Erm, Nothing Really.


            Hello. Um. I don’t know, just random shit. Ehhhhh

            I’ve been trying to finish up Astro Bot (and then they go and add a new Christmas level…) and I made it to the God of War level and I was like “Man, why isn’t God of War just this?” I’ve only played a tiny bit of Ragnarok but I do remember there was a whole lot of talking for no apparent reason. I’m just trying to figure out the puzzle and the head is just being an annoying piece of shit. Like leave me alone, let me think, fuck. In Astro Bot you just swing your axe, things die, throw your axe here, good job and move on. It was nice. I was on “vacation” last week so I also had the idea to try and finish Armored Core 6 but got too distracted by WoW. Tried to play Forbidden West a bit, got rocked by a pack of kangaroos that shoot electric orbs. That was fun. Something I hate in Horizon is that absolutely all the robots hate you all the time. I wish the herbivore types were passive until you attacked them or a watcher sees you and switches their functions. I’m just trying to go from A to B, leave me aloooone.

            After my last post @NEETproxy thought that what I was describing kind of sounded like Divinity: Original Sin 2 so we’ve been playing that and it’s pretty good. It’s dated, for sure, but it’s fun. While playing it though I got this like rush of memories or nostalgia or something for Knights of the Old Republic and I’m like “Yeah, that WAS a good game.” I guess maybe the dialog and conversation choices just reminded me of KOTOR and it was kind of turn base-y but not at the same time. I liked the way it handled combat. But as far as Original Sin goes, it’s really annoying when you do a spell like bull horns that then lets you cast a new spell but that new spell goes to the first free space on your hot bar. It’d be nice if it would just replace the move that’s on cooldown, like how WoW does now with say frost shock and ice fury. I would also like a grid or something of where I can walk, how far I can go, maybe just show me the range of my spell when I’m mousing over it and I don’t have to select it. Again, the game is 8 years old so there have been QoL changes in the years. Hopefully with all that Baulder’s Gate 3 money Original Sin 3 will be a banger as well.

            I saw an article saying something about in the new Assassin’s Creed there will be an option for dialog so the “cannon” choice is just made and you don’t have options. I don’t quite know what that means but it sounds like something I’d be okay with. I get wanting a “deep and rich” story but I’m here to play a game above all else. Let’s keep it moving. If I wanted to watch a story I’d find a movie. I don’t have as much time as I used to to play all the games, save me some time please. It’s like when they updated Cyberpunk, I tried going back but I had already done like three playthroughs, things were different, I just couldn’t be bothered to do it all again. Kind of like Dauntless recently. Like who’s fucking bright idea was it? “Hey guys, imagine if people who played Monster Hunter for hundreds, some even thousands of hours and Capcom just took all their shit away and told them to start over and they can’t even use some of the weapons. They’d be happy right?” What a fucking disaster.

            @NEETproxy and I watched Secret Level. Had some good episodes, had some shit episodes. I loved the 40k one. Not to sound like Dehaka but the Space Marines were exactly like costal rocks and the goons they were fighting at the beginning were the tide just smashing against them doing absolutely nothing to the Space Marines. The Armored Core one was alright. The D&D one was okay, kind of short, kind of Blizzard Diablo cinematic-esqu. I feel like between the D&D movie and Baulder’s Gate that maybe that one could’ve been Original Sin to boost interest in that before they announce a sequel, if they are making one, I imagine they are, but I’m a little biased at the moment. The Pac Man one was ass, then they go and show there’s a whole ass game at the Game Awards. I didn’t watch that shit, saw some highlights. Saw Splitgate had a very Apex Legends trailer. Saw an update to Helldivers 2. I was kind of like “Shit” cause I’ve kind of wanted to play Deep Rock lately but out of the two @PoeTomic would probably be more keen to play Helldivers. The new faction looks okay right now, I saw like three units, I like that. I like fighting the bugs, I have a good loadout for them I think but the bots, fuck. I never know what to bring and no matter what I bring it was a mistake. Again, with the bugs, my loadout can pretty much handle whatever, but with the bots they have too many things that are weak to different things and you can’t bring them all. It’s annoying as fuck. Saw some folks on Bluesky all starry-eyed being like “Oh boy, hopefully Sony takes notice of Astro Bot’s achievement and starts making good single player games” like bitch, they don’t give a fuck about some dweeb’s personal event. They want MONEY, they’d rather waste billions to chase that one golden-live-service-goose that they’re never going to get then just make something fun and engaging.

            Well uh, that’s how I feel right now I guess. What do you think about any of that? Let me know in the comments and we can converse. Until next time, bye-bye.



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