The Field of Unfinished Fire Emblems
Hello again! I’m back! “So soon” you might say and to that I say “Yes! I have consumed new media and now have new thoughts in my big dumb head that I am compelled to vomit those thoughts onto the internet!” @NEETproxy and I went to see the animated Lord of the Rings movie yesterday, The War of the Rohirrim, it was okay. It was lower than my expectations but it wasn’t horrible. But it did get me in the mood for Fire Emblem and/or Shadow of the Colossus, anything with a horse and sword really so yeah.
I remember when Fire Emblem Engage came out I was very adamant that I was going to finish that one because I haven’t finished a Fire Emblem since Awakening annnnd I was a big fat liar. From what I remember with Engage is I got to a point where I just have way too many fucking units to choose from that I don’t know what to do. Kind of like my issue with fighting bots in Helldivers 2. There’s so many strengths and weaknesses that when I think I’ve got a good composition there’s a unit I overlooked that wipes out my entire army. (I just reread my post about Engage from last year and it doesn’t really make me excited to try it again.) Another thing that kind of bothers me is the character designs are all over the god damn place, some of the characters don’t even look like they belong in the game at all. They’ve been isekaid from a alternate Fire Emblem world. I like the ring, fusion thing, it is very cool but leveling up the ring with a specific character, doing all the in between mission stuff, I don’t want to do that, it’s too much and too complicated for me.
I remember not finishing Conquest because the story is kind of ehh and the difficulty for it is higher than Birthright, from what I understand, I just couldn’t quite get into Echoes and Three Houses, again, has too much down time in between missions for me to stay engaged. I don’t want to hold class sessions and run around campus to look for a girls thong or to have lunch with people, I just want to FIGHT!! I remember heavily considering buying the uhh, Hyrule Warriors version of Three Houses, oh, it’s just called Fire Emblem Warriors, of course it is, but then I didn’t for whatever reason. So now I’m in my age old dilemma, “What Fire Emblem do I try to play?” Do I just play Awakening because I know I’ve finished it before and I do like it? Do I try Conquest or Echoes again? Do I try to play Three Houses or do I try to brute force my way through Engage because it’s the newest entry? They all have things and characters I like but also things that just loose my interest. I know before I’ve tried playing Awakening my stopped because I have played it A LOT and whenever I play an older titled I’m always like “Why am I doing this? There’s a newer one.” So I don’t know.
I kind of wish Fire Emblem and Original Sin had a baby, I think that would be a perfect little game for me. Maybe Fire Emblem just taking some of the terrain stuff from Original Sin, maybe one of the games does that, I don’t know. I really wish the Switch 2 will have a slot for 3DS games. I know that won’t happen, and I’m not really looking for the Switch 2 to have 3D, though that would be sick, but I just would like to play my 3DS games without my 3DS… haha, I don’t know, it would just be cool to play some of these on the TV. And if they could figure out how to make 3D work on the TV screen that would be dope. Some of that Nintendo wizardry they do. I feel like it would kind of look like a screen within a screen but anyway, I’m sure that’s not possible unless the technology is in the TV itself.
That’s that. Do you have an opinion of which Fire Emblem I should try to play through? Do you have a favorite Fire Emblem? I hope if and when the next Fire Emblem comes out it’s just a tad more simplistic. Respect my time, it's all I ask. Games now-a-days always have to keep adding complexity upon complexity and there even starting to making buttons do more than one action. There’s only so many buttons on this controller! Chill the fuck out! Anyway, I kind of want to play Shadow of the Colossus as well but I still have bots to find in Astro Bot… Well then, I’m off to not make a single decision about all this so until next time, bye-bye and Merry Christmas and all that, doubt I’ll have another one of these until after the holidays. Bye-bye!
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