Ideas For A New Blizzard RTS

            I’ve got time so I want to talk more about WarCraft 3 Reforged and the other ideas I had from the last post. People are real upset about Reforged huh? I don’t want to bang on it too much since there’s a lot out there but I will say a few things. First, I think it’s a little weird that all the campaigns are locked until you beat the previous one. Like if it was a new purchase then that’s typical but when I’ve had the original games forever, having all that locked again kind of sucked. I wanted to record/stream Rexxar’s campaign and couldn’t until I cheated my way through everything. For Reign of Chaos it wasn’t bad because I found the cheat to jump to the last level but nothing was helping me for Frozen Throne levels. I don’t know if I needed to type “undeadx” or “undeadtft” or what but everything I tried didn’t work so I had to insta-win every level. Just took longer than it should have. Second, I’m kinda feeling like we were just fine with Frozen Throne to be honest. Maybe could have made some StarCraft 2 quality of life patches to it but I don’t think Reforged was needed. It’s really nice looking and I do want to play through the game again and I do want to pick up WoW again when Shadowlands’ level squish comes but I think all this effort could’ve gone to a new game. Edit: Wow people are upset! I don’t think it’s as bad as people are making it out to be but I could be wrong I guess.
            Alright so let’s just go through point by point in my last post. WarCraft 4! There’s so much nonsense going on in WoW right now. There’s like eight elf races, things that were once enemies are “allied races” and it’s all bonkers. I’d like to see Blizzard, branch out with these things because I don’t really see a lot of these groups working together for long. As I said in the last post, start the game with “100,000 years after the events of World of WarCraft” and go from there. That’s a lot of time to play around with story and allegiances. I don’t know a lot about current lore either, just what I’ve seen from YouTubers but Void Elves and, what are they? Light, Light-Forged Draenei? They’re on opposite sides of the spectrum; they are legit mortal enemies, from my understanding. So they could do something where Void Elves are a race and Light-Forged Draenei or just a Light based race. I can also see a splintering of the Horde. You have the Tauren who just want to be one with nature and you do have Orcs that understand there’s a time and place for fighting/war and not just marauding and pillaging. So I can almost see two Horde type races. One race that’s comprised of Tauren, Orcs, maybe even the Mag’har Orcs, and maybe the Jungle Trolls then another group that has a more fanatic group of Orcs that are just looking for a fight and they have Forest Trolls and Ogres. I can also see Tauren and Night Elves working together. They, more or less, have the same kind of attitude towards nature. There’s the Blood Elves and the High Elves that maybe after enough time has passed can become one group again and join back with the Alliance or something. I mean, most of the expansions for WoW are the Horde and Alliance working together for a common good anyway so I don’t see why there’s still constant fighting. Someone starts some drama and “oh no we hate each other again.” It’s crazy, anyways, moving on.
            My next topic was a WarCraft in the StarCraft universe. @NEETproxy and I have been playing a little bit of StarCraft 2’s co-op missions. They’re not great, mostly battling space demons because Blizzard can’t get away from demons but you pick a commander and they have certain units they can make and some commanders have a hero unit. If you pick Nova you get her as a unit and your other units are very expensive mercs. If you pick Artanis then you have a more normal Protoss tech tree and no hero unit. So, my initial thought of how Blizzard would do this is make someone from Heroes of the Storm a commander and kind of put these WC units in SC roles. For example; they have a Rexxar skin where he’s known as “Cpl. Rex Arkk” and the back story for the skin is he’s a genetic experiment of the Terrans basically. He’s Rexxar but with Terran armor. So I can see them using him as the commander and then his units would be Tauren marines, they were an April Fool’s joke and they’re hidden in SC2 as Easter eggs, Night Elf banshees, Night Elf ghost, maybe Dwarven reapers similar to Muradin’s skin in HotS, and maybe even Dwarfs in siege tanks or other vehicles cause that seems like something they’d do. It would be neat but I don’t really want that to be it. Or they could put it in and then it leads up to a new RTS about WC in SC. I feel they kind of did that in The Frozen Throne with Rexxar’s bonus campaign as a test/precursor to World of WarCraft. It’s still RTS but with some dungeon crawling aspects.
