I Play WoW!


            Hello! Sooooo I’ve been playing World of WarCraft again. Usually I come back around to WoW when I’m super bored and I have nothing else to do. I’ve been watching Asmongold a little bit on Youtube and seeing some stuff on Dragonflight got me interested.

            I remember the last time I played I was trying to get the Highmountain Tauren and the Zandalari Trolls but then I couldn’t remember when that was exactly. I know I haven’t touched WoW since Shadowlands and that came out like a year and a half ago so when I logged in it said last time I played was in February 2020. Two and a half years. It feels like longer, but anyway, with Shadowlands they did another level squish. My shaman was max level but apparently my priest wasn’t which surprised me. They made getting the allied races easier so I decided to try to get the Highborne Elves and level up my Priest. I wanted to get a few new characters started because in Dragonflight, Blizzard is bringing back the talent trees and I would like to start fresh instead of having max level characters and try to figure out the talent trees all at once. I want it to be a like an organic thing, you know?

            I love WoW. I really do. I just love the endless grind. As @NEETproxy put it; it’s very zen. Once I get to max level I get bored though. The only time I’ve been max level during the current expansion was Mists of Pandaria. The boys and I would do the casual raids like the looking for group kind of raids and I enjoyed myself for the most part. I play a healer on both my mains, we did Siege of Orgrimmar quite a few times and were pretty fine. Once they put out the Warlords of Draenor pre-parch everything went to shit. We tried to do SoO several times and our groups would wipe on the first boss. I think one time we got to the second boss, the three Pandarens, but that was as far as we made it.

            I tried to pre-purchase Dragonflight but they won’t let me unless I buy Shadowlands first which is kind of odd and I don’t want to. I really don’t want to do Shadowlands. When Battle for Azeroth came out I had to go through Legion and I hated it. It’s not what I wanted to do, I wanted to do BfA but I had to go through this first. It was kind of lame and I think that’s what burnt me out at the end and why my priest was a few levels behind. I think when Dragonflight comes out I’ll just boost my mains maybe. We’ll see. I really want to level up my alts and I don’t think it’ll take that long to go from 10 to 60. Right now one of my alts is in Burning Crusade and another is in Mists. It’s fun going back through Burning Crusade and remembering how it was back in the day when it was new, all the PvP nonsense in Hellfire and Mists was just goofy. The story and quest were relatively light hearted and different. Helping Pandarens with their farms and fighting off the varmint trying to eat their crops. I really enjoyed Warlords too because I started out with WarCraft 2 so seeing all the old orc leaders was so cool for me. It was awesome to see them from a different perspective. BfA was cool too, I thought. A lot of people didn’t like it and liked Legion better.

            I seem to be rambling with no real point and I don’t really care, whole paragraphs don’t even need to be in this but I’m leaving them. Now that I’ve been playing the game for a few weeks I’d like to talk about the current allied races. I’ve seen people upset and also pleased with just about every allied race, not surprising, so you can have my opinion that doesn’t matter also. As you know from other posts I’m an aesthetics kind of guy, I’m shallow like that, keep that in mind. Lightforged Draenei are cool but Draenei are cool, they’re not really different just have holy eyes. Void Elves are just Alliance Blood Elves. Dark Iron Dwarfs are just Dwarfs. I don’t really like the Mecha Gnomes, but I don’t like Gnomes, and I’ve seen a lot of people hate on them online but I’ve seen a bunch questing around so someone likes them. The best thing I think they have are the Kul Tiran Humans. I’ve seen people complain about them because they’re “fat” but they look great! I think they’re awesome. How do you make a boring race like humans interesting? Change the body style, make them look strong as fuck. Seeing the male druid form on the customization page won me over. Just this hairy, big bellied man standing there, it’s great. In a game like WoW I never understood why the hell you’d pick a normal ass human. If you pick human you’re just a serial killer waiting to happen. Horde side you have Highmountain Tauren which are cool, I like the Native American vibe they’ve got. Nightborne Elves are just Horde Night Elves. You got the little fox people that are kind of cool I guess. The new orcs are okay I guess, I like they’re tattoos and markings. New trolls are okay too, they stand up straight, I just really like them for their druid forms.

            With the new races I feel like I should play them you know? I went through the trouble of unlocking them I should use them. My original plan was to make a Highmountain Tauren and a Nightborne to kind of replace my Tauren shaman and Blood Elf priest but I don’t know. I really like my Tauren. To me he embodies everything that is Horde and shaman. The one thing that bums me out a bit is his totems are the same looking totems since vanilla. Every other race has new totems, not that we use totems much anymore, it’s just a bummer. Some races have really cool totems, others not so much. My elf on the other hand, I do really like my Blood Elf, I have a lot of good memories with her and what not but I really like the way the Nightborne talk. That’s how small the thing is for me to change characters, something as small as the way they speak. I’m not sure what accent it’s supposed to be close to but I like it a lot. I’ve made a Lightforge paladin and a Void Elf priest just in case I feel like playing on the Alliance. It’s nice too how questing works now. I can just pick an expansion to play through to see the other side. Also all my elves are priest because that’s all I really like for them to do. I’ve played pretty much every class a bit and I only really like shaman and priest. If Blizzard would make freakin’ Wardens a class I’d totally play that but they STILL haven’t.

            Lore wise I don’t really know what’s going on with the Alliance. They have these Void Elves that are “always near the void but never consumed by it.” Yeah right. That never lasts. And I would think the Lightforged would absolutely hate the Void Elves. I don’t know if I understand the Lightforged or not, I thought they were like Draenei from a different time period that were basically radicalized by the Light and were quite dangerous but some things I’ve seen online would suggests that’s not the case. They just special space goats. Also, why make Lightforge Draenei Death Knights a thing? I feel like the only reason people will play them is just because the name is so damn long.

            What else? I don’t know, the game is addicting like, I don’t even know where my phone is right now. WHERE’S MY PHONE?? I don’t know and I don’t care, I’ve got things to do in WoW. It’s not only addicting in how easily it flows from one quest to the other and you can just loose time but you have to pay monthly for it. I’ve paid to play it for a month so I feel like I HAVE to play it. But it is emptier than it used to be, it’s a little sad in that regard.

            So that was my little thing. I saw something about Blizzard canceling a mobile WoW they were making, probably for the best. I think they’re stretched thin right now and need to focus on a few games. I have no way of knowing of course, I’m on the opposite side of the country and no knowledge of what’s going on over there but, IF IT WERE ME; I’d stop doing anything with Diablo Immortal, just focus on Diablo 4. They’re gonna keep doing stuff for Hearthstone and Overwatch but I wouldn’t be doing much on OW. The only good thing about OW is the porn. I would’ve been doing different things with Heroes of the Storm long ago. I can’t imagine they’re working on StarCraft or WarCraft RTS now or in the near future but if it were me I’d at least make my WarStarCraft mash up game.

            So yeah. I’d like Wardens, I’m oddly wishy washy about my characters, I’m currently having fun and hope Dragonflight is good and that I’m still interested in playing at that point. What about you? Lore thoughts? What allied race is your favorite? What other class(es) or race(s) or profession(s) can you think of to be added to the game? Let me know down below cause I’ve already wasted enough time making this and need to get back to WoWcraft.



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