Monster Hunter 6 When?


            Hello again! Sorry for the rapid fire, back to back posting but I’m on vacation and there’s only so much dicking around I can do on WoW. I started making this a long time ago but kind of forgot about it but something happened yesterday that gave new life to this post. Capcom had a presentation for Dragon’s Dogma 2 and at the end was a release date, March 2024, the month we’ve all been optimistically hoping the next Monster Hunter would release. So, if not March then when?

            A Monster Hunter YouTube channel I follow made a video a little after Capcom’s MH 20th anniversary video suggesting that the 20th logo was in fact a countdown clock of sorts seeing as how the great sword was filled in and all the other weapons were blacked out. As time went Capcom would fill these weapons in and when they were all filled in we would get an announcement trailer or the games release or something. Pretty solid theory in my opinion but they suggested that it would countdown to the Game Awards where an announcement trailer would play then we would have three months of hype before the game released in March. Even at the time I thought that was just not the case. Capcom would’ve had to be filling that weapon clock in pretty fast if that were the case, right now we should be half way filled in but there has yet to be another weapon filled in at the time of writing. The other issue with this thought I have is the March thing. Everyone seems to be fixated on the idea that because the first Monster Hunter came out in March 2004 that the next game HAS to release in March as well. Hate to break it to you but in my opinion; all of 2024 is the “20th anniversary” for Monster Hunter, not just March, XX 2024.

            I like the countdown weapon clock idea, seems legit, I would also say there’s a very good chance that it does countdown to the announcement trailer. I would still bet money that we’ll see a little something at the Game Awards but it makes sense that it would countdown to the announcement trailer. Or maybe each weapon is a significant event for the 20th celebration so the next weapon that is filled in is for the teaser trailer. If it were me, I would use all of 2024 to build up hype for Monster Hunter 6 and release it in 2025. I know, I know, I don’t want to wait that long either; I would love a new MH sooner rather than later but that’s what I would do. Or maybe release it at the tail end of 2024 like in December or something. I do think the next WoW expansion could draw a lot of players back for a while so I think Capcom would like to dodge that window as much as they could. They’re not the same kind of game but I’m sure there are quite a few people that play both.

            So that’s all the new stuff to talk about. Part of what I originally wanted to bring up was I’m kind of hoping in the next game we can play as different races. The Wyverians have been around for ever, I’m guessing, and I know we’ve seen at least one as a hunter in World so why can’t we be one? I’ve also really wanted to be a bunny person for some reason, I don’t know why, but I’ve been rocking the Lagombi ears in Sunbreak. When I say “animal people” I think of like the bunny people in Final Fantasy and not like characters from Zootopia or Dragon’s Dogma 2 (they’re kind of freaky right? Or is it just me?). Wait, weren’t there animal people before? What were the Meowstress and her sister?  Weren’t they cat people? No, I guess they’re not, the internet says they’re Wyverians, so yeah, let us play as Wyverians. I think it’d be fun if they let us play as kid characters also, again, like the Meowstress. In Rise/Sunbreak there was Yomogi and the buddy handler kid that would help during rampages and stuff, let us play as one. But don’t scale the weapons, it’d be funny to see a child swinging around a great sword or hammer.

            I think that’s all I wanted to bring up. What do you think? What do you think the 20th logo is? Anything you want to see in the next game? Check out my ultimate hopes and dreams here. Playing any Monster Hunter lately? I’m down for some Sunbreak or even Iceborne. Let me know with a comment and I’ll hopefully be gone longer than a day! Bye-bye!

(After Game Awards; 2025, I fucking told you)



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