Gaming Wish List

Hello you few who will come across this. I know I’ve done this before and I think the other Hammer Bros. and myself made a video about games we’d like to see but I was thinking about these things for the past few days and figured I’d write it up for this page. This is a little list of games that I’m wishing for in the near future.

            The first game on my list I feel is almost a guarantee. I mean it has to be right? At some point? What would a Nintendo console be without its own Mario Kart game? I haven’t been able to get into the whole “mobile craze” I hear so much about. I didn’t play Pokemon Go, I’ve played very little of Pokemon Masters and I have absolutely no plans to play Mario Kart Tour. I’ve been so sure there was going to be a new Mario Kart by now. I thought two E3’s ago we would see it and I was adamant that we would see it last year but I was wrong both times and here we are still with Mario Kart 8. I feel like they need to make Double Dash 2, it just makes sense to me and I think it fits so well with the Switch. There are other Mario Kart like games out now. I’ve heard relatively good things about Team Sonic Racing and the remake of Crash Team Racing, which is a childhood favorite of mine, is fun. CTR is quite a bit more difficult then Mario Kart though. Mario Kart you’ve got your go button, steering, drift and item. CTR you have your go button, steering, item, one bumper to drift/power slide and the opposite bumper to press when your slide meter builds to give yourself a boost which you can do up to three times but if you hold your drift too long you’ll spin out. There are a lot of things going on in CTR and a lot less things to stop the person in first place for holding the lead. I love CTR and I like all the new additions they’ve made with new characters, tracks and now no matter what character you choose you can also choose which ever driving style you like. But it’s still too much for someone like my wife to play and the other Hammer Bros. don’t care for CTR because it’s different. It looks the same, you assume it’s the same but it’s vastly different. I’m just so tired of Mario Kart 8 and I’m ready for a new Mario Kart.

            These next ones shouldn’t be as long; the next game on my list is something Monster Hunter for the Switch. Capcom said in a meeting that the Switch would get something Monster Hunter but it wouldn’t be World, understandably so. World is great, and since I’ve transitioned from PS4 to PC I’ve been having a lot more fun with it but I miss the Nintendo Monster Hunters. They just have their own style and they have a certain charm to them that World just doesn’t.

            Now we’re going to step into fantasy land of games that will probably never see the light of day but I would be all over if they were. First one is a 2D style Monster Hunter fighter using like pixel/sprite art similar to Street Fighter 2. I mean look at some of these pixel sprites people have done. They’re great! And most monsters already have a variant form of them so you can have player one and two color pallets, back in the days when there were only two color pallets per character. Zinogre and Stygian Zinogre. Gigginox and Baleful Gigginox. Tigrex and Brute Tigrex. Capcom crossovers a lot of their games with Monster Hunter, it just seems so fitting for them to do. Just a fun little monster fighter is all I’m asking for. It doesn’t even need a huge roster either. They could always add some with DLC. Capcom loves their DLC.

            The next game I’d like to talk about is a new type of Pokemon game. I haven’t played completely through Sword but I don’t hate what I’ve played so far. I really enjoy the gyms and what they’ve done with them, but the style and gameplay is different then what it used to be and when I’m in the wild area all I can think of is Breath of the Wild. I don’t know if I’m “too old” now or just because I’ve played the games since the franchise started but I would like to see something new. I’m thinking of something like Pokemon Conquest crossed with Xenoblade or ReCore maybe. I’ve only played a little bit of Xenoblade Chronicles X and I don’t want the combat to be too much like that where when I run from a fight and am no where near the battle I still get hit from the monster. I’d just like more of an RPG with a small party and you have to use your teams Pokemon to get past certain obstacles and puzzles.

            The last game on my list is one that just doesn’t seem will ever be a thing. I really really REALLY want to see a Nintendo x Sega Smash Bros. game. I think Sakurai has done quite enough and needs a little vacation. Since the game wouldn’t be a typical Smash game someone else could helm the project. I just want to see more of my favorite game characters from my youth show up. Honestly if I can see Vectorman in a new game of some sort I’d be happy. Sega had asked before “what franchise you want revived” and a game like this could really help that. Before my Wii and Super Smash Bros. Brawl my only involvement with Nintendo after the NES was a GameBoy and Pokemon. Brawl was a window into the Nintendo world for me. It got me interested in Metorid, Zelda and Fire Emblem. If it wasn’t for Brawl I probably still wouldn’t have played any of those gems so a game like this could really be helpful to Sega to gauge what people are interested in and what characters people want to know more about.

            So those are my thoughts, more or less. What do you think? What kind of games would you like to see in the future? Until next time, bye.

                               @AztecSauce                                  @H4mmerBros


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