Wish List 2024

Hello, hello… hello. I’m back with a new wish list (I never know if it’s “wish list” or “wishlist”), I don’t think there I got many ideas this year and I think some of them I’ve mentioned in different posts here and there but oh well. You should know what to expect out of me by now. As usual, I’ll go over my favorite ideas from years past, just to keep hope and sorrow alive.

I would love a Monster Hunter 2D, pixel-ish fighting game where the characters are wyverns from the games. Waifu Division. I’m still playing Blue Archive from time to time, I really like the way the characters use AR in the game, I would use that in a third person Waifu shooter. Nintendo VS Sega Smash. There’s gotta be a new Mario Kart soon right? New Switch, new Mario Kart? Last wish list I mentioned wanting more Power Rangers games and there is a new beat ‘em up coming out next month, Rita’s Rewind. Petty excited about that. I’d like them to do something besides Mighty Morphin’ though. I get it, they’re iconic, but pick another group. If you pick another group then people might be like “hmm, who are these characters? I’ll go look that up” and then they fall into a rabbit hole. That’s what happened with me and Brawl. There is a new Ghost Recon game in development, I haven’t heard much about it lately, all I’ve heard is that it was going back to it’s FPS roots and sounding more like modern Rainbow Six but hey, I’ll take a Rainbow Six Vegas spiritual successor.

Alirght, that’s that. I don’t have a whole lot to go over really. At the beginning of the year I was kind of nostalgic for some 360 games, you know, back when games were just good fun and not grindy, battle pass riddled, “buy-our-cosmetics-or-daddy’s-gonna-be_mad” shells we’re used to so I started looking for older games. Transformers War for Cybertron and Marvel Ultimate Alliance being the main ones. Can’t play them on a modern Xbox, they’re not “backwards compatible” and they’re no where for PC but @NEETproxy found a way to get them on PC. Transformers works fine, it’s stupid, simple fun. I played through the campaign a few times back to back. Ultimate Alliance is a little more wonky. The controls don’t match up with a controller at all, even with third party help. It’s playable if I want to go through the headache of setting up the controls every time and don’t care what moves my characters have or where their stat points go. I did see in this month’s issue of PC Gamer that supposedly the mod community has got 700 characters in the game?? Crazy if true. But the one other game that comes to my mind for simple, stupid fun is Army of Two. It was a straight forward game with ridiculous gun modifications but it was fun. Where’s Army of Two EA? Or any of your IPs? Where’s Mirror’s Edge at? Shit was fun. Usually once a year I’ll play through Catalyst and even Titanfall 2. TF2’s campaign is short but it’s SOO fun.

This comes from after seeing Furiosa, so some kind of Mad Max game. I understand there was a Mad Max game some years ago that people typically liked so maybe just a new one. Something that’s just cars, some kind of Twisted Metal nonsense. Maybe not, I’m thinking of the car stuff from Rage 2, there is a 40k game that’s in early access I think? The Orks are doing something, Speed Freaks I think? I don’t know, looks ridiculous, just more of that.

I know I’ve mentioned before how Delicious in Dungeon has made me want some kind of RPG or BotW action game where there was more emphasis on collecting ingredients to cook. I know you can do that in BotW but I’m looking for something different. I think I mentioned that I wanted Monster Hunter to implement this some how. I still don’t have a good idea of how this works, like you have a route or a goal but you HAVE to make time to gather and cook otherwise you just won’t make it. I guess almost like the OG Pokemon games. You stock up on potions and antidotes before going into a forest otherwise you’re screwed. Like your character(s) is hungry but your almost at something you’ve been wanting to get to so instead of stopping and eating you press forward only to meet a monster you don’t have energy to deal with and you die. You DIE!!! It makes more sense in Delicious in Dungeon but it always made me laugh in BotW where Zelda has been trapped for one hundred years and link is just off screwing around, cooking, finding koroks, shield surfing. “L-link, please hurry, I don’t think I can hold out much longer…” “Yeah yeah yeah, in a minute, I really need to do this guys gliding challenge.” Wild Hearts cooking was a little complicated and time consuming but it was neat. I would like it in Monster Hunter as you fight and move from place to place you gather ingredients on your way and maybe in the middle of a hunt you could stop, cook something to help with the rest of the fight and when you do finish a hunt and get some meat from that monster, preparing that will help with the start of your next hunt. Especially how in Wilds you’re just kind of out there. I don’t know, that’s for smarter people to figure out.

The last thing I have is probably a repeat entry but I’m still waiting to see a good Diablo-esque game. And maybe Diablo 4 is like this already, I don’t know, but I always go back to the Rexxar campaign in Frozen Throne and how much fun that was. You could control several heroes, each with their own spells and inventory slots. When Diablo 3 was first shown off I had this thought that it was gonna have a lot of player synergy at work. The witch doctor could slow enemies down, the demon hunter could have moves that dealt more damage to slowed enemies, things like that, but it wasn’t like that at all. Like… I want to actually play a game with my friends and not just feel like we’re all playing a single player game together. You’d almost need to have some kind of Pokemon, Fire Emblem triangle strategies for the characters. This one does more damage to enemies on fire and slows enemies. This one does more damage to slowed enemies and makes them cold. This one does more damage to cold enemies and sets them on fire! The single player aspect might need some help, or you could just do the typical thing of everyone does everything but if you actually coordinate with your friends you can make builds that do more damage together. So you could have a build that you slow people down and do more damage to slowed units or you could have a straight slow build and a friend has a straight more damage to slowed units build and that does way more damage then if you were trying to do both. ¯\_()_/¯ Again, smarter people can figure it out.

That’s it, thoughts, comments, concerns? I think this will be posted on Bluesky first for about a week and then, if I think of it, I’ll post this and the last one on Twitter. I have no real desire to use Twitter anymore, theres some people I follow that aren’t on Bluesky yet but oh well. I will say that I am surprised at the traffic I get from Twitter. Probably bots but even so, I still expected to get some bots viewing my last post but there was nothing. Had one person see that post, one, and I’m not entirely sure it wasn’t me. But that’s it from me today, I’ll be back some time, bye-bye.



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