My Return to Azeroth and Beyond

Hello! So I’m a big fat liar. Last post I said I made some alts to level when Dragonflight came out, they’ve been leveled. I said I wasn’t going to buy Shadowlands, it’s been bought (though now it’s free until the 5 th , typical). I said I was going to basically replace/retire my shaman and priest for the new allied races but that’s not quite true either, so let me bore you with what I’ve been doing. I’ve been making, deleting and remaking alts for the last few weeks. @NEETproxy made a Vulpera rouge and I made a Nightborne priest, I think I said in my last post I pretty much only like playing shaman and preist. He brought up questing around with these characters and I was like “sure, why not.” Well we got them to 50 in like two weeks. I had the name Megamilk saved since like, Warlords and just haven’t felt like actually using it. She was a Tauren warrior but then I thought it...