September Rumors and MH6 Speculations


            Hello! So my last post was about rushing in games/real life and, as I’m sure it was apparent, the post itself was a little rushed. But I’m gonna try to be a little slower in this one, it might be short due to the fact that it’s kind of being stapled onto the last post but oh well. I might be repeating some things, it’s hard to keep track of what I’ve said before and stuff that I did type out but ended up deleting and not getting posted so, here we go.

            So, more rumors floating around now since my last post. Lots of Switch 2 rumors that are exciting, possible Nintendo direct this week, a PlayStation direct this month I think(?) and one for Capcom, which I talked mostly about in the last post. With the likelihood of Capcom showing off the next Monster Hunter this month I thought I would do some speculating about the next game. I remember sometime ago reading an article about a guy trying to make 1000 origami Switch Axes because in the weapons description, as well as the Japanese myth, that if you made 1000 of them (or paper cranes for the myth) then your wish would be granted. Well the poor guy actually went and made 1000 of these weapons and his wish was for these duck-like creatures from Frontier, called Gu-Ku, to come back and I think there might be an actual good shot of this happens in the next game. I really want it to be true, how cool would it be for the guy? But from what I’ve heard, the team behind Frontier has now moved onto working on the new Monster Hunter games so we could be seeing more Frontier influences in the future. Espinas was from Frontier so it’s only natural to assume some more will cross over.

            I can’t find the video now, what a surprise, but I was sure I saw a video from either Gaijin Hunter or Goombah that showed how similar the wire bugs in Rise were to another Monster Hunter like game. I think it was Toukiden and yeah, in the video it was very similar. You could move forward faster with this ability and use it on the monsters but in looking for this video I’m finding people say that this mechanic is in lots of games (I can’t think of any) and Toukiden’s doesn’t let you fly through the air like Rise’s does but it would make sense that Capcom would make some tweaks to their own mechanic but nevertheless, in the video I saw it was relatively apparent that Capcom ripped this idea off from another game. Not saying it was wrong or anyting, just that they took “inspiration” from some place. So to my point; what do you think Capcom will (I say “will” because I’d be more shocked if they didn’t) take “inspiration” from Wild Hearts? I apparently never made a post on Wild Hearts from looking at my blog page? Kind of odd, I’m sure I’ve mentioned some things I like and dislike about it in other posts but anyway. Wild Hearts has wind element, will Monster Hunter finally add in wind element? I would like to see Capcom’s take on the parasol weapon, it’s called something else in Wild Hearts but it’s basically a parasol. The palamutes have a defense item that’s a parasol so the in game reason behind the weapon could just be they adapted the weapon from palamutes to hunters. Wild Hearts also kind of seems like a dead game right now. I don’t know if Koei Tecmo is still planning on putting out new monsters, I haven’t been able to find anything saying otherwise but they haven’t done anything since spring so I don’t know.

            Aside from that, would they add a new weapon? There’s like 14 (if I remember right) now, would they want to keep adding weapons? Would they take anything away? I feel like taking a weapon away is like taking a fighter from a fighting game out in the next installment, you’re going to make some people very upset. I watched a video talking about other weapons from older games and spin offs, could one of those make an appearance?

            Something else I was thinking about was more voice options. I almost would like to have English voices but with accents. I think games like Apex are just kind of leaving their impression on me but I would kind of like different accents without having to change the language. I don’t even know; does Monster Hunter have other languages besides Eng, Jap and MonHun? I say this but I’d probably just end up playing in Japanese anyways. One think I would like is if someone I’m playing with is using English and I’m using Japanese that that’s what I would hear. Their character speaking in English and mine not. I don’t know why that sounds like a good idea right now, hmm I don’t know, maybe that’s where accents would be fun. Something else I thought I’ve mentioned but I can’t find is having some VTubers do voices. Capcom had Arin Hanson, ProZD and some other people that may or may not be YouTubers (I don’t know everyone) do some DLC voices so I’d like some VTubers because they’re silly. Off the top of my head I’d like to see Korone, Subaru, Salome, Henya, and/or Nyanners do some voices. Maybe even Ina, I think she actually likes and/or plays Monster Hunter regularly so that might be fun for her.

            I’d like more hair options. Just plain and simple, more character creation options in general I guess. That’s another thing Wild Hearts has going for it is a crazy amount of hair options. I think there were more options for anything and everything but I just did the hair and couldn’t be bothered with other options. I’m not one to play around with face options and all that, I don’t get it. I’d like more partially shaved hair styles personally. Fades and undercuts and what not. I’d like to have the shaved part one color and the rest a different color. I’d like the tips of the hair to be different from the rest of the hair. Things like that, just modern it up a bit. A tad. A whole fucking lot, whatever, just do it. I also would like some different afro options, like a female version. That sounds wrong but let me explain. Randomly the other day I got to thinking about the cop character from Michiko e Hatchin and was like “she’s cool, I’m gonna try to make that character in Sunbreak.” So I’m trying my best with skin tone and make up colors, other things that I can never get to look just right, and I picked the afro, went into the game and was like, “I hate this.” It just didn’t look right. The afro is too, perfect, you know? It’s too round whereas the character’s hair is more floppy. I like the floppy look. Gimme that. Oh, one thing Capcom should DEFINATLY steal from Wild Hearts is the ability to change your character whenever the fuck you want. I have a mod for Sunbreak right now and plan on getting the next Monster Hunter on PC only (no double dipping from me this time Capcom! I won’t do it!) so if Capcom still insists on being dinks about this I’m sure there’ll be a way to bypass it.

            The Switch 2 is said to be really powerful, somehow on par with the PS5, if that’s true, would Capcom show off MH6 during the Nintendo Direct? They showed off Rise during a Nintendo event, it was a Switch exclusive at the time too but I really think (and REALLY hope) that the next Monster Hunter will launch on everything simultaneously. PS5, Xboxes and PC, I don’t think they will do what they did with Rise. But seeing as how the Switch 2 is still probably over a year away then maybe it won’t show up during a Nintendo Direct. Maybe if the Switch 2 lives up to the hype they’ll put MH6 on it when it releases. It would be nice if they figured out crossplay too.

            But as for the Switch 2, it really feels like the end of the Switch’s life cycle doesn’t it? Like, I don’t ever think people get that feeling from PlayStation or Xbox like, I don’t know. Especially Xbox, it’s not like “wow they sure have pumped out a ton of exclusives, must be ready for some new hardware for the next installments.” But it’s almost always like that for Nintendo consoles. I’ve been hearing that Metroid Prime 4 looks really fucking good and now it makes sense if the Switch 2 is as powerful as the rumors suggest. I think Prime 4 will be like what Breath of the Wild was for the Wii U and Switch. It’ll come out on both and kind of signify the ending of the Switch.

            So that’s that. What do you have to say hmm? Anything? Nothing, like usual? Do you think Capcom should put this poor guys duckies back in Monster Hunter? Is there anything from Wild Hearts or any other game for that matter that Capcom could take some “inspiration” from? What about returning weapons or do you have an idea for a new one? Any voices or other cosmetic ideas you’d like to see come to the next game? Do you think we’ll see MH6 shown off this month or is it just smoke and mirrors? Let me know below and I’ll be back sometime! Bye-bye!



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