
Showing posts from January, 2024

WoW Times 5 SoD Times

                 Hello! I lied! I’m sorry! I’ve got my mains pretty much where I want them to be aside from my priest. She’s 30 right now but I’ve got a 60 boost that I think I’ll use when War Within comes out because I really don’t want to do Dragon Isles again. If we could level in Zaralek Cavern or the Emerald Dream that’d be one thing since I haven’t done those THAT much but I’ve done the other zones about five times. I’m more than over it. So since I’ve been less busy I’ve been playing Season of Discovery here and there and it just makes me happy. Just running from place to place makes me grin, I don’t know why. It’s fun picking up items, like for runes, or coming across an asset that looks out of place and being like hold up, what was that? When doing some quest in Mulgore I came upon a bush by a cage hanging in a tree. Weird . I can click on the bush, I can attack the bush but nothing happens. Wave, kneel, dance, nothing. Google it, it’s for hunters, oh okay, bye bush . I was r

WoW Times 4!

                Hello! I’m sure you’re sick of hearing me talk about how my dumb monkey brain can’t decide on a character/class combo that make me happy but I’m here again! It helps organize my thoughts when I write them down. So you can skip this, I’m just continuing the trend I’ve started. Also I’ll talk a little bit about different things I’ve encountered recently including some things about WoW Classic!             So before I had said that I was going to use my Highmountain shaman as my new main shaman but I think I’ve decided to just keep my OG shaman as my main. I thought about making him into a Highmountain but that seems like more work than it’s worth. I like the Highmountain but I think I’ll just stick with my original Tauren. I’ve been playing with a Void Elf warlock and I’ve come to quite like warlocks. So I’ve got my Pandaren priest, Tauren shaman and a Void Elf warlock but wait, I would like a Draenei to be a warlock. I think the idea of a Lightforge being a warlock is