
            So we’ve been playing Splitgate Battle Arena lately. It’s a bit like Halo except everyone also has Portal’s portal gun strapped to their arm. It’s really nice to have a fast paced game like Unreal Tournament again. I like Apex Legends but at the same time I really start getting bogged down with having to get armor and weapons and attachments every game. And when I’m playing for a few hours I start thinking I already have certain items and just pass them by when I’m looting. It’s nice to just be able to jump into a game and go. There are a few things I’d like to see Splitgate take from Apex/Titanfall though.
            The thing I want the most is the one thing that I think has the best chance of being put in is an “always running” option. Titanfall was the first game I played that had it, I believe, and I didn’t know how much I wanted it until I had it. It makes life so much easier and with Apex I’ve changed my SHIFT key to be crouch. My pinky just rests on the SHIFT key normally for running so just having “always running” on and being able to change an easily accessible key to something else is wonderful. If they could put in that option and when you start shooting or aim down your sights you start walking I would most definitely be in love.
            That leads right into my next want, sliding. Splitgate is a very fast game and I feel sliding would fit right in. Not much more to say on that really.
            The last change I’ve got for the moment involves the jet pack. I feel the jet pack needs a little more fuel, a little more “umf” or the game just needs a ledge grab mechanic that pulls you up when you’re close enough. It could also just be a learning curve on my end but.
            So that’s that. So far I’m enjoying it. I like how it looks like a sport. All the maps are very bright and polished and looks like something that would be on TV. I like how there is currently no lore. One of my biggest aggravations is developers putting in lore to a multiplayer only game. It just bothers me to no end. It’s not needed! Err… I’m getting all worked up… If anything it’s better to leave that crap up to interpretation, in my opinion. I LOVE the BFB weapon. It’s a bat and I’m only guessing BFB stands for Big Fucking Bat but it feels SO good hitting people with it. I’d like a game mode that was all bats and if you and another player strike each other at the same time it counts as a counter and neither  is killed. If there’s ever ties in Splitgate that’s how the overtime round should be played, one player from each team in a smallish area, with bats, to the death. I also like that the game objectives change, it’s not always team death match. I like that you can change the reticules for all the guns, I don’t think I’ve seen that since Unreal 2004. Doom 2016 might’ve had that option but I’m unsure. In any case, I’m really liking Splitgate. I miss these fast shooters where you don’t have to think too much. Just load in and pew pew. Now that they’ve announced that Halo Infinites MP will be free I’m hoping Splitgate can hold its own.
            Go give Splitgate a try; it’s a lot of fun and free. If you’ve already played what are some things you’d like to see added? I’ve got a few more topics on my mind that I’ll hopefully get around to writing up. ‘til then.

                                   @AztecSauce                                         @H4mmerBros


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