Like I said before, I’d like it if Blizzard just started getting really weird. Command and Conquer Red Alert as a “what if” alternate history type of thing. It had dolphins that have sonic weapons and psychic school girls, it was crazy! I don’t know how competitive it was compared to Zero Hour or C&C3 but I don’t think everything exactly needs to be competitive to be fun. I don’t think Bungie really thought that so many people would like Halo CE’s multiplayer but they did. So my initial thought is similar as I stated above and in the last post, Tauren and Night Elves are working together and wear Terran power armor and such. The Tauren Marines would be the main ground unit, and again, the Elves have figured out how to use their cloaking to power their flying vehicles and suits so they can move and still be stealthed. Night Elf ghost works so well and Night Elf flying units, similar to a banshee, maybe call it a hippogryph or something. As for other units, I don’t really know. I kind of want Dwarfs to be their own race. Almost like, I want the Tauren NE group to be closer to bio-Terran and the Dwarf group to be mecha-Terran. So maybe have some druids of the claw in armor and then they turn into armored bears? That sounds cool. What else could Tauren have? @NEETproxy says they could have a jet pack similar to reapers but they’re not fast. The jet pack is only to get over and off of ledges and they’re expensive big boys with big guns. Maybe their weapon could be something similar to what Zarya uses in HotS. I don’t know what exactly it is but maybe it could be a siege weapon. With that in mind the Dwarfs would have a unit closer to reapers but maybe they still use hammers and axes to attack instead of guns. I like Dwarfs in siege tanks and goliaths. I’m not getting any good ideas on original units other than just swapping people out for Dwarfs though. Next would be the Draenei and Blood Elf group, or maybe they don’t have to be Blood Elves, they could be High Elves I suppose since both are technically on the Alliance. But I just imagine them in Protoss armor because one the Draenei are basically Protoss and two because I think the Elves would look good in Protoss armor. Both races have some mecha or robo-golem type things so they seem to be a good fit for Protoss. The Draenei could be more of the zealot types with hammers and pilot some robotic units and the Elves could be more caster type units, like templar and corsairs. The next group is @NEETproxy’s idea and I love it. They would be a group of fanatic Orcs similar to the ravagers from the show Firefly. The Orcs would be from the old clans of Draenor so like the Laughing Skull clan and Bleeding Hollow. Just crazy, frantic Orcs and their buildings and vehicles/ships would just be pieced together with random bits of metal, basically looking like they shouldn’t actually function. The last group I’ve come to is a Zerg/Old God mix. Basically the Humans of WC get tricked or get corrupted by an Old God and they’re basically just a hive mind and the Old God finally gets out of it’s prison known as Azeroth and can start to infect other worlds. So they’d be similar to Zerg and Undead in that they can only build on creep/blight and the units would probably be more C’Thun like then human by now. Like, they look like the weird squid bi-ped enemies of WoW. Could be that the races of Azeroth had to leave the planet for some reason and the Humans reasoning is they have to become one with C’Thun in order to survive in space and the Dwarfs think they’re obviously crazy and think the best course of action is to upload their consciousness to robots bodies they built and live without breathing and that’s why they end up separating from the old Alliance. Then maybe all the Dwarfs units are just mechs so like a siege tank wouldn’t have a dwarf in it, it would just be the dwarf’s body, the whole thing. That sounds fun.
             My last idea is to take one of the universes from HotS that Blizzard made and explore that world. The only one I can see working is the mecha themed one. I don’t know how it’d work with the luchador world or the weird Sailor Moon type with Li-Ming and Space Lord Leoric. One group could have people that pilot mechs like Valla’s and Yrel’s and the other group be Abathur’s where he’s an AI that becomes sentient and trying to wipe out humanity because that’s what they always do in media. So humanity piloted robots versus AI robots. @NEETproxy and I can’t decide if Rehgar, Tyrael and Tassadar are piloted by humans or if they’re sentient robots like Transformers. His theory is that they are sentient robots and humanity came upon them. After many years they made their own sentient robots being Abathur and Mephisto but they go rogue and try to wipe out humanity. I know I’m saying “humanity” when Yrel, pilot form, is over there being all “but I’m not human” but that’s just what I’m calling the collective group okay Yrel? I’ve been typing a lot and I’ve about had enough. So! Humanity is like “oh no what a terrible mistake” and so they build robots that have pilots to combat their mistake.
            Whew! I’m burnt out. I think I like the first two options better than the third but I really like the WarCraft in StarCraft universe. What are your thoughts? Are there any other Heroes of the Storm universes you think would make for a good game? RTS or otherwise? Until next time, buh-bye!

                              @AztecSauce                                                 @H4mmerBros


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