Mostly Helldivers, A Little Fire Emblem
Hello. Lately I’ve been playing Helldivers 2 with some Fire Emblem mixed in, amongst other things. I’ve mostly been trying to play Three Houses and yeah, I really wish these games had less busy work. I was playing a little bit of Conquest just because my Switch wasn’t around and it was just so much nicer that it was like, cutscene, combat, cutscene, combat. I know a little bit later there’s something to do with another plane of existence that you can do stuff in but I don’t remember what it entails. With all the things you can do in Three Houses it’s just like “I hope I’m using my time right and not screwing myself over later.” I wish they had a separate mode where it’s just the bare minimum of talking with other characters and doing the missions. I’m sure you can skip most of the monastery stuff and what not but again, you’ll probably just be hindering yourself in the long run. In the barebones mode the enemy’s health and level can compensate by being slightly lower than what you should have if you played it as intended. But yeah overall I don’t need to feel this involved with the story. Just show me cutscenes of what’s supposed to happen and let me play the actual game part, yeah? One thing about playing with the 3DS, watching Conquest’s cutsenes I was just like “Look at this technology!” (Referring to the 3D, obviously) I want so badly for Nintendo to do some wizardry and make the Switch 2 3D on my TV. I don’t know how they’re making my TV do it but that’s why it’s “wizardry!” I saw this post on Reddit recently basically comparing Engage to the other Fire Emblems and if you like something specific from the game, what other game(s) you might enjoy and it had a line from Engage to Awakening saying “give me classic Fire Emblem” and I thought “Oh, is this why I haven’t been able to finish a Fire Emblem since Awakening?” (Since writing the above I’ve been playing a little bit more of Conquest and it’s just so nice to have such little down time between missions. I really don’t enjoy all the excess crap there is to do in Three Houses.)
As for Helldivers, I’ve been seeing a lot of things on Reddit about what people are wishing for or gauging how people feel about certain guns so I figured I’d join in. Well, here, not there. The first thing I really want is a queue of armor loadouts so that when I die I come in with a different set. I know people like to do “meta” things and that they pick certain armor for a reason but I don’t usually. My friends and I just pick random shit and still do just fine on the hardest difficulties. And it would be an option so you wouldn’t HAVE to use it, but the reason I want this is because when you die it’s supposed to be a completely different Helldiver that takes your place so I think it’d be fun to have multiple armors lined up for that. Another thing I’d like, as far as armor goes, is more black and yellow options. I’m always torn between looking like a standard Helldiver or wearing armor that I like the looks of. (I’m a fashion vs function type). I’ve heard people rumoring (that’s a real word? Okay spell check.) that Arrowhead is working on letting us choose our own colors, which is fine I guess, if it gets me what I want. One armor perk I’d like to see is “Stronger Ankles.” Sometimes I drop from what doesn’t appear to be all that high to me and my character has to gather themselves from the drop. Like “Come on, let’s move, bad things behind us.”
I appreciate the games difficulty. The enemies you face aren’t harder; there are just more of them and a wider variety of units the higher up you go. I can still get my shit pushed in on level six dives and have level ten pushover missions. I’ve complained about game difficulties before and how something like God of War (2018) just makes the enemies health pools larger and they do so much more damage. That’s infuriating and lazy as far as I’m concerned.
I’ve been seeing a lot of posts of like “What about this gun?” and someone
being like “Why use that when this is right there?” and once again I have to
say, it doesn’t really matter. Typically I like using shotguns and machine
guns. Bugs, shotgun. Terminators, shotgun. Zombies, shotgun. For the Terminids
I like using the Breaker Incendiary because it’s fast, it sets everything of
fire and I dig it. For the bots I typically just use the Breaker, again it
shoots fast, it comes with seven magazines and it’s just a ton of fun to shear
off parts with it. Against the Illuminate I’ve been using the Dominator, it’s
basically a shotgun to me, just shoots one big round. It staggers the bigger
guys which is nice and if you can land a headshot, boom, dead. I’d hate to have
a round like that through my skull. Now because of some of the Reddit posts I
have been trying other things that I just haven’t. I do like the Scorcher for
the Illuminate, it shoots quite fast and can dispatch the overseers quickly. I
also prefer the Stalwart vs the machine gun and heavy machine gun. For some
reason it holds more bullets and I can reload on the go. That’s important for
me. I can’t take out a harvester with it but I can cut through its shield
rather quickly and then one of my friends can take it out, they usually carry
an anti-tank weapon. I also prefer ballistics to lasers. I like bullets,
missiles and bombs. I don’t entirely love using laser weapons or the orbitals.
I like using Eagle-1 over the orbitials just because it makes it feel more like
I’m defending the planet and not like I’m assaulting it, you know? Just seems
more war…y? War-y? And some of the orbitals are kind of cheap/easy. Don’t get
me wrong, I’ll use the laser for certain missions just to get big bases down
faster but it is lazy and I pick it to be lazy at that moment. I like using the
railcannon just to delete a unit from out of my face but then I’ll try to clear
the rest of the base on my own. I do feel like each faction we face should be
weaker to certain things and less effected by others. So for example I think
the bots should suffer more from electric guns and
I made a goofy Reddit post for a Super Sentai like TV program for the youth of Super Earth. You know, some propaganda for the kiddies. It could translate to a warbond for us later on. I was thinking it could comprise of four rangers, Black (leader, common Helldiver color), Pink (obvi need a pink ranger), and then either a Yellow or Green ranger, which ever color the Terminids blood shows up better on and then an Orange and/or Purple. There wouldn’t be a Red or Blue because the bots and Illuminates bodily fluids wouldn’t show up well on them. Bots have a reddish, oil to them and the squids blood appears to be blue. I was thinking each color armor could be in the warbond and they each have their own ability to parallel with the shows gimmick. One could have 100% increased melee damage for instance. One could have the servo-assist; they can throw things further, ect. ect.
It was announced recently that there will be a Helldivers movie which is cool but it’s supposedly going to be live action which sounds problematic. The enemies are probably going to be CGI so why not just animate the whole movie? I like it when things are consistent on screen and CGI only seems to be getting worse these days. The intro trailer to Helldivers 2 is great, even the little bit in Secret Level was good, just do that. People online have said things like “these are Helldivers, they should be dying left and right, there shouldn’t be someone who just is alive through the whole movie” which makes sense so what’s that going to look like? They going to have some no names do this movie or are they gonna get some big budget people and ruin what makes Helldivers, Helldivers? It is Sony after all. Also Sony owns both Helldivers and Starship Troopers so… also odd. Could be some cameos or references I’m sure.
So, what do you think the next Fire Emblem will be like? Closer to the originals or will we have more bloat to navigate? What’s your go to loadout in Helldivers? And what are your thoughts on this movie? Let me know in the comments so I can have some human interactions! Until next time, bye-bye!
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