Venom 2 and No Way Home Speculations


            Hello hello! I’m writing about the Marvel movies today. I don’t think I’ve really done anything movie related since my first post (EDIT: Oh I did do something on Pirates of the Caribbean, I forgot.) but I just saw Venom (Let There Be Carnage) and that post credit scene was better than the whole movie but what does it mean? If you haven’t seen it or don’t know yet Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock gets brought into the MCU by what is most likely due to Dr. Strange’s spell in the upcoming No Way Home. But that coupled with the Spider-Man trailer bring up lots of questions. I’d rather be playing Horizon Zero Dawn right now but I’m gonna try to hammer this out.

            So I’ll just start with the end of Venom. Eddie is brought into the MCU, who else from this ‘verse is? Is anyone? Just him? Is his not girlfriend here? The MCU is having enough issues with half of the population coming back from being snapped, I don’t think they’d fair to well with a whole other planet worth of people coming in. I’m assuming they’re just picking the characters like and putting them into the cinematic universe that we care about. But also at the end of No Way Home, Strange could fix everything and everyone goes back to their respected ‘verses and Sony keeps doing Venom things on their own but then that would mean that Venom would HAVE to show up in No Way Home otherwise what was the point of the end scene. So I’m expecting to see Tom Hardy in No Way Home because if he’s not then that just means there will be ANOTHER Spider-Man movie with Holland VS Hardy. Or they work together, who knows, whatever.

            I’m trying to see as little as possible about No Way Home, YouTube thumbnails alone have already shown me too much but along with Eddie Brock coming over we know that Otto Octavius from Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man is here and most likely a Green Goblin too. Whether or not it’s William Dafoe (I’d love to see it), James Franco (wouldn’t hate seeing him again) or someone else we don’t know. The goblin bomb that was in the trailer looked like it came from Tobey’s movie, not Andrew’s. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure. So that’s a second universe that is tangled into the MCU. But now that ALSO begs the question of is there an Otto Octavius or Norman Osborn in the MCU? And if so what does that do to Tom Holland’s Peter? These are men that he admired, looked up to, what will happen if after this movie he meets a Dr. Octavius or Harry Osborn? Is he going to be super cautious around them? Flat out have nothing to do with them? Maybe the name Otto Octavius doesn’t even mean anything to Holland’s Peter. I mean these are BIG characters that have major influences on the traditional Peter Parker, does MCU Peter not have these people in his world/life or does this just kind of signify the end of Tom Holland’s MCU run? To me, from what we’ve seen about Tom’s Peter is he’s more tech-y than science nerd. Yes he knows his science but he is kind of more like a Tony Stark then a Reed Richards. So will/does MCU Peter have different idols like Reed Richards or Victor Von Doom? But I will say having this Doc Ock in a universe with this Aunt May makes THAT image a lot easier to handle.

            Now, I don’t know if this is true or not, I only saw it in a thumbnail and I’m guessing it’s not but I did see the possibility of Charlie Cox being in No Way Home as Matt Murdock. I think the Netflix Marvel shows aren’t exactly in the MCU as of right now, similar things have happened like “The Incident”/Battle for New York. So assuming Charlie is here and wasn’t part of the MCU before then that is a third ‘verse worth of people possibly on one planet Earth. Obviously I don’t think that’s the case, I think it’s just the named characters that would be brought over but even so, it was suggested that Matt Murdock hears the story of Peter Parker and tries to help him as his lawyer. Does that really make sense? “Uh, hey kid, I just got pulled into this universe, the stores are a little different then I remember but I’m gonna put that aside and help you.” Yeah, doesn’t sound like a great set up. If anything I think it would make more sense to have Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk, but not BE She-Hulk yet) show up to be his lawyer, that would be a nice little tie-in to that Disney+ show.

