MH Wilds Beta And Expansion Speculation
Hello. The game isn’t even out yet but I already want to speculate about the inevitable expansion for Monster Hunter Wilds. Oh… I might as well talk about some other things too I guess.
First thing I’ll complain about is, a while ago now I guess, they revealed that Gravios was going to be back in Wilds and people were like “omg yes!” “It’s been SOOO long” “I’ve missed you buddy” and I’m just thinking “Like, fucking what?!” Who the hell fucking likes this guy? How does this monster have fans?? You like bouncing off a monster the entire fight?? Seriously, who are these people? It’s been so long since we’ve seen him? We had Basarios in Rise/Sunbreak, they’re literally the same thing! To this day I do not know what the difference is. You know who we haven’t seen in a long time? Anyhing from Monster Hunter 3! Where’s the Gobul?! Where’s the Qurupeco?! Where’s the mother fuckin’ Gigginox???!!! RREEEEEEE. I’m never fighting those things outside of getting a checkmark on my quest log. Wilds is adding a lot of monsters we’ve seen from MH4. Congalala, Gypceros, Yian Kut Ku, where’s my MH3 boys?! Oh but we got the Gore FUCKING Magala again. That means we’re also gonna get like three or four variants of him. Like, just fuck off man.
Last week was another beta for Wilds where you could fight the Arkveld. The first few times were really rough, trying to remember controls in general not to mention all the new mechanics that’s in the game, but after a few times @NEETproxy and I were getting a hang of it. That being said though, we didn’t end up slaying it. Our last run was our best but it wasn’t good enough, one of the cats did say it was close though, could have probably captured it but capturing is for pussies. Or for when you need something specific to drop and capturing has a higher percentage rate.
So, my speculation/hope/future dream that will no doubt be shit on. I think in the expansion for Wilds we WILL get AT LEAST one new weapon. People have talked about a chain sword weapon before, I believe it’s what one guy in the Monster Hunter manga used and the fact that Arkveld’s arm, blade things are basically that makes me think it will be a new weapon. And I THINK it will be a new expansion weapon rather than just being given to us at the start of Wilds is because it would be more organic that way. So hunters and researchers alike are seeing this monster for the first time and have never seen, for lack of a better word, a weapon like this before on a monster. So after we fight it, and slay it, and capture it the Wyverian researchers will eventually use its whip like appendages as inspiration for a new weapon. To my knowledge they’ve never introduced a weapon in the “G” version of a game but again, I think that it is a very natural way for it to be introduced, story wise. But I can see it being a very mobile weapon, you see the Arkveld use it to impale the ground and pull itself towards that location and send them out like a chain whip.
That being said, they DO typically add two weapons at a time, and by “typically” I mean the only time I’ve known it to happen in my Monster Hunter career when they introduced the Charge Blade and Insect Glaive. So there could be another monster with an interesting gimmick that could be changed into a new weapon.
I kind of don’t like the herd/alpha monster mechanic right now but what are you gonna do? So yeah. What do you think? Do you think we’ll get a new weapon or two in the expansion? Are there other monsters from MH4 you would like to see come back/think there’s a high chance of their return? Were you able to defeat Arkveld yet? Do you think we’ll ever see some of these MH3 monsters ever again? Any other thoughts, comments, concerns? Let me know below and I’ll probably be back shortly with another post. Bye-bye!
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