The War Within


Hello. It’s been a while. I’ve been very busy and nothing has really happened that I had strong feelings about so yeah. Much to my surprise I’m actually playing The War Within as it’s live and so far I think it’s pretty good but there’s things that still bother me so here I am. I’m sure I’m going to repeat myself a bit since I’ve made so many posts about WoW this year but I’m tired of trying to keep track of everything. So for the most part TWW feels like WoW. Shadowlands and Dragonflight didn’t feel like WarCraft. They felt like somebody else’s problem. Like, they were BIG problems. All the different afterlives, that’s not something a bunch of normies can just deal with. But, for me, those two just didn’t feel like WarCraft but TWW seems to be back on track.

            The thing that bothers me right now is the fact that Horde and Alliance can’t quest together. I thought that was the whole point of having cross faction guilds? I thought that was the starting point. Arguably the two sides have been working together since Wrath of the Lich King. There were pockets of open war but in the end we were trying to take down Arthas who was a threat to all and it’s kind of been that way since. Legion was the real nail in the coffin. From my understanding that was thought to be the last expansion for WoW so they went all out. You had all the class halls where all the races set aside their differences to work together as the class they all shared to stop the Burning Legion. They tried to reignite the flames of war in Battle for Azeroth but once again, something bigger was at play that had the two sides working together. But honestly would you really expect a bunch of characters that worked so hard together to defeat an invading force of demons to suddenly be like “Welp, see you on the battle field tomorrow you Horde scum.”? We don’t even have separate “capitols” in the new expansions, or quest camps, they are all the same so why can’t we group together? Getting away from “lore” reasons, just as a GAME what is the reason? I really like my Void Elf, I would really enjoy playing her with my friends. We have primarily Horde characters and the Alliance has done little to interest us so it’s unlikely that my friends will be able to make a character on the Alliance that would replace one of their Horde characters. Also the bigger part of that, I’m in a low population server group, getting groups for raids later is probably going to take some time, just let Horde and Alliance queue together so we don’t have to waste time waiting. One thing I saw about why they haven’t done this is because they “don’t want to upset the purists.” The “purists” can go play Classic. Are you really paying that much attention the races in a raid when you start up? I don’t think anyone notices, they just autopilot to whatever it is they’re supposed to do. Someone on Reddit said something to the effect of “That’s lawyer speak, let me translate. Right now that would cost just too much money to implement. If there was a bigger outcry for it or we saw a drastic drop in subscriptions then we’d look into it.” Like I’ve said before, the Horde/Alliance thing makes sense in Classic, when I played it was just like “Oh yeah, this feels normal” but now that we constantly work together and all the other reasons I’ve already listed it’s like “Give me a break.”

            @NEETproxy brought this up and I’ve seen it floating around before but being called “champion” and being given trivial tasks to do is kind of dumb. I understand the NPCs have to call us something and the “champion” thing was from Legion where they went all out, thinking it could be the last expansion, but come on. Leave me alone. I’ve been “champion” for a while now and there’s a bunch of “champions” around, it doesn’t make me feel special. It sounds insulting actually.

            I was Googling like, “Who is worse, Horde or Alliance?” and was not getting what I thought I would. I was getting a lot of in game lore reasons why Horde was worse because of all the things they’ve done, or that certain leaders have done, when I was more looking for like, “Which group is more annoying” I guess? I mean, from playing a little bit of Alliance now, they’ve done some pretty awful things as well but someone brought up the starting zones and how Horde is fighting a lot of Alliance types right from the get go. Alliance typically fights the local ruffians, Gnolls, Satyrs, that sort of thing but the Horde will fight those along with Humans and Dwarfs and such. There’s Humans in Durotar and Tirisfal Glades, Dwarfs in Mulgore so really the Alliance is the aggressor. They move into territories that they don’t belong in when most of the Horde are just trying to keep to themselves and be left alone. But seriously, playing MoP Remix and making Pandarens, the Alliance is pretty awful. They talk about shackling up Tauren who Pandaren more resemble than Humans, they shoot a bunch of surrendering Orcs at the start of Mists and oh yeah, Jaina fucking goes on a genocidal tear through Dalaran killing every Sunreaver she sees. Seriously, why does my character still hang out with her? It’s funny in War Within there’s a quest to train the rock Dwarfs or something and Turalyon is like this old, bitter racists, kind of like the “purists” still spouting off about the Horde being savages and what not and one of the rock Dwarfs is like “Are they always like this?” and the person they’re asking is like *awkward laugh* Again, at this point, even if you don’t want Orcs or Tauren in Stormwind, I still think having Pandaren, Earthen and the dumb dragon people choose a side is stupid.

