Finishing Up Pokemon Before TotK


Hello. Part of this was kind of planned for the last post and I took it out and the rest of it I wanted to do before Tears of the Kingdom came out but here we are. What I took out from the last post was having more PC issues. It was only about my headset at the time, I really don’t like wireless headsets, I’ve never had good luck with them but now there’s a real problem. For a while I feel like my motherboard has been going, half the USB ports just didn’t seem to work and I’d get warnings saying “USB power overload” or something and it’s like “What the fuck are you talking about?” Read some stuff online, never helpful btw, and people were saying to get a USB hub with it’s own power supply. Okay, did that, oh would you look at that, still happening. So I’ve just been putting up with it but I decided to buy a new motherboard the other week. I’ve had a new modular power supply sitting here next to me for like a year now, I bought it when I bought my newest video card but didn’t want to put it in cause I’ve I’m going to change out the PSU I might as well do the motherboard too. So, new motherboard came in, decided to make the swap, modular PSU’s are pretty cool along with having the little ins and outs in the back of the PC case to kind of hide some of the cords. Set aside my old PSU while changing everything and it’s just ridiculous all the wires those things have. So anyway, changed that, changed the motherboard, okay let’s go. I get to the Windows welcome screen and it just sits there for a few minutes. “No big deal, it’s the first time, things like this happen.” Finally comes on, okay cool. About every other time I turn the PC on I get stuck at the welcome screen and it crashes. Playing Wild Hearts with @NEETproxy, exit the game, computer crashes, go to get on Wild Hearts a day or two later, “Your save file has been corrupted and cannot be used,” cool, cool, cool. My character’s looks have changed, my armor is still there, my weapons, but it says I’m on Chapter 0 and as such, I can’t go anywhere. I can’t just like start doing the quests over, there’s nothing I can do. Fantastic. 36ish hours I can’t get back. Swapped my old motherboard back in, so far so good. I’ve only turned my PC on three times since but I haven’t blue screened yet so fingers crossed. I’ll just have to wait for when PC Gamer has another AMD build in the back of their magazine and buy those parts like I did the last time, if they ever have another AMD build.

So other than what I had wanted to talk about was finishing up Pokemon stuff before Tears of the Kingdom came out. I slogged through the Crown Tundra DLC and got the other horse and Regi Pokemon that I didn’t choose on my first play though and shoved them in my Home. I read online apparently Regigigas is kind of hidden in Sword/Shield. There’s a specific dynamax hole you have to find, you have to have caught the other five Regis and then you can fight him. He’s a level 100 dynamax and only you can fight him, no other teammates, human or NPC. Sounded cool but I wasn’t going to bother with it, if I knew about it during my initial playthrough then I probably would’ve been all over that, but now I can put Sword away for good. I was thinking I kind of want Kubfu in my Pokemon Home also since he IS kind of a special Pokemon but maybe later.

I also happened to get Iron Leaves in Scarlet after swearing off co-oping in Scarlet/Violet. I had got on and had the mindset of doing it a few times and if it seemed as hopeless as before then I wouldn’t bother and either Game Freak made the fight easier or people were finally figuring out what to do. I think my first fight my team got him down to yellow which I’ve never seen it be past half health before that. Tried a few more times, failed, it kept casting Electric Terrain on it’s first turn and it’s ability kicks in and I was like “man, I’d really love to get rid of that, would sunny day or something change that?” I looked it up and there are some moves that get rid of “terrains” one of which being Ice Spinner and I was like “I’ve got that.” One of the Pokemon I used on my normal ass team had that, Cetitan, so I grab her and go back to the fight. Sure enough I use that move and the terrain goes away. First match I still lost but I think it was only the second one with Cetitan that my team finally defeated it. We had some odd ball group also and I also didn’t realize more than one person could teralize? Teratilize? What ever the gimmick is, at one time, I thought it was like dynamaxing and only one person could do it but in any case, I got the fucking thing so once Pokemon Home opens up I can shove it in my box and forget all about it.

And now Tears of the Kingdom is out and like 95% of Switch owners I am playing it. I wasn’t too into it at first, it kind of just felt like Breath of the Wild Plus but it’s broken away and become it’s own game and I’m back at that place I was six years ago when I hardly did anything besides playing Zelda. There’s just so much to explore and so many things to get distracted by. There’s so much crap in here for the Zelda theorist of YouTube to unpack, they’re going to be good for a couple years I’d guess. I think TotK is the first $70 game to really justify itself from all these AAA games coming out and being unplayable piles of garbage. It’s just crazy that we have all of Hyrule to explore again, an underground area (that I don’t think is as big as all of Hyrule, could be wrong), and sky islands.

I saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 recently and it was very good I’d say. Best Marvel movie in a while. For the most part the Marvel Movies follow the same formula, the same path and even though you could say the same about this movie it’s done differently in my opinion. It was a very emotional movie for me. I’m very quick to tears, usually if characters are crying, I’m crying but I think there was just so much like, depictions or assumed animal cruelty happening that it just made me sad. Every time Rocket was interacting with the High Evolutionary I just wanted to go home and be with my dog. During Wakanda Forever everyone was crying all the time but I don’t think I was really bothered during that movie. Like their grief was real, it was for Chadwick as much as T’challa and that grief didn’t belong to me you know? I think the last movie I really got emotional over was Vol. 2 honestly even though I don’t think it’s a very good movie. It started great, it started very comic book-y but then it went into this overused plot of “I never played catch with my dad~” What got me was the ending with sending Yondu off. Between the Ravengers showing up, the song playing and Sean Gunn’s acting it gets me every time. Overall the Marvel movies have been kind of meh recently. I liked Thor Ragnarok fine but what I liked was all the Sakaar stuff, I couldn’t care less about Asgard and Hela. No Way Home and Multiverse of Madness were a lot of fun. Love and Thunder went too far with the Ragnarok formula and Quantumania was a typical Marvel movie. I didn’t realize James Gunn had made up the Sovereign until just recently. At the time anyway, might be in now, they were not in the comics, they were a race he created, I thought that was kind of cool. The ending was interesting, there’s multiple ways they could continue the series but (spoiler, skip this if you care) found it interesting that the ending said “Star-Lord will return” but nothing about the Guardians. I hope there are more of them. Might be hard for Sean Gunn to play Kraglin and stand in for Rocket all the time. Maybe not, maybe he’s done that more in the other movies and I just don’t recall those scenes.

That’s that. I’m gonna get back to Tears of the Kingdom. Playing TotK really makes me want more out of Pokemon Legends. I still think I like Legends more than Scarlet/Violet. I just really like being able to throw pokeballs to catch Pokemon rather than starting battles before you can do anything. I like the mysteries and quest of Legends and Tears of the Kingdom. That’s what makes me want to play these games constantly until I find out the answers to the unknowns. So what are you up to? Playing Tears of the Kingdom? Have PC issues yourself or solutions for mine? Let me know and I’ll get back to you sometime. Bye bye!



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