A Real NEW Pokemon!

            Oh my God! They did a thing! This is as close to what I wished for in my first wish list post as it could get! Pokemon Legends Arceus. It looks good. It looks like everything I’ve wanted and suggested over the years. This is probably gonna be short but let’s talk about what we can.

            I’m so glad to see that Pokemon actually go up to each other and do their moves. I never got to play Stadium and when I came across Battle Revolution I just had to get it but I was disappointed that the Pokemon still did their moves like they did on the handhelds. I expected when Scyther did double team there would be several of them, like the anime, like Naruto’s shadow clones, but no. Ponyta doing bounce and then standing in the air on the next turn, that was upsetting. So this is a good, this is a positive, I’m pleased for now.

            Watched the Nintendo Life guys video on this and they brought up the three starters seem to be sort of warrior based, something for the time period. Samurott is a samurai, Decidueye is an archer and Typhlosion is just a brute. I don’t know what else Typhlosion could be considered. You got swords, bow, what else would there be besides fist? Also, obviously, it being set in Sinnoh there’s also Piplups in the trailer so that means the emperor himself, my man, Empoleon, will be obtainable. Thinking about it too each of the Sinnoh starters could be a plot point for this kind of setting. Empoleon as an emperor in an icy area/castle/fortress, Torterra could be some kind of nature guardian and I can see Infernape being in an ancient ruin area.

            The open area at the moment looks bare. You see some stuff in the distance but it’s not exactly exciting. (EDIT: rewatching the trailer, I mean, sure there is a bit of landscape but it doesn't look lively. I'd expect to see some wild life.) It could be improved but it’s not a big deal to me really. But at the same time you’ve got Breath of the Wild and Monster Hunter Rise that are just jam packed and this is going to be compared to BotW everyday of the week.

            I find the Pokeballs odd too. Like, how do they work? Normal Pokeballs are weird enough but how do Pokemon go into these first generation balls? How do Pokemon go into apricorn balls for that matter? I find it interesting too that in Pokemon Conquest an NPC says at some point that in another land they use balls to capture Pokemon. Maybe these balls are apricorn Pokeballs, it makes sense. They probably are. We’re probably going to have to find materials and craft the Pokeballs. It’s interesting too that Pokemon Conquest takes place on a continent is shaped like an Arceus. (EDIT: debunked me already. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/02/this_is_what_old_world_poke_balls_look_like_in_pokemon_legends_arceus)

            As far as the remakes go, I’m thrilled. Diamond/Pearl/Platinum are peak Pokemon as far as I’m concerned and if this is going to be a complete, faithful remake with no new bells and whistles, so be it. Everyone’s bitching about the way it looks and that they’re not adding anything, but that’s what I wanted. I think the games on the DS still hold up but this looks fine to me. I just think it’s funny that I kind of called both the remakes design and the Legends Arceus game recently. I never get even remotely close with these things. I think it was on a GameXplain video I commented I wanted the remake to look like the original but slightly updated art, which it is, and I think it was on Pokemon’s twitter I commented saying “Zelda x Pokemon crossover! Let’s go!”

            I love everything with the fourth gen. I love D/P/Pt, Battle Revolution, and Conquest so I’m pumped about these two games. Those are my quick thoughts. I never finished Conquest though, I was trying to grind my team up but maybe I was doing it wrong because it seemed to take a long time. I don’t know. Maybe these games will birth a Conquest remake or sequel. So what do you think? Are you as excited as I am or are you wrong? Let me know! Weeeeee!

                                    @AztecSauce                                @H4mmerBros


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