Blizzcon 2023


           Blizzard is now free from Activision, now under ol’ Philly Spence and supposedly are allowed to have more creative freedom. Blizzcon 2023 happened recently and it has me hopeful. The new World of WarCraft expansion trailer looked amazing as all their cinematics usually do and I’m quite interested in seeing that story unfold.

            I told you it would happen a few posts ago. I start playing WarCraft 3 and it snowballs and now I’m playing WoW again. I would really love to finish a videogame but I keep hoping around. The trailers they showed off for WoW were very cool for me, it seems the villain, a villain, in War Within is an Old-ish God whose name starts with Xal, which is cool for me because back in Legion one of the Priest weapons was a blade with her name on it and every now and then she would speak through it to you (I’m pretty sure), no one else could hear her so I’m excited for that. There’s so much lore stuff in WoW tied to all the classes and races that it’s impossible to keep track. But from what I remember she’s not quite an Old God but is, I don’t know, but I’m interested and they said the next three expansions were going to be a “saga” and come out quicker so I’d really like to be apart of that as it happens. I seem to always be an expansion behind, I’ll be into WoW, the next expansion is coming in a year so I buy it but then I don’t play it until the next expansion is coming, it’s a problem. I’m really interested to see if WoW comes to Game Pass and how that’ll work exactly.

            The think that kind of annoys me when getting back into WoW is how things have changed and yet how things haven’t. I’ll come back and be like, okay, look at my spell book, talents, there’s talents now? Oh yikes, wtf, uhhhh okay, click click click, oh, I don’t have enough points for Elemental Blast even though that was a move I just had an expansion ago, cool. Like, I wish they just left the leveling and stats alone, let us be like level 300 by now and our gear have 100k stuff. You know what? Just get rid of the numbers, just give me a green up arrow or a red down arrow, who needs numbers? I understand after so long it’s hard to keep making new spells or talents to make spells do different things but at the same time I don’t like the last spells I got last expansion to be the last spells I’m getting in this one. It makes it confusing for me.

            The way WoW’s story is going though it makes me wonder why we still can only quest as Horde or Alliance. I know there’s always going to be this friction between Horde and Alliance because it’s WARcraft but like, enough is enough at this point. We always go back and forth, we fight each other, we work together, we fight each other, we work together. It’s like, isn’t it time to get over it? I’ve never understood how Paladins tolerated things like Warlocks and Shadow Priest, they’re on two opposite ends of the spectrum and even worse is Alliance has a (to my understanding) fanatical group of light worshipping Draenei and Void Elves. I just imagine the Light Forged doing some Middle Eastern levels of genocide to those elves, I don’t know how they coexist. But game wise, if I want to play as a Light Forged and my friend wants to play as a Forsaken then we should be able to quest together for the most part. Some of the allied races are just the same as the other faction but different so, I don’t know if that’s their way of being like, “look you can play as a Night Elf on Horde basically, kinda.”

            They showed Cataclysm Classic which I can only imagine was one of Activision’s last initiatives. From what I understand no one really asked for a classic Cata and it was because of Cata that people started asking for a WoW Classic. I would of thought they were gonna stop at Wrath but now it’s like, how far are you going to go? ARE you going to keep going until retail? I don’t understand exactly.

            Something else that got me excited for some reason was the Diablo 4 expansion trailer. It didn’t show much but I’m hopeful all the same. I haven’t gotten Diablo 4 because it just didn’t look good in the early trailers. The cinematic was cool but the gameplay didn’t look any fun to me. I keep hearing it’s better now but we’ll see what the expansion brings. They said they’re going to introduce a new class that’s never been in the series before so that’s interesting. Another reason I’m not keen on playing Diablo 4 right now is because there’s only one/one and a half ranged characters to be and I don’t really want to be a wizard or a half ranged/half melee unit. I’m hoping they’ll add something else that is ranged and interesting. I’m still a little sour that they released a new Diablo so soon after 3. Like we had to wait forever for a new StarCraft and there still isn’t a new WarCraft RTS so like what the fuck? How do you think you rate Diablo? Psh.

I remember way back when, when I actually went to IGN regularly for news that they had the IGN Pro League which was home to StarCraft 2 tournaments and it was really fun for me and my friends. It was a simple, easy way to watch SC2 pro games and we watched it often. There were matches all the time and you got to know the players and the casters. You had someone like TotalBiscuit who was always hilarious as a caster and Idra who you never knew what was going to happen in a game with him. What’s he gonna do? Is he gonna rage quit this match? Let’s see. So we got invested, we knew the casters and the players and got excited for certain ones. I personally liked watching White-Ra as an “older” protoss player. Then Activison Blizzard bought the IPL and all the people involved and I don’t think I saw another “pro” game again. It would’ve been one thing if they kept the same format and left it on IGN I guess? They just “owned” it now but now, off the face of the Earth. I really don’t know what happened with it, if they still did stuff but it was on a different site, YouTube, I don’t know but it was such a bummer for us.

            People still talk about “maybe they’ll do something with StarCraft” and people will say “current Blizzard can’t do that” and I was one of those people until Xbox wedged themselves between Activision and Blizzard. I’m hopeful now for their franchises but we’ll have to wait and see. I think next Blizzcon could be very interesting. They could show off a new game or two, they won’t be ready for three or four years at minimum but it could be a very intriguing time next year. I’m really hoping for them to surprise people with a WarCraft 4 or StarWarCraft or something else people just aren’t expecting. I think a lot of the fumbles that Blizzard has had over the last few years has been because of Activision. Diablo Immortal, Overwatch 2, Cata Classic, I just believe it was Activision pushing these things but time will tell. Again, this time next year could show us where Blizzard really stands.

            So what do you have to say? How did you feel about the new trailers at Blizzcon? Can Blizzard make a comeback or do you think their best years are behind them? Let me know below and I’ll catch you later. Bye-bye.



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