Nintendo Mood


           Hello, this started out as something else but kind of derailed so I’m going to try to rework it. I’ve been playing Metroid Prime Remastered and was feeling nostalgic and a little bitter. Bitter because I traded in my Wii U and all my Wii stuff including Metroid Prime Trilogy. If I hadn’t sold that stuff I probably wouldn’t have the need to buy the remaster and it made me think back on the Wii and such. It all just made me think about Nintendo as a whole right now.

            So much has happened since I started this. Soo, okay, first off I really enjoyed the Wii and the motion controls. Playing Metroid Prime Remastered I started off bouncing back and forth between motion and standard controls and the motion just felt better to me. With standard controls you have your arm canon out directly in front of you and it’s just kind of weird. I like the motion and actually moving the canon around. In a normal FPS with a gun I understand but it just seems weird for Samus. But for the rest of Wii games I really enjoyed what they did with the controller. It was truly different than anything else, made you interact with games in a way we’ve never had before and it was cool. VR doesn’t really do anything for me, like yeah it’s kind of cool but it’s not quite there for me or there’s just not a game where it’s like “I have to play this!” Though these glasses are intriguing. I haven’t watched the video myself but I will. If it’s what I kind of saw while scrolling quickly it could be a neat way to play Prime Remastered.

            The Wii U was done dirty. It was a missed opportunity. I really thought a Prime game on it would’ve been a good fit with the gamepad. The pad could have the different canon types, visors, map, we could’ve used it to scan items by holding it up to the TV. My mind also raced with all the new things they could use the pad for in a Mario Galaxy 3. I also thought the gamepad would’ve been good for a Pokemon Snap.

            I’ve finished Pokemon Scarlet recently. I was having a rough time at the end. I got all the badges and then had to fight a few people to end the story and they’re Pokemon were all much higher than what I had and I was like “what the fuck.” Grinding for xp kinda sucks in this game and my team kind of sucked too. I had Pawmo, Pawmot, whatever he is, forever because he was cool. A electric fighting type, what’s not to like? But I’d fight a bird and be like “bird, electric’s good for that” but then forget that he’s fighting also and would get wrecked. So I had to like reevaluate my team, go catch some new fucks and level them up drugs. I had randomly found a level 75 tera-ized Lucario and somehow caught him so he was on the team. Had my fire starter, got the psychic ostrich, the ice Pac-Man, Cetitan I think?, got the walking Tentacruel that I like a lot actually. I never cared for Tentacruel too much but Toedscruel is cool. I had a Bellibolt but then I found a random tera-ized Raichu on an island that knew thunderbolt, surf, focus shot and grass knot. Like, what the fuck, yes please. So once everyone was leveled and I got moves I liked I went back through and more or less crushed the rest of the game. With @NEETproxy’s help we went through and got all the paradox Pokemon we could. We missed the event for Walking Wake and Iron Leaves because we weren’t playing at the time. I also don’t know how much I care about paradox Pokemon, they’re like ultra beast, I really don’t care but because of Sword I was able to get all the ultra beast but… It’s a thing. BUT after I did all the story crap and did the paradox stuff I was doing the academy tournament thing and fought the Pokemon Champion AGAIN and was going to be done but then their like “Oh Nemona, you can join the next one since you were busy organizing this one” and I was like “FUCK” so I did it again figuring I would fight Nemona only to face Geeta AGAIN and I was like “fine, whatever Nemona, you clearly suck.” Now I’m at the point of “what do I do now Pokemon Company?” If only you had some end game content like a battle park or frontier for me to mess around in. Am I just suppose to wait around for the DLC? Randomly keep checking the internet for new tera-raid events? I originally thought about playing Platinum again to get to the frontier so whenever I felt like it I could play that but then I had another idea about Sword. I had got Kubfu, as you do, in the expansion and got one of his forms but not the other one so I was like “well, I guess I can restart Sword” cause I know you can get Kobfu rather quickly if you want to. I loaded Sword up to see if there were any ‘mons I wanted to move to my bank before I restarted and noticed that I had a lot of my Pokemon on the game. Like, MY Pokemon, Pokemon I’ve had since Platinum and was like “that was close.” As I was transferring them to the bank and looking at my legendaries I was reminded of that STUPID FUCKING THING THAT RIDES A HORSE and the other Regi thing cause you can only get ONE per run! Mother fucker; since I’m restarting to get the other Kubfu I might as well just play the whole fucking game again!

            What else did I want to talk about? Mario Kart is getting more characters it seems. Birdo was just added and there’s 5 more question marks, who could they be? Bowsette? Please?! I imagine Pauline, maybe Diddy Kong, I would like someone from Odyssey like a little man from the Sand Kingdom or a broodal, personally I’d like Hariet. Then there’s a question mark down in the row with the other Nintendo fucks like Link and Inklings so could they bring another character in? Samus? Kirby? Fox? I would personally think Samus with all the buzz around Metroid right now, maybe she’ll be released for Kart when 4 comes out or gets a proper trailer.

            Last thing I was thinking of was for a new Smash if they would use Samus’ Dread design and/or her “final form.” Maybe she could have two characters, one more traditional and a Metroid Samus that used more slashing attacks then the arm canon. Maybe the traditional Samus would be the Metroid Prime 4 design or for her final smash as Dread Samus she morbs out into Metroid Samus?

            Just some quickish thoughts that I really wanted to spend more time on but I’ve got a lot of dumb shit going on IRL and now I have to play through Sword again cause something is wrong with my FUCKING BRAIN! I’VE BEEN YELLING A LOT I’M SORRY. I was listening to Heretic Anthem on my way home from work last night and I was like, not head banging but bebooping like I was listening to vocaloid music, idk how to explain it, I’m just kind of bouncy right now. Anyway what do you think? Strong feelings for/against the Wii/motion controls? Have no problem in the baby game and don’t understand why I had such a hard time? Who do you think the next characters in Mario Kart will be? Will we ever get a new Smash Bros. game and do you have thoughts about Samus or any other character reworks for it? Let me know below and I’m going to go delete my save file on Sword and cry. BYE-BYE


                                              Can't quite confirm but fairly certain this is by @JPsupper


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