            Another thing I’ve seen float around is that with Doc Ock and Green Goblin being around is that it could be setting up for a Sinister Six plot. So we know those two characters for sure (maybe the bomb is a red herring. Maybe Otto brought it with him. *shrugs*), who would the other four be? Vulture is already in this universe, he could be one. We’ve seen Morbius with Michael Keaton’s Vulture in the Morbius trailer so he could show up, if they still plan on releasing that movie fucking ever. Scorpion’s Matt Gargan was seen in the first Tom Holland movie but nothing more since. I think it makes more sense for him to be in a separate movie where Jameson can fund the whole project to turn Matt in Scorpion like other sources have done to really flesh it out so I don’t think he’ll show up. Other ‘verses villains we have is the Lizard and Electro. I think I heard Jamie Foxx was rumored to be around. So I’ve got four that I’m feeling good about, need two more. Venom could be one and since Dr. Strange is around, maybe Mordo will finally show up. I mean Dr. Strange really did make a big oopsie with this, and it’s not the first time, so I could see Mordo being very pissed off and show up. And if Strange is involved with normies that only have technology and enhanced strength, it seems a little one-sided, he can be a little OP. I’d honestly like to see Tobey Maguire be part of the Sinister Six as Bully Maguire. That’d be fucking great. So Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, Vulture, Morbius/Electro, Venom and Mordo. Honestly, concerning Morbius, he should be in the movie and they can still have his origin movie come out later. It’d be fine. Like Tokyo Drift coming out before Fast and Furious 4, 5, and 6 but technically happening during 7.

            So we have a Sinister Six how bout six heroes to go against them? Tom Holland’s Peter obviously, most likely Tobey’s too, maybe Andrew Garfield also? If Andrew is there then possibly a Felicia Hardy/Black Cat. They were setting up a Felicia in the Amazing movies so maybe this is how we get a Black Cat and stretching even further maybe Emma Stone as a Spider-Woman or Ghost Spider or whatever she decides to call herself today. I said it was a stretch! So what, I’ve got two I’m confident about? Yesh, uh well Dr. Strange should be there umm maybe Dare Devil, maybe. For some reason Venom could be a good guy in No Way Home and side with the spiders. I don’t think that will be the case, I feel like he’ll be a villain (well to us, to him he thinks that Spider-Man is a MENACE because that’s what he heard Jameson call him) in this movie then in a future movie he’ll help Holland as an anti-hero type again. So that’s only three I’m really confident about but if I have to make my list of six it would be three Spider-Men, Dr. Strange, Dare Devil and Black Cat/Spider-Woman. Concerning Venom also, Tobey already knows all about Venom, his strengths and weaknesses so it could be really fun to see him react to seeing ANOTHER Venom.

            Truth be told that sounds like a BIG movie. I feel like if this truly was the case they’d be pushing it so much harder. It’s like a Civil War size movie cast, maybe a little less. So now that I’ve said all that let’s back up a bit to the end of Venom 2, the fight scene. We’re left with the cop, a Mr. Mulligan, who was shown to have really blue eyes and Shriek whose fate is left unknown because a giant bell fell on her. Like, more like around her. The bell fell bottom side down so it didn’t crush her, she’s more like trapped by it but she did fall from a very high height. So just doing a little research, Mulligan is in fact the host for Toxin and I’d assume that Shriek will become Scream. In the movie Shriek crushes one of Mulligan’s eyes but as I said, he was shown to have both of his eyes at the end meaning the symbiote healed him. I don’t know why his eyes were so blue though, I don’t think Toxin is exactly associated with blue, the only one I knew had blue was Lasher but I dunno. I’m not caught up on all the “lore.” I’m assuming by her name Scream has some kind of voice type power like Shriek so I can see them rolling those characters together. I think in the Web of Shadows videogame, Black Cat’s symbiote form had a screaming type power. Being a symbiote with a power like that would be great to have against other symbiotes. So, clearly a Venom 3 set up but is it in the MCU? The SonyVerse?

            Last thing I’ll touch on is my prediction for the ending of No Way Home. I wouldn’t have this be an end credit scene; this would be the last scene of the movie. Dr. Strange is putting together a spell to fix what he’s done, maybe Wong is helping him, it’s going to put everyone back in their respective universes and then Wanda shows up stopping the spell. I remember a page in World War Hulk I think where Hulk/Bruce Banner trick Strange into letting his guard down and crushing his hands because without his hands Strange can’t cast too many spells really. They did show the one man in Dr. Strange movie casting with only one hand but I think with Strange having so much trouble with his hands in the movies and if Wanda were to come in and do that it would devastate him for a while. So Wanda just all of a sudden is in the room, breaks Strange’s hands and says something like “I have found my sons” with this crazy crimson glow in her eyes. So that was kind of slapped together real quick, what do you want from me? I’m not NewRockstars. I’ll just be happy if I spelt all the names right and didn’t confuse any of the Spider-Mens.

So what do you think? How do you think No Way Home will play out? Do you think Sony is done being weird and all of its properties are going to be in the MCU? Let me know in the comments and I’m gonna go shoot robot animals some more.





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