Blue Skies and WoW Times 6 I Guess
Hello! It’s been a while. *looks* Eh, a little over a month, I thought it was longer, but also might be the first time for some of you because this is the first post I’ve shared on Bluesky and only on Bluesky since Elon is being a dingdong on the other site. At this point I feel like he’s just trying to make it so it’s his own private platform for him and his goons, kind of like another dingdong I could mention, anyway, there hasn’t really been all that much going on for me to write about nor have I had much time to write. To my surprise I’m still playing WoW and as such I have more to talk about concerning that. I don’t know, there’s just a lot for me to do right now or I can always find something to do I guess. (Edit: Some add-ons before cross posting to Twitter, all these parentheses are new things. WarCraft has been a big part of my life and right at the moment they’re having a 20th anniversary for WoW and a 30th, ehh, kind of celebration for WarCraft as a whole. (Maybe there’ll be more to know later this month, who knows!) But that fact alone got me thinking. Blizzard made WarCraft 1-3 in a span of ten years, not to mention some Diablos and StarCraft mixed in there, along with some probable cancelled games. That’s kind of insane to me. You just don’t see that kind of turn out anymore since everything has to be a live service game.)
I’ve heard forever about tank/healer shortages and the back and forth of both sides of it. I’ve seen a lot of threads, mostly about mythic+, which I haven’t done, in which people are just assholes to healers or tanks when they die cause they were standing in the wrong spot, that sort of thing, so people don’t want to play those roles. I tend to gravitate to roles that fewer people like doing so I’ve almost always healed but today I decided to go through the first part of the Nerub'ar Palace as shadow just to see what it’s like to DPS and god damn, you don’t have to do jack shit as a DPS. It was only LFR mind you but nevertheless, push some buttons and watch your feet, easy. As a healer you’re expected to fill your free time from healing with added DPS, which I can sometimes get lost in and be like “Oh crap, *heal, heal, heal*” But also with my shaman I have the ability to interrupt spellcasters so that’s another thing I’m on the lookout for. Again, not a resto shaman specific trait, all shamans can do it, but because I CAN do it means I SHOULD be looking for the times to do it. But I feel like I shouldn’t need to be watching for that you know? I feel like they need to make DPS do more of that stuff. Again, it’s only LFR, I have no idea what transpires on higher difficulties but I think to curb the healer/tank “shortage” they should push more responsibilities onto DPS and they used to exist but I don’t know what happened to them; crowd control, off tanking, maybe even off healing. (This made me think about Heroes of the Storm a little bit and how, as a healer in that game sometimes, I’d have to go do an objective because the other players weren’t. So I’d have to leave my support role to go capture a point or something because somebody else wasn’t doing their job. Maybe from now on I’ll just not you know? Maybe I’ll just stick to healing and doing a little DPS, the DPS can do the kicks and stuff, screw ‘em, lazy fucks. Like in the “communing with the machine” weekly there are these mobs that show up that die when you cancel their casting, that’s fun. I like that. If you wanted, in a dungeon/raid situation, you could spawn several of those guys and as long as they get kicked they’re not an issue.) One of the first LFR runs I did I had Details! on just to see how I was doing and there was a shadow priest who was like in second for overall healing at points. His halo must’ve been hitting hard. I had seen a thread where people were kind of talking about this and how Blizzard at one point in time said something like “bring the player, not the class” meaning they felt some classes were almost mandatory for certain raids or whatever but all that means is you then make all the classes the same but with different spell names. Why do mages and even hunters have a “lust”??? I loved when that was a “my” thing, you know? I get what they mean but at the same time I think they’ve gone too far the other way.
I think I’ve complained about before is how people just rush through dungeons.
For the first few weeks of War Within I’ve only done the raid and a handful of
follower dungeons for quest/story reasons but recently I did some Time Walking
and Heroics and things haven’t changed. Time Walking is kind of annoying
because it usually starts at like 30 so the scaling can be weird, people can
die in one hit from random things. But you got tanks pulling half the dungeon
and then you’re not even finished with the first pack they pulled and they’re
off pulling even more. It’s annoying. I like the raid because it just seems to
be calmer. Also, queuing for heroics and I’ve done like one TWW dungeon (more
than once) and every other time has been a Shadowlands dungeon,
I find delves to be mostly annoying. I see a lot of love for them cause people can do them solo and take their time and get up to go check on their kids or something but I just don’t like how long they take for me to do. I’m probably not playing right, or because I play in my healer specs it takes longer but still. I love disc priest because I pretty much can’t die but it takes forever to kill things. But even playing with @NEETproxy it can takes us a long while, or at least it feels like a long time. I just get kind of bored and sometimes even sleepy if I’m just fighting the same mob group for too long, doing the same moves, dodging the same attacks because there’s cool downs. A lot of times a mob or boss can do something, I can interrupt it and his spell and my kick are basically on the same cool down so once he does it again I can kick it again, it’s not random like Monster Hunter for instance, so it can just feel predictable and boring in that way.
Going back to the tank/healer shortage, I don’t think this would fix anything but I think it’s time to add another talent tree to the classes. Druids already have four and they’ve tested some out on Season of Discovery with shaman tanks and mage healers and when you do the quest follower dungeon in The Rookery the tank is a shaman so I feel like they’re almost there. But basically if your class has three DPS trees, put another one in there. I was thinking maybe they could put in more roles but that would just not work for queues. I thought maybe they could make disc priest, a paladin and a mage healer be more about shields and preemptively negate damage rather than heal after the fact and the other healer classes could do that part. It’d be cool too if for warriors say, they added a DPS role for people who like protection. When I decide to play a warrior I usually do prot because I like to shield bash things, I don’t want to tank, I’ve never tanked in my life but I like doing quest and stuff as prot so maybe make a DPS tree that is more for shield smacking you know? (I’ve noticed some spells, especially AoE spells, being like “only hits 5 targets,” like why? If it can only hit five targets then don’t give me more than five mobs. Get rid of that, go crazy, damage as much shit as you want! Let’s go! For PvP I get it, I guess.)
saw a thread about someone complaining that people wanting the Light to be
“bad” is dumb or something. Nuance is the word they kept using; “It’s not
nuance, THIS is nuance…” But like basically anything is bad if you go too far
with it. Fluoride is supposed to be good for your teeth but too much of it and
it’s actually poisonous, same idea. But we’ve seen the Light corrupt Yrel and
try to force itself onto Illidan, so yeah, it’s not really a “good” thing. But
I also think it’s the only way Blizzard will make something
Another thing I’ve found weird is how the Arathi are from the “other side” of Azeroth that we just can’t get to because there’s a thick storm or something all around the planet that keeps the two sides separate yet we have literal space ships, portals, we have ways to bypass this “storm.” Like what?
(Getting back into WoW I’ve noticed a lot of things I usually get add-ons for are just in the game now. I like having one big bag, I wish the bank would follow suit but. I also wish looting to the bag wasn’t weird? Like, without a DIFFERENT add-on, stuff just kind of goes wherever, it was annoying. I’d also like it if I could specify what I want in my reagent bag. I don’t need meat and fish to go in there, you’re taking up space for my plants!) Anyway, I started rushing at the end, hopefully my thoughts came across. I need to get started on my 2024 wishlist, I’m behind, I don’t think I have much to talk about but still, it’s already almost November! So what’re your thoughts? Leave me some comments and I’ll be back shortly. If nothing else, with a new wishlist post! Bye-bye!
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