MH Rise Early Impressions


            Hello! I’ve put in probably 30ish hours into Monster Hunter Rise and am like just starting village and hub 3 star quests and thought I’d give you my first, early impressions.

            The first thing you get to do is customize your character and pets or “buddies.” I was a little put off by the character options. There’s not a lot of hair options and, for me, the hair for the females in particular are too clean. Like they’re hair is just so straight and perfect. They’re hunters; the hair should be a little messier and I feel like there should be more tied up/back options like braids. I know that it doesn’t really matter because how much are you really going to see your characters hair but if you’re giving me the options then really give me some options otherwise just give me a generic character and let me go. Another thing there’s not really a great variety in voices. A majority of them are just lower or higher pitch. I was kind of expecting to hear more accents in English, rather then just a deeper voice. I think games like Apex Legends have just spoiled me in that aspect that I just assume that’s what the options will be. I put the game language into Japanese because, similar to when I play fighting games, when I hear the character say the same lines over and over again, I get really annoyed. I remember specifically playing Soul Caliubr IV and whenever Talim got hit she would say “Please stop” over and over and over again! But when it’s in Japanese it doesn’t irk me nearly as much.

            As for what I went with, I named my character Mina. I got the name from an NPC inBreath of the Wild. I was making my character look like her but then I went into the Hunter’s Hub and there’s a girl in Nargacuga armor who basically looks like her so I decided to nix that idea. I also like the look of Leo from How toTreat a Lady Knight, or something to that effect. Her right eye is closed due to an injury so I was hoping for an eye option that looked like that but they don’t have eye options like they used to. Instead everything is a slider, which would be fine except it affects both eyes. In Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate the male hunters had an option like this and in Rise the palamutes have the option. So, fine, I didn’t really want to make an open eye with a scar and a different eye color with white hair. I feel it’s overdone. I typically make a dark skin character with dark red hair, to the point it’s almost black so that’s what I fell back on. I’d really like a duel hair type option. @NEETproxy would like character customization levels on par with Code Vein. I’m not terribly happy with the face paint options either, I was hoping Capcom would take some cues from Horizon Zero Dawn’s DLC and New Game+ but what can you do. The village as a whole is very Japanese and so are all the NPCs, like I feel awkward having an “unnatural” hair color. I’m hoping they add more hair styles in the expansion like they did for Iceborne. Monster Hunter Rise Ultimate. Monster Hunter Rise Ascension. Whatever they end up calling it. I’m hoping too, I haven’t got to a point where I can change armor pigments, if you even can, so I don’t know. But I’m hoping they allow you to change the color of the hair on head armors that look like hair. You follow? Like in Iceborne I got the moose armor but I couldn’t change the hair color portion of the helm and my character didn’t really look good with the white hair. If I was able to change it to look like her hair color it wouldn’t have looked so weird, I feel.

            So after making like five characters and still not being completely happy with any of them I started the game anyway. So far I’m liking it. At first it seemed pretty watered down and easier than I was expecting but doing Hub 3 star quests with @PoeTomic and oh boy, were we having a rough time. The wire bug is really cool. It makes you feel like Spider-Man. I like all the spiribirds too. I was going to make a post about Crackdown but never finished it but I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before or not but I love going through a game and grabbing all sorts of random junk. Be it agility orbs in Crackdown or computer chips and components in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, it’s just something in my core that I see them and I have to get them. I literally stop in the middle of a chase or fleeing mission if I see a panel on the wall. Like “no wait, I need this though!” The maps aren’t too big but they are packed full. The size of the map is a little odd though since they put in the palamute which makes traveling so much faster but it’s not exactly necessary. I mean they don’t want to make the maps too big to leave players who don’t use a palamute at a disadvantage but even when the monsters flee an area they don’t go far. That could just be low rank too; maybe they go further in high rank. It’s defiantly a faster experience though. No cool or hot drinks, no mud balls or snowmen (from what I’ve seen anyway), just fight the monster, it hits you do the “wirefall” move and it’s like you were never hit, aside from the huge chunk of health you’re missing. Since the game is still technically under the Monster Hunter 5/World umbrella there’s probably not going to be any new weapon type or element. With all these mud monsters I’m starting to think that mud could be a new element too. But if I’m comparing Rise to World I prefer Rise much much more.

            I’ve unlocked the first set of “switch skills” or whatever and some of them slightly confuse me. Like sword and shield and dual blades have moves that are essentially moves from aerial style from GenU but since you don’t exactly mount the monsters like you do in the previous games the moves don’t seem too helpful. I don’t know, I mean yes they’re kind of neat but still, they don’t help in mounting the monster (as far as I’ve noticed). And either the new mounting system is the closest thing I’m getting to my Monster Hunter fighting game or it’s the beginning of it. If they ever make that game I’m maining Goss Hagan, whata boss. I kind of wish I could just edit out some of the moves entirely also. Maybe I’ll get to switch ones I don’t like or moves I keep doing on accident to something I like more but for the time being I’d just like to remove them.

            So how are you enjoying Rise thus far? What’s your main weapon? You can check it @NEETproxy and I drawing weapons from a hat here and what monster do you want to see in a Monster Hunter fighting game? Who would you main? Let me know below and I’ll be back with more bitching and complaining at some point I’m sure! Buh-bye!

                               @KaijuVTubes                                       @TheGetGudScrubs


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