Make Co-op Rewarding
Hey! I got a good idea for a post! I do, I promise! Yes it kind of came up while playing Breakpoint but that’s besides the point! Topic: I wish games that focus on co-op would reward us for being cooperative. In my time with most games the co-op experience isn’t much different than the solo experience. In games like World Of WarCraft or even The Division 2 you have different classes and it behooves you to choose a different class then your friends or teammates. In WoW and The Division you have tanks, DPS and healers, typically, and in the early game it doesn’t really matter what you do but in the late game it most defiantly does. In the good old days of WoW if you were a normal/casual player there was no real reason for you to pick a healing spec while you quested but if you were any type of healer class you were sought after for low level dungeons. As an elem...