Some Lore For My Weird StarWarCraft RTS Dream


          Hello. I currently have the COVID and have lots of time on my hands. A while ago I had made a suggestion of a weird mash up for WarCraft and StarCraft RTS and thought I’d try to make a “lore” type timeline of how things could go in the game. Now, I am sick so my thought process is even more all over the place than usual so I’ll do my best to not lose you and my WoW knowledge is limited. I mean, they change their own lore as they see fit anyway but.

            So obviously there’s a boat load of races and not all of them are going to make it into my fictional game. Things will start off at some point after the events of World of WarCraft. Something is happening to Azeroth, for one reason or another Azeroth is going to be destroyed; either by the consequences of the people or some outside force. There are plenty of ways they could leave the planet or whatever; they’ve gone to different planets throughout the expansions and such. The way I see it, after much debate and looking for a solution many of the races either split from their faction or partner up with other groups. So eventually on the Lordaeron side of things there’s a split between the humans and dwarves. The dwarves have come to the conclusion that in order to survive anywhere in space the races should to go back to their roots. From what I remember the old gods made the dwarves out of stone and then they eventually got the “curse of flesh.” Right? Is that right? So they propose to basically try to revert back to stone by transferring their minds into stone bodies. The humans think this as preposterous and an insult to everything that makes them human. But their solution isn’t much better. An old god has weaseled his way into the thoughts of some of these humans. Their more radical solution is to become one with the old god. I’m just going to call him C’thun because he’s the only one I know but I also think he’s dead? Like really dead? But I don’t know. The humans try to convince the console that C’thun can save them and shield them from the harms of space. C’thun just wants to be off of Azertoh before it’s destroyed. The dwarves obviously think the humans have lost they’re minds and immediately leave.

            Many many years later the dwarves have shed their stone bodies for machine ones. They have huge personality databanks where they store their minds and when they make a unit they have a personality downloaded into the body, similar to the protoss purifiers. The humans on the other hand have completely been consumed by C’thun and look more like invested terran.

            Okay. Now I think the High/Blood Elves would partner up with the Draenei or maybe even the Light Forged Draenei. The Light Forged could offer the Elves a way to sedate their thirst of magic through the Light. I think they pair well. Between the Draenei’s mechs and the Elves crystal golems I see them working together to make automated/AI controlled mech golems. Different types of automated mechs for different jobs and tasks. The Draenei would be the muscle of the group and the Elves would be the spell casters. The Draenei are a space fairing race so there was no real issue with them getting off planet.

            Next we go to Kalimdor where the Tauren, Orcs, Trolls and Night Elves are having their own discussions. The Orcs essentially say they’re going to back through the Dark Portal and live on Draenor. They make an offer to the other races saying they can come too but it might put a strain on Draenor and its resources. The trolls take up the offer but the Tauren and Night Elves say “no.” The Tauren and Night Elves have a very similar and strong connection to Azeroth and form a Kalimodor Alliance of sorts. They were the original two Druid races of WoW and can work together. I’m not sure how they get off the planet but I see them taking as much of the foliage from Kalimdor as they can and as they travel through space they sew new seeds. They stick to their druidism and shamanistic ways, even among the stars.

            Now after the Orcs leave Azeroth they destroy the Dark Portal on the Draenor side for fear that whatever destroys Azertoh could harm Draenor. Little do they know that when they destroy that portal the portal that connects to Outland opens again. The chaos/fel orc of Laughing Skull, Bone Chewer and Bleeding Hollow clans come through and start ravaging the lands. They somehow get a hold of crafts the Draenei were going to use and follow the other groups into space. I see them being similar to the Ravagers from the show Firefly. Crazed and blood thirsty.

            I think that does it, I’ll give it another look and see if I can add anything but that’s what I’d have for the base game. Five races, Mech Dwarves, Corrupted Humans, Protoss like Draenei/Blood Elves, bio-terran Tauren/Night Elves and Chaos Orcs. I think the Burning Legion could be a race in the expansion since they’ve basically been a space fairing group for eons. Now I’m not saying the other groups of Azeroth didn’t get off planet before it’s destruction but I don’t know where they fit in. I imagine the Forsaken just stay and finally meet their true end that they’ve been waiting for. I just want some crazy shit to happen. I want something weird. I might make another little post about how each race could function in the game but until then I need to go drink some fluids!



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