Spider-Man 2


            Hello. I finished Spider-Man 2 last week and it’s okay. I don’t quite know how and why people praise Insomniac so much, it’s just a Spider-Man game. You swing around, find some goons, mash the square button and repeat, it’s been the same damn formula since the PS2 days, maybe even earlier. It’s fun, sure, don’t get me wrong but it’s just the same. I don’t know. Anyway, just some thoughts, as usual.

            At the beginning of the game you have to do this little segment with Harry and go to school and play some basketball and this song started playing. I was like “what is this? I have this, who is it? Postal Service? No. AMFM? No. ~new slang~ New Slang, okay I know the title at least.” Look it up, it’s by The Shins and I’m like “why is this 15-20 year old indie song from High School playing right now?” It threw me off.

            So I was expecting more from Kraven, I don’t know in exactly what way but I was. I think for me it’s the more the fact that he has this army that does most of the tedious work for him. I thought it was an interesting concept for him to go to New York cause you have all these weirdos dressed up as animals but why are you going after Sand Man? Electro? Fucking Shocker? What did Shocker ever do to deserve this!? I guess I was hoping for more of a cat and mouse thing with him and Spider-Man.

            I was also hoping they were going to explain how Venom got to be the way he is like I don’t know if it’s ever really been explained why he’s got a big mouth full of teeth. He’s on Peter so it kind of looks like Spider-Man but then it goes to it’s next host and is big and bulky and lots of teeth. I was kind of hoping it would go on the Lizard for a time and that’s why it adapted to look kind of like that or even go on Kraven. It was making sense that Kraven was going to get the symbiote because he was dying of cancer, like everyone else, and since he’s such a “man” that would make him the biggest “beast” of them all y’know? And if he had the symbiote maybe since he’s such a “man” he could suppress it and just be super strong Kraven while Venom ate his cancer.

            MJ makes a lot of shit decisions in this game also. “Miles! Lock me in the tunnel with creepy out of control Peter!” Like what? You can’t honestly think this is a good idea. I still don’t enjoy not playing Spider-Man. Any time they made me be someone else I was like “nooooo, let me out!” And like, the only thing MJ brought back from Silver Sable land was a taser? A taser you have to get up close and personal with? They didn’t have anything that launched sticky shockers or even an air taser? Bleh.

            The map seems smaller than the first to me even though they added a whole other side of the bridges. It didn’t seem like it took any time at all to go from north to south. In the first Spider-Man it seems to take forever. It could be the wing suit and wind tunnels just make it that much faster but I don’t know and every mission seemed to be like “okay I did this, now what, oh it’s on the other side of the map, of course it is.” Over and over again.

            They let you play as Venom and I thought it was going to be like Ultimate Spider-Man and after you beat the game you could just play as him but no. You play him for like 2 minutes and then it’s over. No one wants us to have fun. They went the Web of Shadows route with Venom somehow infecting New York with his symbioteness and I don’t understand where this idea comes from. Was it in the comics ever? I just don’t understand why Venom seems to have this Zerg creep like ability. The first time seeing it is like “okay sure whatever” but a second time it’s like “…really?” And like, it’s bad, for the city, just like Web of Shadows and I remember in WoS Spider-Man trying to call Reed Richards and maybe Tony Stark or Doctor Strange and no one is answering and he’s like “they must be busy. Of course if they COULD help they would” and it’s like “what the hell are they dealing with right now?? You seeing this shit?? They better be battling space sharks in another fucking galaxy.”

            The thing that always comes up is “we don’t get to spend enough time with YOU (Peter/Miles)” and it’s like “Oh I’m sorry! Should I stay for your dinner date while a maniac runs through the city? How inconsiderate of ME.” Like shut up. But also, there’s two of you right now, one of you be Spider-Man for four days then the other bes Spider-Man for four days. Four on, four off, just like some jobs I could mention.

            Now the speculation stuff. They set up a lot for either DLC or the third game. I’m hoping most of the set up is for DLC just so the third game can have more surprises and have all new experiences. The game also didn’t seem very long I guess, in the first game it was just one thing after another and in this one not so much. Maybe it’s just because I dealt with things immediately as they came up instead of letting them fester in the first game. The first game had three DLCs so I can see them doing things that directly tie to 2 with DLC. At the very end of the credits they have Otto and Norman talk and it sounds like they both have something cooking so I kind of feel they’ll be reserved for 3, they’re kind of big deals where as Kraven’s daughter, Chameleon and Carnage could all be DLC since they tie into the current story. @NEETproxy made a good point about Carnage being DLC versus a main villain in 3 because that would be two games that would focus on symbiote things again and it might be better if they just tie it up in this game. I don’t really know what they can do for Chameleon but I’m interested in it and maybe Kraven’s daughter will be a better “hunter” then her dad. I think it was his daughter that won the like, family blood battle, but I hope she’s buff. Like, not “female video game buff” but a truly big gurl. I’ve been watching the 90’s Spider-Man episodes where Black Cat shows up for, reasons, and Kraven and his now super powered wife shows up and Black Cat helps Spider-Man so she could show up for that DLC arc.

            The only other thought I had was I kind of wish we could see some of the other Spiders like Ben Reilly and Kaine. Like, they’d have to go down the whole clone saga arc but it would be cool to get some of these games set in different places and have different powers. From what I understand Ben, the original Scarlet Spider, is in Austin Texas in the comics, Kaine, maybe the current Scarlet Spider(?) is in Vegas and then you have the Superior Spider-Man/Octopus in San Francisco, which is Otto Octavius in a Spider-Man body but I don’t quite remember how he and Peter separated and can coexists but they do, as far as I understand. Kaine is a little more ruthless and occasionally turns into the Man-Spider so that’s cool. It would just be fun to get out of New York is all I’m saying and it’d be kind of cool if it was already established that the clone stuff happened so we don’t even have to see it, it’d just be like “oh yeah, my clone Ben is in Texas” and just go with it. Or they could do a 90’s Spider-Man-esque Spiderverse. That one had a Spider-Man with Doctor Octopus arms and a guy that turned into the Man-Spider, that could be fun.

            The other big release recently is Super Mario Bros. Wonder and it’s… fine I guess. I don’t know, it doesn’t jive with me. I’m usually more of a 2D Mario fan but it just doesn’t motivate me to play. I like that there’s all sorts of new enemies and I think it’s really creative but it’s just not for me. It just makes me want to play Crash or Spyro for some reason.

            So that’s my opinions, go ahead and tell me I’m wrong. What do you think? What do you see being DLC and what do you think the next game will have? Let me know down below while I go be indecisive about what video game to play. Bye-bye.



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