            I do wish that there was still more restrictions on the classes each race could play. I always felt like if your race had shaman then you probably shouldn’t have mages since they’re kind of the same but not. Or that Blood Elves shouldn’t have warriors, they are very magic-y so their warriors should just be paladins, the closest non-magic thing they could have would be rogues. But that ship has sailed so I’ve been asking “Where’s the Nightborne and Void Elf demon hunters at?” Someone was like “Uhhh that doesn’t make sense since Illidan trained them and they were Night Elf and Blood Elves.” To which I say “I don’t understand how Blood Elves fit into that” but also “Who cares?” Especially at this point. Like it almost makes more sense for there to be Nightborne then and Void Elves are just Blood Elves that decided to do something different so it’s very likely that there were some BE demon hunters that were like “Oh yeah sure, I’ll check out this void stuff with you guys, what could go wrong?” I’ve looked at demon hunters but haven’t really wanted to play one, I might try a Nightborne DH though. It was always weird to me that anything could be a death knight but even more so now with all the allied races. (I was just looking and right now most races can be everything with the exception of paladins, shaman and druids. And obviously demon hunters. Fucking wild man.)

            I had seen a video of toys to get in WoW and one is called the Atomic Recalibrator and it changes you into a different race. It’s just a funny thing to have but I through it down while playing the guys and we’re running on it and I got changed into a female Mecha Gnome and one of the others was already a Goblin so I was like “Fine, I’ll be small too” and then she talked and I was like “Hold up.” The voice sounds very similar to an AI VTuber called Neuro and I love it. I’ve mentioned in other posts how stupid my reasons are for making characters, how they sound being one of them so I went and made a Mecha Gnome. Am I ever gonna play it? Most likely not but it’s there. I have a lot of allied race characters just in case I feel like playing them but I think the only “original” races I have are my Tauren and Blood Elf and I’m not even playing either of them right now. I was playing with a Dark Iron shaman for a bit and she’s SO small and I’m just like “What the heck?” She seems too small. It’s so weird playing Tauren most of my life and being used to it that playing anything else is like “???”

            I would like to see more classes though. I click on the character creator and I look at the classes and it’s just like “…I don’t want to do any of this.” I hope one of these next expansions they just drop like three whole new classes. I also wonder how much further or longer we’ll have the hero talent trees and what could be next for them. I was thinking, as far as shaman go, maybe they could do something to make each race/class combo more unique. So WarCraft 3 had like the shadow hunter, spirit walkers, witch doctors, different things like that that are still kind of shaman-ish but unique so maybe like Tauren could be spirit walkers and get a few different spells and Trolls could be shadow hunters and get a few different spells for them. I always thought that shadow hunters would be a cool class but they are similar to shaman with chain heals and totems. Kind of the same reason we haven’t quite gotten wardens cause rogues are kind of almost there. I don’t know, again at this point, most races can be anything so why not make another class that’s close to one that exists but is now different. Or since shadow hunters kind of sounds shaman/rogue to me, make it something available to both. So like you could have a shaman/shadow hunter or a rogue/shadow hunter. Kind of like the hero talents but instead it crosses classes now. Rogue/shadow hunter/warden, shaman/shadow hunter/spirit walker, kind of like that. I don’t know.

            Alright, I’m all done, what did I even talk about? I don’t know. What are your opinions? What are you up to in WoW right now? Maybe I’ll get my courage up and try to do LFR and not get everyone killed. Anyways bye bye, let me know things in the comments and maybe I’ll be back in some weeks versus some months.



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