WoW Times 2

            Hello hello. Last post I talked about my past WoW experiences and memories so today I thought I’d go over what I’ve been doing recently, things I’d like to see in the future and maybe touching on some things from my last post, it was quite a long post.

            My mains are 70 so I don’t really know what I should be doing with myself. I believe I had mentioned in the last post trying to get my Legion mount for my shaman… I just finished it this morning and let me tell you. So, I was originally going to only do my shaman’s mount but I figured I might as well go through and do my priest as well cause I’m just a glutton for punishment. Now, this process was kind of horseshit. Someone at Blizzard really needs to make a good old fashion, Prima strategy guide, walkthrough for each class. Having done some of these quests and such years ago, it was kind of hard to know what I was supposed to do, where I was in the chain; part of the reason why I stopped trying to get the mount in the first place and what was worse was I did this on a monk last year and got the mount and I don’t recall it being all that bad. I knew I was supposed to do the Breaching the Tomb achievement but at some point you need to do stuff in your class hall. Problem being; what does that actually mean? All the “help” videos and guides online get to that part of the chain and go “now just do your class campaign” and completely skip over what ever that implies. I had no quest in my hall, I could not figure out where to go, what to do, it was frustrating. I was going to give up multiple times but I would find a breadcrumb and it would make me soldier on. I did not want to do every and all quests in the expansion to get this mount. It was only by randomly finding the tiniest skrids of information that I figured out what to do. How was I to know there was a giant in DEEPHOLM OF ALL PLACES that had a quest over his GIANT, off-screen HEAD?? I finished Breaching the Tomb, where’s my mount? WHERE’S MY MOUNT??? Some random guy has a quest that starts it. It was about this time I learned that I actually didn’t have to do all of the achievement because it’s an account wide achievement meaning you do it on one character and that part of the requirement is no longer needed for your other characters. So the guy I needed to get my quest for the mount probably had this quest over his head days ago. Went on my priest, who is also a few steps away from finishing the achievement, and found the mount quest. So. Fucking. Awful. Seriously, all the guides and videos are so dated, or Google’s searching is such shit that it wasn’t giving relevant information. If I worked for some gaming site or YouTube channel I would totally do a guide for these mounts because this was maddening. I feel like doing it anyway because I think it would be good and help a lot of people out but I don’t really want to at the same time. It would just be a lot of work.

            I mentioned glyphs and such in the last post about how the glyph page is gone which is kind of sad and how glyphs can change the looks of spells but there’s no way, that I know of, to have it tied to your respective spec. Almost need “loadouts.” Like making my ghost wolf into a vulpine isn’t a big deal to me if I’m in elemental or restoration but if I’m a shadow priest I might not want my shadowfiend to look like a Light entity and if I’m discipline I might not want my penance to have a shadow look to it. I saw somewhere some concept art for something like this. I don’t know if this comes from someone who works on the game or it’s just rumors but supposedly Blizzard was thinking of doing something like glyphs or maybe changing glyphs to completely change your look and spells. In the picture, if you didn’t click it, there’s a priest with like dreadlord wings and another one all golden with void tentacles and such. I don’t know why as shadow you would want to look holy but whatever. So that would be cool if true. I was also thinking one of the things they could change with this system is shaman elementals. There’s some skinnier elementals out there, not sure when they were introduced, Warlords maybe(?) but also the elementals in Pandaria are really cool. Maybe some green fel magics for paladins instead of holy/radiant magic. It could be cool for the new Man’ari Eredar (next paragraph). More personal touches like these are always welcome in my book, would love to see it happen.

            Something I randomly found out while on the toilet is you can now play as red Draenei?! Whaaaaat?? Both factions can take this quest and it’s real short and boom, red Draenei. The Lightforged can’t be red which is a bit of a bummer but oh well, it’s pretty fucking cool. I mean, regular Draenei are hot but the red ones, oof! The Lightforged must be losing their god damn minds. Void Elves, Man’ari Eredar, warlocks, shadow priest, undead, they’re just gonna straight up Protoss planet crack the whole god damn planet. As far as I know this is the only thing like this but what could be next? The Dark Rangers have always been so sick, it would be great to be able to make a Blood Elf look like that (apparently it's a thing already, thanks for letting me know guyssss). Slightly slimmer Pandas? Less racist Humans? I saw somewhere too, I don't know if it's an older rumor from before Dragonflight or if it's a recent rumor but I saw that "in the next expansion" Nightborne and Void Elves were going to be able to be demon hunters, that could be cool. Nightborne on their own can look down right terrifying so I'd be interested to see what they could look like as demon hunters. Maybe they'll have an unlock quest like the Man'ari. 

