Ideas For A New Blizzard RTS

I’ve got time so I want to talk more about WarCraft 3 Reforged and the other ideas I had from the last post . People are real upset about Reforged huh? I don’t want to bang on it too much since there’s a lot out there but I will say a few things. First, I think it’s a little weird that all the campaigns are locked until you beat the previous one. Like if it was a new purchase then that’s typical but when I’ve had the original games forever, having all that locked again kind of sucked. I wanted to record/stream Rexxar’s campaign and couldn’t until I cheated my way through everything. For Reign of Chaos it wasn’t bad because I found the cheat to jump to the last level but nothing was helping me for Frozen Throne levels. I don’t know if I needed to type “undeadx” or “undeadtft” or what but everything I tried didn’t work so I had to insta-win every level. Just took longer than it should have. Second, I’m kinda feeling like...