New Blizzard RTS?! Oh, Not Quite

            Yoooo!!! Since WarCraft 3 Reforged is a thing, let’s talk a bit about that! Weeeee! It’s cool but it just makes the pain of not having 4 so much worse. There’s all these nice little changes Blizzard made to StarCraft 2 that them not being in Reforged because it’s just a remaster and not a remake, kind of stings.
            I always get the counter argument of “they can’t do a WarCraft 4 because WoW is a thing” and I always counter that with “all they have to do is at the beginning of the game say ‘1,000, 10,000, 100,000, or however many years they want, after the events of World of WarCraft’” and bingo bango we’re off to the races. WoW can still do whatever Blizzard wants and we still get WarCraft 4. Diablo is already getting a fourth game, so unfair. They just got three and already a fourth? Laaame.
            If not a WarCraft 4 then at least something new. Get weird. Like Red Alert weird. I want WarCraft units in the StarCraft universe. I want Draenei and Blood Elves in protoss armor. Draenei being the warriors and mech units and the Blood Elves could be more like the casters. Tauren and Night Elves in Terran power armor. The Night Elves being in Banshees and as Ghost, you know, using their cloaking ability with technology to make their vehicles and such invisible. Tauren being the normal ground units with guns. Humans could be controlled by some Old God and act similar to Zerg and the Overmind.
            Or maybe make an RTS based on one of the universes Blizzard created in Heroes of the Storm. People really liked the mecha-verse with Reghar, Tassadar and Abathur, me included. So that’s that. Sorry it’s a little rougher than my other things, just kind of throwing ideas around. I might go a little deeper into some of these if I feel like it. Have you been playing and SC2 or WC3? Gonna get Reforged or just think it’s kinda gay? I might try my hand at recording and/or streaming some Reforged so keep your ear to the ground and you might hear a rumble. Or you could just be getting a dirty ear for no good reason.

                       @AztecSauce                                                   @H4mmerBros

          P.S. Please watch Pure Pwnage. Even if you have, go rewatch it.


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