Ghost Recon Breakpoint Post 2


         Hello, I am back to bore you with more Ghost Recon whining! I don't feel like thinking of a better title, deal with it. I have a few ideas for posts but I don’t know if I have enough to talk about each to make their own separate posts or if I should just cram them into one thing together. Is it better to have them as separate posts or you can just skip the bits you don’t care about and read what you want like me skipping through YouTube gaming news? We’ll see I guess.

            So anyway, pretty bored right now; I’ve done the main story stuff for Pokemon Arceus (one of the future posts to make) and now I just have the extra bits to do and I found myself gravitating back to Ghost Recon. Every now and then someone looks at my Breakpoint post, why that one I don’t know but recently my Fallen Ghosts post got a view too so I was looking at the different games and thinking “I want to play this one! No.. maybe this one!.. No…” I don’t know if that stems from depression that I’m pretty sure I have or it’s just because I’ve done it, I’m bored. I love Future Soldier but I’ve done it so much. I played a bit of Wildlands but I really hate starting over. If the game had a New Game+ mode where you start the game with all the weapons and skills you’ve unlocked before hand and you just did mission after mission without having to get intel, that’d make the game as close to perfect as could be. Like, see how fast you can do the game sort of thing, speed run. You can replay missions but you have to go into the menu, select the province, pull up the mission menu, pick a mission and after completing the mission Bowman calls up with the same chatter of how you took out that provinces’ head honcho. It’s annoying; I just want a smooth transition from mission to mission.

            Breakpoint is so broken; I really don’t understand how people defend it. I booted up the game and I load into the middle of an enemy camp. I’m just in the middle of this place, bad guys all around, why? Why??? @NEETproxy and I were playing, we died, respawned at a “safe house” and before the screen even completely loads we’re being shot at by a couple guys. It’s so stupid. I like it to when I shoot a guy in the face and it’s a good two seconds before he registers he’s been shot and falls down. It’s like we’re just playing paintball or survival games. “Ow I got shot, oh yeah, OUT!” The menu, all the menus, are god awful. I try to look at my guns and they’re just in one long list, I can’t exactly separate them between sniper rifles or SMGs, you can’t exactly compare your weapon with another that doesn’t already have new attachments on it, you have to select the gun you want to look at, add the attachments then find your original gun and compare. When you hover over certain things or if you’re using a controller and trying to scroll through certain pages your cursor is landing on something that gives a pop up description so you can’t see the item below the item you’re looking at because the pop up is blocking it, it’s so frustrating. There’s still no GPS for when you’re driving. I understand they have a mode or option that the game doesn’t put a point on your map to show where to go but will give you clues like “it’s north of “we hate you base” and west of “thanks for your money mountain”” but if I put a point on the map you should be able to give me some guidance on how to get there. I either have to stop every few moments to look at the map or drive through the woods and hope there’s no rocks.

I am a fan of the enemy variation in Conquest mode. Apparently (from what it looks like to me) they added a bunch of stuff to the game store that you don’t have to pay real money for. They also actually added a Ghost bandana. It was so bizarre to me that they didn’t put something like it in Wildlands and I was not expecting it to show up in BP. I wish there were more Ghost bandana/mask options like it should be something most Ghosts have or wear, like it’s a signature thing they have. There should be different ones from the different games and also different variations, maybe even a “make your own.” Ou yes, I want that now, a “make your own” Ghost mask for your character. I, myself, would end up with something generic I’m sure but it could still be cool. I’m actually using my character now that he looks more like an actual Ghost. I was using Valkyrie and Nokk from Rainbow Six that I randomly got, Breakpoint seems like a game where either one of those characters would fit right in, and I got a few characters from Uplay or Ubisoft Connect or whatever it is and was using a girl who apparently comes from Ghost Recon 2. The clothing options were so bad at the beginning of BP and you had to search and unlock other pieces, it was just so dumb I mean when you first start the game your character really does look like a weekend warrior playing paintball in the woods, why would you not let me make him look like an actual soldier? Very weird choices were made with this game.

The character classes are still kind of dumb, especially in conquest mode. I’ve been using the pathfinder class more for their unique thermal vision and for the fact that you don’t need to do anything special to get use their ability, just have to find these little packages that are everywhere and boom, you’ve got your ability. Their ability is to hack a predator drone and with the drone you can scan the area for enemies or even shot missiles at them so it is kind of handy but if I didn’t have it I wouldn’t be any worse off. I wish there was a way to turn off certain visions though. The way it is you have to cycle through your visions so in my case I go from white hot thermal to night vision to regular thermal then back to normal. In Rainbow Six Vegas you held a button and a select screen came up and you could pick night vision or thermal and then you did the same thing to turn it off. A little more streamlined if you ask me.

            I hate always being in this weird limbo of “well hopefully the next one is better.” Especially when it’s not or it’s not what you were expecting. Ubisoft recently said something that they’re more open to being acquired by someone right now and maybe that’s what needs to happen. Maybe they’d actually make Rainbow Six Patriots. From what I’ve been hearing about all the Microsoft/Xbox acquisitions is that they’re letting the developers keep doing what they want, having the freedom they want and Microsoft will give them the budget and I feel like that’s what Ubi needs. I feel like they have the big wigs telling them “make this because it’s what’s selling right now and we want that money” as appose to doing things that fans actually want to see. The Tom Clancy fan base has been crying for years now that everything they’re doing is so far off from what TC used to be but they just refuse to listen, they know best. Yeah you’re always going to have people that are interested in certain games like Siege and even Extraction but it’s still not what Rainbow Six was ever about.

            So, my wishlist for the next Ghost Recon game is as follows; 1) get rid of gear score and special ablities. You already have a game that does that and it does it pretty darn well. 2) Let me use gun skins on whatever gun I want. In Wildlands I really liked the Baby Vintage ACR and the Crocodile L8whatever but I was pretty bummed that I couldn’t customize the guns at all. They’re cool skins but I’d like to change things up. 3) Make gunsmith better. Similar to the gear score and stuff, all the benefits and drawbacks on different attachments is arbitrary to me. Less vertical recoil, more horizontal recoil, fucking whatever. Just show me on the little bars what goes up and what goes down with the attachment I’m looking at. Future Soldier gunsmith>Wildlands>Breakpoint. 4) Make your own Ghost bandana/face mask as mentioned above. 5) I’d like the character to control better. It still feels janky to me when it felt so smooth in Future Soldier. I’d still love to see a cover-to-cover button/action again and maybe a dedicated button to wall-hugging. My character still doesn’t do it right and I don’t really remember that being a problem in Future Soldier or Rainbow Six Vegas. And 6) I’m still hoping that GR Frontline will take the place of future GR multiplayer and the next GR will have more of a budget to focus on the story/campaign aspect of the game. (Addition, thought about it after I posted) 7) I'd like there to be different bullet types again. Future Soldier had armor piercing, incendiary and "exacto-ammo" and with all the different enemies in Breakpoint some of those would be helpful. Armor piercing would be especially good against enemies with helmets, vehicles or even the drones. I'm gonna talk more about it in my next post but just wanted to add it here for Ubi. ;)

            I think that’s it unless they add something else to Breakpoint that makes me complain again. I really should be done talking about BP by this point, I usually forget something in my other posts and I’m like “dammit” but this should be the last one! So, do you have any wishes for the next Ghost Recon? Do you like broken ass Breakpoint as it is and you don’t know what I’m talking about? Is there something else I should be talking about in general?? Let me know and I’ll see you around. Stay safe out there, might be seeing you in some real world Ghost Recon pretty soon the way things are going.







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