Hard Mode

Let’s talk about “hard mode.” Back in the day games didn’t have different difficulties. They were what they were. Mostly a trial and error sort of system and you learned from your mistakes. Games started to put in different difficulties, making enemies more aware or putting more enemies in a given area but then things got a little lazy. Most games now define hard mode as, “you take more damage and enemies have more health.” Seems fair.
            I used to like playing games on higher difficulties. I was an achievement hunter type even before achievements and trophies and in most cases there were no way to prove you did what you said you did unless you physically showed someone your memory card. I did absolutely everything on Naughty Dogs’ Crash Bandicoot games, I gave myself carpal tunnel so bad it woke me up at night from holding the X button so hard in CTR for so long and I painstakingly did everything in Vice City, to name a few things. I remember games being challenging but never to the point of being completely unfair.
            I completed legendary on four of the seven Halo games. In Halo, the game has rules and it’s about finding a way around those rules. The main rule is most enemies still die from a headshot. No matter what difficulty and what rank, the Elites still drop to the noob-combo. The ranks don’t exactly mean they have more health; they just have a higher chance to dodge grenades and take cover when you fire at them. I remember in Ninja Gaiden 2 I picked a hard difficulty and in the second level, I believe, you are in the ninja village and at one point you are attacked be little, annoying attack dogs. The next level you’re in New York and you start off fighting big purple demons. At this point I restarted the game on an easier difficulty and the enemies changed. Where I first encountered the ninja dogs, I was fighting the normal spider clan ninjas. Where I fought the demons is where the ninja dogs showed up and I thought that was a pretty cool idea to do.
            When I do something in a game, I want to feel like I actually did something. I go into games with the mindset that it’s me versus the developer. If I get mad at a game it’s probably because the game is doing something right, you know, aside from clunky controls or bad cameras. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a good example. The end game is pretty punishing but when I got a star I feel like I earned it, not that I beat my head against a wall until the wall gave. God of War (2018) hard mode is that wall. When @NEETproxy lent me the game I put it on hard cause I’m a big boy and I was very upset that I had to turn the difficulty down. The first group fight just took sooooo long because the enemies’ health were so large I just couldn’t handle it.
            New Game+ seems to cheapen the challenge of hard mode. I feel in a lot of games New Game+ is used to make hard modes doable. Like that it’s the point of New Game+. There’s a fine line for New Game+ and hard mode for me. I feel that in God of War (2018), if I had kept going until I got some gear that the game might get doable but I had no idea that there was gear or upgrades but to keep chipping away at the difficulty wall. In God of War (2005) I was able to play it on God Mode up until the final boss. I just couldn’t do it but that’s on me. I lost. It wasn’t because of gear level or upgrades. The developers won that one and I lost. Making enemies hit harder and take longer to kill is an uninventive way to add challenge to games. If you’re going to do that you might as well not even have difficulties. Maybe have a “story” difficulty for people that truly just want to experience the story and a difficulty that the game “should” be played on. Maybe offer New Game+ as its own difficulty and make some crazy changes. I’ve clearly finished the game, have most/all of the upgrades now give me a challenge. Make me put my game knowledge to the test.
            What do you think about hard modes and New Game+? Am I too wussy? What’s your favorite/hardest gaming achievement you’ve conquered? Let me know in the comments and I’ll catch you later.

                                  @AztecSauce                                          @H4mmerBros


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