            When I was playing recently I noticed how many Blood Elves there are. There are so many and it’s always been like this but it’s kind of bothering me having a Blood Elf main. I remember when they first came out I had an add on for armor drops in dungeons and stuff, not that I ever set foot in a raid but it was just cool to see the armor. Warlocks always had the coolest sets and the Blood Elves just looked the best with it. Orcs were so bulky, their shoulder armors were always so massive and the Undead were always smallish, Blood Elves were this perfect balance. So I understand why there are so many Blood Elves, they’re sexy as fuck and I love mine but it kind of made me want to find a new race. Absolutely everything can be a priest, I really like the Lightforged and now red Draenei but I wouldn’t be able to quest with my friends on their Horde characters. We’d all have to make Alliance ones and I don’t really know if we’d enjoy that, sure we can dungeon and raid together but we’re not really about that either. I like my two Tauren but I really don’t want to make a Tauren priest, Zandalari’s are kind of cool I guess but I’ve currently landed on Pandaren. I like the Pandas, Li Li is a favorite in HotS and I’m not so… roleplay-y cautious with the Pandas. Again, in my opinion, if I’m a disc priest I don’t want to be casting shadow spells but I do cause it’s “just a game bro” but if I played a Lightforged I really think I’d flat out take those spells off my bar. I kind of think it’d be really funny having a red shadow priest Draenei and just slip out of shadowform while in town and stuff being like “no I’m totally not evil anymore, what do you mean?” Again, weird personal weirdness on my part but for a Pandaren I feel like they’d be like “eh, go with the flow, it’s there, I’m going to use it. Yin and yang. Push and pull…” You get the idea. As I was playing the intro zone for the Pandaren I was getting to the end where the Alliance ship crashed into the turtle and we had to save people, blah blah blah, and the Tauren there were like “I’m only not going to fight you because of our new friends” and the Human girl was like “Watch yourself Tauren before I put you in chains again” like what the fuck? What a bitch. Yeah if I saw that exchange I’d want to join the Horde, there’s these things that are animal people like me and this is how the Humans treat them? No thank you. They come across as slavers. I watched the Pandarens joining the Alliance on YouTube and yup, Humans are a bunch of racists assholes. Even Varian was called the Horde a bunch of “barbarians” like what the fuck dude? Like, I understand at the time, Garrosh was uh, nothing we seen before but you can’t be calling all of us “barbarians.” What is barbaric about the Tauren? Trolls? Undead? Goblins?? The Orcs have their trouble makers but most of them hold “honor” quite high and there is nothing honorable in barbarism. Also; why do Humans have such a high player count? What a bunch of psychos. You literally have the chance to BE something other than human and you choose a Human. Bunch of god damn lizard people if I ever saw one. Tell me you’re a lizard person without telling me you’re a lizard person.

            I ducked into Classic for a minute and man am I glad for ghost wolf, but the first thing I noticed was that I could fucking see everything! I thought I was just going crazy or with the wider monitors and higher resolutions that my health portrait and the chat box were the same size they always were but they used to be way bigger. I was having an issue when I started playing recently that I just could not see my health well. I hated having it close to my character but up in the corner I couldn’t see it but in the old days they were bigger. I checked the edit mode and sure enough I could make it bigger so I did, look at that! The other thing was the chat box. I know recently and even for the last few years when I was in groups with people I just did not see what they were typing because it was off to the bottom left and tiny. In classic it seemed much higher so I moved the chat box up and I’m actually noticing text now.

            So that’s the end, what do you think? Are you a lizard person? You’d tell me right? You have to if I ask. What do you think of the potential glyph rework, changing class spells and looks thing? Do you have any ideas for some classes or any ideas for new character looks like the red Draenei? What should I do now that I’m 70? Let me know below and I’ll get back to you sometime, bye-bye.


                                                                                                           I've changed! Really I have!


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