’s not quite true either, so let me bore you with what I’ve been doing.

            I’ve been making, deleting and remaking alts for the last few weeks. @NEETproxy made a Vulpera rouge and I made a Nightborne priest, I think I said in my last post I pretty much only like playing shaman and preist. He brought up questing around with these characters and I was like “sure, why not.” Well we got them to 50 in like two weeks. I had the name Megamilk saved since like, Warlords and just haven’t felt like actually using it. She was a Tauren warrior but then I thought it’d be good for the Highmountain so she went from being a hunter to a shaman to a warrior back to a shaman that I now have used my free level 50 boost on so I’m kind of committed to her being my shaman. (Also, Exile’s Reach start zone is dumb as hell.) I usually like warriors fine but I just didn’t want to play one right now and I can’t quite get to liking the hunter yet I keep one around just in case. Currently I’ve decided to keep my Blood Elf priest but use the Highmountain shaman instead of my Tauren. Both my BE and Tauren have a lot of memories but I feel like I’ve just done so much more with my priest. I like her mounts better, they’re all very Blood Elf and I went through the trouble of making the Jeweled Onyx Panther (more on that later). My shaman just feels more replaceable, like I love him, don’t get me wrong, he’s everything I think of when I think “Horde” and “Tauren” but that’s all really. I don’t always know how to put into words the feelings and thoughts I have and now is just one of those times. It just feels okay to have a new shaman like I want to use at least one allied race, I went through the trouble of unlocking them, I should use one.

            I ended up making a Pandaren monk also. It’s okay, I kind of like it but sometimes don’t. I’m not that big into the melee classes but it’s fun for the most part right now and they’re kind of similar to shaman in a way. I made the mistake of wanting to get her the Legion monk class mount because I like aesthetics, as I’ve said. Well it’s been a pain in the ass thus far, I’m finally on the Breaching the Tomb achievement but I’m getting to some hard quest. I was 49 but decided to start Shadowlands with her so maybe I can get some of the early gear and go back and have an easier time.

            On my priest I had the vague urge to make the Jeweled Onyx Panther which you need to make the other panther mounts in order to make that one. I had already made the yellow one years ago and knew I had the plans for the green one so I just need the blue and red one. How do I get them? I have to be revered with a group to get them and then exalted to get the onyx plans. K, fine. So I’m farming ghost iron ore to prospect it, turn it into bars, sending all these mats to my shaman so he can transmute it, doing these peoples dailies, you get a cloud serpent from getting exalted here? Well that’s a very Pandaren monk type mount, k fine, more of a reason to be here. Got the mats for the green mount, made it, claimed it, thought about it, googled it, yup, it was supposed to stay an item in my bag and not be a mount. Fuck. Now I have to remake the yellow AND the green one too. I tried reaching out to Blizzard about getting it back but they’re response time was taking too long. I waited 4ish days and said “fuck it, I’ll just remake it.” Got my dragon, got my panther, got out of Pandaria finally. And also, the cloud racing tutorial quest or whatever was dog shit.

            Proxy and I have been leveling our mains in Shadowlands for the time being, I’m trying to get the class mount for my monk and when I feel like it I’m questing on my shaman. I’ve made a Void Elf and a Night Elf along with my Lightforged Draenei just incase Proxy decides he wants to do something Alliance for some reason.

            I think World of WarCraft was my generations Fortnite. Almost everyone had heard of it, if you played games even a little you probably tried it, tons of people played regularly and very few people didn’t know what it was. Whenever I get back into WoW all these old videos and, memes basically, before memes were a thing or called “memes,” come flooding back into my memory. Pure Pwnage’s Worldof WarCraft is a Feeling, South Park’s episode and Liveto Win, IGN’s I Play WoW, Jimmy: The World of WarCraft Story, Blizzard's own band that changed it's name with every new expansion, it was just such a phenomenon.

            So yeah, I’ve been busy. I’ve been wanting to do some stuff on Sunbreak, I got my Steam Deck in, I’ve been wanting to mess around with that a bit, Splatoon 3 is coming out soon, wanna play that so yeah. I think I’m getting to the point where I can peel myself away from WoW (I’m writing this damn thing so that’s something) but I’m also hoping I’m not gonna burn out just as Dragonflight lands and not play it for like another three years. What’ve you been up to? What games are you looking forward to? Do you currently play WoW? What have you been up to? Let me know in the comments and I’ll be back sometime, hopefully! Bye bye!



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