Tom Clancy Shared Universe
The Tom Clancy games need a reboot. Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon all take place in the same universe and make slight references to each other but other than that they don’t really interact. I think it’s considered that The Division takes place in a different Tom Clancy universe considering the story and the fact that, well no, it’s the STORY. The other three are kind of struggling in that department; Rainbow being multiplayer only, Splinter Cell being MIA and Ghost Recon using old story lines badly. What I’m looking for is a shared universe where the events of one game bleed into the others or even if the different teams sometimes work together. Ghost Recon Wildlands and the other that shall remain nameless each had a mission with Sam Fisher but it wasn’t anything too exciting. I think the Rainbow 6 Siege tie in with Wildlands was pretty good though. Aside from when I got Caveira stuck on a rock and couldn’t complete the mission… but… anyways. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 had ...