
Showing posts from January, 2020

Ideas For A New Blizzard RTS

            I’ve got time so I want to talk more about WarCraft 3 Reforged and the other ideas I had from the last post . People are real upset about Reforged huh? I don’t want to bang on it too much since there’s a lot out there but I will say a few things. First, I think it’s a little weird that all the campaigns are locked until you beat the previous one. Like if it was a new purchase then that’s typical but when I’ve had the original games forever, having all that locked again kind of sucked. I wanted to record/stream Rexxar’s campaign and couldn’t until I cheated my way through everything. For Reign of Chaos it wasn’t bad because I found the cheat to jump to the last level but nothing was helping me for Frozen Throne levels. I don’t know if I needed to type “undeadx” or “undeadtft” or what but everything I tried didn’t work so I had to insta-win every level. Just took longer than it should have. Second, I’m kinda feeling like...

New Blizzard RTS?! Oh, Not Quite

            Yoooo!!! Since WarCraft 3 Reforged is a thing, let’s talk a bit about that! Weeeee! It’s cool but it just makes the pain of not having 4 so much worse. There’s all these nice little changes Blizzard made to StarCraft 2 that them not being in Reforged because it’s just a remaster and not a remake, kind of stings.             I always get the counter argument of “they can’t do a WarCraft 4 because WoW is a thing” and I always counter that with “all they have to do is at the beginning of the game say ‘1,000, 10,000, 100,000, or however many years they want, after the events of World of WarCraft’” and bingo bango we’re off to the races. WoW can still do whatever Blizzard wants and we still get WarCraft 4. Diablo is already getting a fourth game, so unfair. They just got three and already a fourth? Laaame.           ...