Ghost Recon Breakpoint

                  Recently Kotaku put out an article about Ubisoft admitting Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a disaster and it really surprised me that they actually admitted it. For me, Future Soldier is the best game out of the last three. The missions were fun and you knew what you were doing. You knew if it was a stealth mission or an assault mission and if the mission got flipped in the middle there was a weapons box you could use to get a different gun if you wanted. I love the weapon challenges to unlock new magazines, bullet types, grips and bipods. I LOVE the gunsmith; Breakpoint’s gunsmith is so painful to look at. I love how the game controls; cover to cover is fantastic, the camera when you’re under suppressing fire is great, the shooting range to test weapons was good and I absolutely love the prone roll. There were many-a-time online I’d play an engineer, sit out back with my drone in the air, notice someone was running my direction, get off the drone, prone roll out of my spot, spray the corner they were about to come around and get the kill, roll back into my little spot and go back to my business. If I have any issue with Future Soldier it’s the cut scenes. They’re not done very well and most of the time they aren’t relevant. I’m pretty sure on more than one occasion one ghost is used to be the voice of a couple of the characters. One of the early missions you need to grab an arms dealer or something so your character has him than 30 says “careful kid we might need him.” The camera pans to your character and back to the ghost who just spoke and it is Ghost Lead calling Overlord. Other than that I really enjoy Future Solider and occasionally go back and play it.
                  Ubisoft has a history of having things in their reveals trailers and videos that don’t ever show up in game. Future Soldier for example towards the end of the E3 demo, the ghost are beset by a drone, much like the land drones of Breakpoint, but those drones never show up in game ever. Assassin’s Creed Black Flag shows Edward tailing someone he finds suspicious. As he follows him, right before the man turns around, Edward will sit on a bench and start chatting up a women or throw himself in the middle of a campfire conversation. I thought that was so cool and so clever but in the actual game it’s just like previous Assassin’s Creeds, you just stand next to a group of people awkwardly until the group gets a little grayed out to show you’ve blended in. It was no different when they introduced Breakpoint claiming “survival,” how you’ll be “on your own” and the wolves will “always be on your tail” when in reality you have a hub known as Erewhon where you can buy weapons, attachments and equipment and the wolves are never just randomly on you. The only time I’ve had people come up with out expecting them is when I’m caught by an Azrael drone, which doesn’t happen at all unless I want it to unlike the beta where it happened so often, or there’s an explosion and people relatively near by come and check it out. I myself would have made the story very different to actually make it about “survival” and being “on your own.” Oh and I LOVE my night vision/thermal vision eye balls. Very realistic.
                  The gameplay makes sense for the most part given the story but as with Wildlands, I don’t really like having to travel for several minutes at a time to get to mission areas. It just kills my enjoyment. It takes longer to get to places then the actual act I need to do in a specific area and in most cases it doesn’t matter if you’re stealth or not. Most of the time it’s almost easier to get caught so everyone just comes to you and you can pick them off. There was a mission where I had to escort a group out of the area and the woman who is in charge of interrogation shows up without any real warning or introduction in an attack helicopter. The only reason I know it was her was because after we took care of the helicopter the characters told us she was the one in it. In Wildlands when you went after the people with the same job as her they were in the middle of interrogating someone and you actually saw them and could easily ID them. The amount of customization has gone way way down since their last game also. Most of it is behind a real world money paywall and I just look at it and think “who would actually buy this?” I’m sure there are some people that do and there are a few face masks that I would like to have for my character but I don’t want it that much. I just feel like if they’re going to limit the customization so much they might as well just give me a default character and call it good. I know the voice actor for Nomad from Dark Matter and I just feel the need to make my character look like him. I liked Wildlands customization for the most part. It still isn’t great but it’s leaps and bounds ahead of Breakpoint. I had a Fast Five looking guy, a girl that was as close to Valkyrie’s jungle skin as I could get and of course the Future Soldier costume. The thing that still bums me out about Wildlands and Breakpoint is still no real ghost facemask. Wildlands has a row of skeleton teeth I think they call ghost but that’s not right and you all know it.
                  I really feel like this game was rushed. Wildlands hasn’t been out for that long and they were doing updates to the game with PvP, Ghost Mode and Tier One so I was very surprised when they announced Breakpoint. Wildlands is also another game I would randomly go back to and play for months when I have nothing else going on. I also find games suspicious when they have a well liked actor as a character in the game. I love Jon Bernthal as much as the next person but it’s just not enough to sell the game. I feel like his character is fine, Walker is like the Frank Castle just on the other side of the line Frank doesn’t want to cross.
                  I don’t think I’ve ever been as disappointed with a Tom Clancy game as I am with Breakpoint. I was upset that they canceled Rainbow Six Patriots and made Siege to the point that I didn’t play Siege for a couple of years. When I did play though, I really did like it. I’m just not into multiplayers as much as I was and would’ve liked an actual campaign. When I think “Tom Clancy” I think about a solid story. So, those are just some of my thoughts on the current on goings of things with the Ghost Recon brand. Maybe in a year Breakpoint will be better and hopefully Ubisoft will give their future games the time they need. I’d like something closer to Future Solider but I know that probably won’t happen.
                          @AztecSauce                                                   @H4mmerBros


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